# hyprpicker A wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck. ![hyprpickerShort](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43317083/188224867-7d77a3b3-0a66-488c-8019-39b00060ab42.gif) # Usage Launch it. Click. That's it. ## Options `-f | --format=[fmt]` specifies the output format (`cmyk`, `hex`, `rgb`, `hsl`, `hsv`) `-n | --no-fancy` disables the "fancy" (aka. colored) outputting `-h | --help` prints a help message `-a | --autocopy` automatically copies the output to the clipboard (requires [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard)) # Building ## Arch `yay -S hyprpicker-git` ## Manual `make all` the output binary is in `./build/hyprpicker` # Caveats "Freezes" your displays when picking the color.