#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include <linux/input.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_output.h> #include <wlr/interfaces/wlr_input_device.h> #include <wlr/interfaces/wlr_keyboard.h> #include <wlr/interfaces/wlr_output.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include "backend/rdp.h" #include "util/signal.h" static BOOL xf_peer_capabilities(freerdp_peer *client) { return TRUE; } static BOOL xf_peer_post_connect(freerdp_peer *client) { return TRUE; } static BOOL xf_peer_activate(freerdp_peer *client) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)client->context; struct wlr_rdp_backend *backend = context->backend; rdpSettings *settings = client->settings; if (!settings->SurfaceCommandsEnabled) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "RDP peer does not support SurfaceCommands"); return FALSE; } context->output = wlr_rdp_output_create(backend, context, (int)settings->DesktopWidth, (int)settings->DesktopHeight); if (!context->output) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to allcoate output for RDP peer"); return FALSE; } rfx_context_reset(context->rfx_context, context->output->wlr_output.width, context->output->wlr_output.height); nsc_context_reset(context->nsc_context, context->output->wlr_output.width, context->output->wlr_output.height); if (context->flags & RDP_PEER_ACTIVATED) { return TRUE; } context->pointer = wlr_rdp_pointer_create(backend, context); if (!context->pointer) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to allocate pointer for RDP peer"); return FALSE; } // Use wlroots' software cursors instead of remote cursors POINTER_SYSTEM_UPDATE pointer_system; rdpPointerUpdate *pointer = client->update->pointer; pointer_system.type = SYSPTR_NULL; pointer->PointerSystem(client->context, &pointer_system); context->keyboard = wlr_rdp_keyboard_create(backend, settings); if (!context->keyboard) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to allocate keyboard for RDP peer"); return FALSE; } context->flags |= RDP_PEER_ACTIVATED; return TRUE; } static int xf_suppress_output(rdpContext *context, BYTE allow, const RECTANGLE_16 *area) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *peer_context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)context; if (allow) { peer_context->flags |= RDP_PEER_OUTPUT_ENABLED; } else { peer_context->flags &= ~RDP_PEER_OUTPUT_ENABLED; } return true; } static int xf_input_synchronize_event(rdpInput *input, UINT32 flags) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)input->context; wlr_output_damage_whole(&context->output->wlr_output); return true; } static inline int64_t timespec_to_msec(const struct timespec *a) { return (int64_t)a->tv_sec * 1000 + a->tv_nsec / 1000000; } static int xf_input_mouse_event(rdpInput *input, UINT16 flags, UINT16 x, UINT16 y) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)input->context; struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device = &context->pointer->wlr_input_device; struct wlr_pointer *pointer = wlr_device->pointer; bool frame = false; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_MOVE) { struct wlr_event_pointer_motion_absolute event = { 0 }; event.device = wlr_device; event.time_msec = timespec_to_msec(&now); event.x = x / (double)context->output->wlr_output.width; event.y = y / (double)context->output->wlr_output.height; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.motion_absolute, &event); frame = true; } uint32_t button = 0; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1) { button = BTN_LEFT; } else if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2) { button = BTN_RIGHT; } else if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3) { button = BTN_MIDDLE; } if (button) { struct wlr_event_pointer_button event = { 0 }; event.device = wlr_device; event.time_msec = timespec_to_msec(&now); event.button = button; event.state = (flags & PTR_FLAGS_DOWN) ? WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED : WLR_BUTTON_RELEASED; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.button, &event); frame = true; } if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL) { double value = -(flags & 0xFF) / 120.0; if (flags & PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE) { value = -value; } struct wlr_event_pointer_axis event = { 0 }; event.device = &context->pointer->wlr_input_device; event.time_msec = timespec_to_msec(&now); event.source = WLR_AXIS_SOURCE_WHEEL; event.orientation = WLR_AXIS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; event.delta = value; event.delta_discrete = (int32_t)value; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.axis, &event); frame = true; } if (frame) { wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.frame, pointer); } return true; } static int xf_input_extended_mouse_event( rdpInput *input, UINT16 flags, UINT16 x, UINT16 y) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)input->context; struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device = &context->pointer->wlr_input_device; struct wlr_pointer *pointer = wlr_device->pointer; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); struct wlr_event_pointer_motion_absolute event = { 0 }; event.device = wlr_device; event.time_msec = timespec_to_msec(&now); event.x = x / (double)context->output->wlr_output.width; event.y = y / (double)context->output->wlr_output.height; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.motion_absolute, &event); wlr_signal_emit_safe(&pointer->events.frame, pointer); return true; } static int xf_input_keyboard_event(rdpInput *input, UINT16 flags, UINT16 code) { struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)input->context; struct wlr_input_device *wlr_device = &context->keyboard->wlr_input_device; struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = wlr_device->keyboard; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); if (!