#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "types/wlr_data_device.h" static void drag_handle_seat_client_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_drag *drag = wl_container_of(listener, drag, seat_client_destroy); drag->focus_client = NULL; wl_list_remove(&drag->seat_client_destroy.link); } static void drag_set_focus(struct wlr_drag *drag, struct wlr_surface *surface, double sx, double sy) { if (drag->focus == surface) { return; } if (drag->focus_client) { wl_list_remove(&drag->seat_client_destroy.link); // If we're switching focus to another client, we want to destroy all // offers without destroying the source. If the drag operation ends, we // want to keep the offer around for the data transfer. struct wlr_data_offer *offer, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(offer, tmp, &drag->focus_client->seat->drag_offers, link) { struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(offer->resource); if (!drag->dropped && offer->source == drag->source && client == drag->focus_client->client) { offer->source = NULL; data_offer_destroy(offer); } } struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &drag->focus_client->data_devices) { wl_data_device_send_leave(resource); } drag->focus_client = NULL; drag->focus = NULL; } if (!surface) { goto out; } if (!drag->source && wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource) != drag->seat_client->client) { goto out; } struct wlr_seat_client *focus_client = wlr_seat_client_for_wl_client( drag->seat_client->seat, wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource)); if (!focus_client) { goto out; } if (drag->source != NULL) { drag->source->accepted = false; uint32_t serial = wl_display_next_serial(drag->seat_client->seat->display); struct wl_resource *device_resource; wl_resource_for_each(device_resource, &focus_client->data_devices) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_create(device_resource, drag->source, WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG); if (offer == NULL) { wl_resource_post_no_memory(device_resource); return; } data_offer_update_action(offer); if (wl_resource_get_version(offer->resource) >= WL_DATA_OFFER_SOURCE_ACTIONS_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_data_offer_send_source_actions(offer->resource, drag->source->actions); } wl_data_device_send_enter(device_resource, serial, surface->resource, wl_fixed_from_double(sx), wl_fixed_from_double(sy), offer->resource); } } drag->focus = surface; drag->focus_client = focus_client; drag->seat_client_destroy.notify = drag_handle_seat_client_destroy; wl_signal_add(&focus_client->events.destroy, &drag->seat_client_destroy); out: wl_signal_emit_mutable(&drag->events.focus, drag); } static void drag_icon_set_mapped(struct wlr_drag_icon *icon, bool mapped) { if (mapped && !icon->mapped) { icon->mapped = true; wl_signal_emit_mutable(&icon->events.map, icon); } else if (!mapped && icon->mapped) { icon->mapped = false; wl_signal_emit_mutable(&icon->events.unmap, icon); } } static void drag_destroy(struct wlr_drag *drag) { if (drag->cancelling) { return; } drag->cancelling = true; if (drag->started) { wlr_seat_keyboard_end_grab(drag->seat); switch (drag->grab_type) { case WLR_DRAG_GRAB_KEYBOARD: break; case WLR_DRAG_GRAB_KEYBOARD_POINTER: wlr_seat_pointer_end_grab(drag->seat); break; case WLR_DRAG_GRAB_KEYBOARD_TOUCH: wlr_seat_touch_end_grab(drag->seat); break; } } if (drag->started) { drag_set_focus(drag, NULL, 0, 0); assert(drag->seat->drag == drag); drag->seat->drag = NULL; } // We issue destroy after ending the grab to allow focus changes. // Furthermore, we wait until after clearing the drag focus in order // to ensure that the wl_data_device.leave is sent before emitting the // signal. This allows e.g. wl_pointer.enter to be sent in the destroy // signal handler. wl_signal_emit_mutable(&drag->events.destroy, drag); if (drag->source) { wl_list_remove(&drag->source_destroy.link); } if (drag->icon != NULL) { wlr_surface_destroy_role_object(drag->icon->surface); } free(drag); } static void drag_handle_pointer_enter(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab, struct wlr_surface *surface, double sx, double sy) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_set_focus(drag, surface, sx, sy); } static void drag_handle_pointer_clear_focus(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_set_focus(drag, NULL, 0, 0); } static void drag_handle_pointer_motion(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time, double sx, double sy) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; if (drag->focus != NULL && drag->focus_client != NULL) { struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &drag->focus_client->data_devices) { wl_data_device_send_motion(resource, time, wl_fixed_from_double(sx), wl_fixed_from_double(sy)); } struct