project( 'wlroots', 'c', version: '0.12.0', license: 'MIT', meson_version: '>=0.54.0', default_options: [ 'c_std=c11', 'warning_level=2', 'werror=true', ], ) # When doing a major or minor release, *always* increase soversion. This isn't # necessary for bugfix releases. Increasing soversion is required because # wlroots never guarantees ABI stability -- only API stability is guaranteed # between minor releases. soversion = 7 add_project_arguments([ '-DWLR_USE_UNSTABLE', ], language: 'c') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wundef', '-Wlogical-op', '-Wmissing-include-dirs', '-Wold-style-definition', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Winit-self', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wimplicit-fallthrough=2', '-Wendif-labels', '-Wstrict-aliasing=2', '-Woverflow', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wno-missing-braces', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-unused-parameter', ]), language: 'c') # Compute the relative path used by compiler invocations. source_root = meson.current_source_dir().split('/') build_root = meson.build_root().split('/') relative_dir_parts = [] i = 0 in_prefix = true foreach p : build_root if i >= source_root.length() or not in_prefix or p != source_root[i] in_prefix = false relative_dir_parts += '..' endif i += 1 endforeach i = 0 in_prefix = true foreach p : source_root if i >= build_root.length() or not in_prefix or build_root[i] != p in_prefix = false relative_dir_parts += p endif i += 1 endforeach relative_dir = join_paths(relative_dir_parts) + '/' # Strip relative path prefixes from the code if possible, otherwise hide them. if cc.has_argument('-fmacro-prefix-map=/prefix/to/hide=') add_project_arguments( '-fmacro-prefix-map=@0@='.format(relative_dir), language: 'c', ) else add_project_arguments( '-DWLR_REL_SRC_DIR="@0@"'.format(relative_dir), language: 'c', ) endif features = { 'systemd': false, 'elogind': false, 'libseat': false, 'x11-backend': false, 'xwayland': false, 'xcb-errors': false, 'xcb-icccm': false, 'xdg-foreign': false, } wayland_server = dependency('wayland-server', version: '>=1.19') wayland_client = dependency('wayland-client') wayland_protos = dependency('wayland-protocols', version: '>=1.17') egl = dependency('egl') glesv2 = dependency('glesv2') drm = dependency('libdrm', version: '>=2.4.95') gbm = dependency('gbm', version: '>=17.1.0') libinput = dependency('libinput', version: '>=1.14.0') xkbcommon = dependency('xkbcommon') udev = dependency('libudev') pixman = dependency('pixman-1') math = cc.find_library('m') rt = cc.find_library('rt') if not get_option('xdg-foreign').disabled() uuid = dependency('uuid', required: false) uuid_create = cc.has_function('uuid_create') if uuid.found() or uuid_create features += { 'xdg-foreign': true } elif get_option('xdg-foreign').enabled() error('Missing dependency uuid and uuid_create function not available ' + 'cannot build with xdg-foreign support') endif endif wlr_files = [] wlr_deps = [ wayland_server, wayland_client, wayland_protos, egl, glesv2, drm, gbm, libinput, xkbcommon, udev, pixman, math, rt, ] subdir('protocol') subdir('render') subdir('backend') subdir('types') subdir('util') subdir('xcursor') subdir('xwayland') subdir('include') wlr_inc = include_directories('.', 'include') proto_inc = include_directories('protocol') symbols_file = 'wlroots.syms' symbols_flag = '-Wl,--version-script,@0@/@1@'.format(meson.current_source_dir(), symbols_file) lib_wlr = library( meson.project_name(), wlr_files, soversion: soversion, dependencies: wlr_deps, include_directories: [wlr_inc, proto_inc], install: true, link_args: symbols_flag, link_depends: symbols_file, ) wlr_vars = {} foreach name, have : features wlr_vars += { 'have_' + name.underscorify(): have.to_string() } endforeach wlroots = declare_dependency( link_with: lib_wlr, dependencies: wlr_deps, include_directories: wlr_inc, variables: wlr_vars, ) meson.override_dependency('wlroots', wlroots) summary(features, bool_yn: true) if get_option('examples') subdir('examples') endif pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') pkgconfig.generate(lib_wlr, version: meson.project_version(), filebase: meson.project_name(), name: meson.project_name(), description: 'Wayland compositor library', variables: wlr_vars, )