(context->flags & RDP_PEER_ACTIVATED)) { return true; } bool notify = false; enum wlr_key_state state; if ((flags & KBD_FLAGS_DOWN)) { state = WLR_KEY_PRESSED; notify = true; } else if ((flags & KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE)) { state = WLR_KEY_RELEASED; notify = true; } if (notify) { uint32_t full_code = code; if (flags & KBD_FLAGS_EXTENDED) { full_code |= KBD_FLAGS_EXTENDED; } uint32_t vk_code = GetVirtualKeyCodeFromVirtualScanCode(full_code, 4); if (flags & KBD_FLAGS_EXTENDED) { vk_code |= KBDEXT; } uint32_t scan_code = GetKeycodeFromVirtualKeyCode( vk_code, KEYCODE_TYPE_EVDEV); struct wlr_event_keyboard_key event = { 0 }; event.time_msec = timespec_to_msec(&now); event.keycode = scan_code - 8; event.state = state; event.update_state = true; wlr_keyboard_notify_key(keyboard, &event); } return true; } static int xf_input_unicode_keyboard_event(rdpInput *input, UINT16 flags, UINT16 code) { wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "Unhandled RDP unicode keyboard event " "(flags:0x%X code:0x%X)\n", flags, code); return true; } static int rdp_client_activity(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { freerdp_peer *client = (freerdp_peer *)data; if (!client->CheckFileDescriptor(client)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Unable to check client file descriptor for %p", client); freerdp_peer_context_free(client); freerdp_peer_free(client); } return 0; } static int rdp_peer_context_new( freerdp_peer *client, struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context) { context->peer = client; context->flags = RDP_PEER_OUTPUT_ENABLED; context->rfx_context = rfx_context_new(TRUE); if (!context->rfx_context) { return false; } context->rfx_context->mode = RLGR3; context->rfx_context->width = client->settings->DesktopWidth; context->rfx_context->height = client->settings->DesktopHeight; rfx_context_set_pixel_format(context->rfx_context, PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32); context->nsc_context = nsc_context_new(); if (!context->nsc_context) { rfx_context_free(context->rfx_context); return false; } nsc_context_set_pixel_format(context->nsc_context, PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32); context->encode_stream = Stream_New(NULL, 65536); if (!context->encode_stream) { nsc_context_free(context->nsc_context); rfx_context_free(context->rfx_context); return false; } return true; } static void rdp_peer_context_free( freerdp_peer *client, struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *context) { if (!context) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FREERDP_FDS; ++i) { if (context->events[i]) { wl_event_source_remove(context->events[i]); } } if (context->flags & RDP_PEER_ACTIVATED) { wlr_output_destroy(&context->output->wlr_output); wlr_input_device_destroy(&context->pointer->wlr_input_device); wlr_input_device_destroy(&context->keyboard->wlr_input_device); } wl_list_remove(&context->link); wlr_output_destroy(&context->output->wlr_output); Stream_Free(context->encode_stream, TRUE); nsc_context_free(context->nsc_context); rfx_context_free(context->rfx_context); free(context->rfx_rects); } int rdp_peer_init(freerdp_peer *client, struct wlr_rdp_backend *backend) { client->ContextSize = sizeof(struct wlr_rdp_peer_context); client->ContextNew = (psPeerContextNew)rdp_peer_context_new; client->ContextFree = (psPeerContextFree)rdp_peer_context_free; freerdp_peer_context_new(client); struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *peer_context = (struct wlr_rdp_peer_context *)client->context; peer_context->backend = backend; client->settings->CertificateFile = strdup(backend->tls_cert_path); client->settings->PrivateKeyFile = strdup(backend->tls_key_path); client->settings->NlaSecurity = FALSE; if (!client->Initialize(client)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to initialize FreeRDP peer"); goto err_init; } client->settings->OsMajorType = OSMAJORTYPE_UNIX; client->settings->OsMinorType = OSMINORTYPE_PSEUDO_XSERVER; client->settings->ColorDepth = 32; client->settings->RefreshRect = TRUE; client->settings->RemoteFxCodec = TRUE; client->settings->NSCodec = TRUE; client->settings->FrameMarkerCommandEnabled = TRUE; client->settings->SurfaceFrameMarkerEnabled = TRUE; client->Capabilities = xf_peer_capabilities; client->PostConnect = xf_peer_post_connect; client->Activate = xf_peer_activate; client->update->SuppressOutput = (pSuppressOutput)xf_suppress_output; client->input->SynchronizeEvent = xf_input_synchronize_event; client->input->MouseEvent = xf_input_mouse_event; client->input->ExtendedMouseEvent = xf_input_extended_mouse_event; client->input->KeyboardEvent = xf_input_keyboard_event; client->input->UnicodeKeyboardEvent = xf_input_unicode_keyboard_event; int rcount = 0; void *rfds[MAX_FREERDP_FDS]; if (!client->GetFileDescriptor(client, rfds, &rcount)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve client file descriptors"); goto err_init; } struct wl_event_loop *event_loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(backend->display); int i; for (i = 0; i < rcount; ++i) { int fd = (int)(long)(rfds[i]); peer_context->events[i] = wl_event_loop_add_fd( event_loop, fd, WL_EVENT_READABLE, rdp_client_activity, client); } for (; i < MAX_FREERDP_FDS; ++i) { peer_context->events[i] = NULL; } wl_list_insert(&backend->clients, &peer_context->link); return 0; err_init: client->Close(client); return -1; }