wlr_drag_motion_event event = { .drag = drag, .time = time, .sx = sx, .sy = sy, }; wl_signal_emit_mutable(&drag->events.motion, &event); } } static void drag_drop(struct wlr_drag *drag, uint32_t time) { assert(drag->focus_client); drag->dropped = true; struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &drag->focus_client->data_devices) { wl_data_device_send_drop(resource); } if (drag->source) { wlr_data_source_dnd_drop(drag->source); } struct wlr_drag_drop_event event = { .drag = drag, .time = time, }; wl_signal_emit_mutable(&drag->events.drop, &event); } static uint32_t drag_handle_pointer_button(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; if (drag->source && grab->seat->pointer_state.grab_button == button && state == WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED) { if (drag->focus_client && drag->source->current_dnd_action && drag->source->accepted) { drag_drop(drag, time); } else if (drag->source->impl->dnd_finish) { // This will end the grab and free `drag` wlr_data_source_destroy(drag->source); return 0; } } if (grab->seat->pointer_state.button_count == 0 && state == WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED) { drag_destroy(drag); } return 0; } static void drag_handle_pointer_axis(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time, enum wlr_axis_orientation orientation, double value, int32_t value_discrete, enum wlr_axis_source source) { // This space is intentionally left blank } static void drag_handle_pointer_cancel(struct wlr_seat_pointer_grab *grab) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_destroy(drag); } static const struct wlr_pointer_grab_interface data_device_pointer_drag_interface = { .enter = drag_handle_pointer_enter, .clear_focus = drag_handle_pointer_clear_focus, .motion = drag_handle_pointer_motion, .button = drag_handle_pointer_button, .axis = drag_handle_pointer_axis, .cancel = drag_handle_pointer_cancel, }; static uint32_t drag_handle_touch_down(struct wlr_seat_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time, struct wlr_touch_point *point) { // eat the event return 0; } static void drag_handle_touch_up(struct wlr_seat_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time, struct wlr_touch_point *point) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; if (drag->grab_touch_id != point->touch_id) { return; } if (drag->focus_client) { drag_drop(drag, time); } drag_destroy(drag); } static void drag_handle_touch_motion(struct wlr_seat_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time, struct wlr_touch_point *point) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; if (drag->focus && drag->focus_client) { struct wl_resource *resource; wl_resource_for_each(resource, &drag->focus_client->data_devices) { wl_data_device_send_motion(resource, time, wl_fixed_from_double(point->sx), wl_fixed_from_double(point->sy)); } } } static void drag_handle_touch_enter(struct wlr_seat_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time, struct wlr_touch_point *point) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_set_focus(drag, point->focus_surface, point->sx, point->sy); } static void drag_handle_touch_cancel(struct wlr_seat_touch_grab *grab) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_destroy(drag); } static const struct wlr_touch_grab_interface data_device_touch_drag_interface = { .down = drag_handle_touch_down, .up = drag_handle_touch_up, .motion = drag_handle_touch_motion, .enter = drag_handle_touch_enter, .cancel = drag_handle_touch_cancel, }; static void drag_handle_keyboard_enter(struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab *grab, struct wlr_surface *surface, uint32_t keycodes[], size_t num_keycodes, struct wlr_keyboard_modifiers *modifiers) { // nothing has keyboard focus during drags } static void drag_handle_keyboard_clear_focus(struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab *grab) { // nothing has keyboard focus during drags } static void drag_handle_keyboard_key(struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab *grab, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t state) { // no keyboard input during drags } static void drag_handle_keyboard_modifiers(struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab *grab, struct wlr_keyboard_modifiers *modifiers) { //struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = grab->seat->keyboard_state.keyboard; // TODO change the dnd action based on what modifier is pressed on the // keyboard } static void drag_handle_keyboard_cancel(struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab *grab) { struct wlr_drag *drag = grab->data; drag_destroy(drag); } static const struct wlr_keyboard_grab_interface data_device_keyboard_drag_interface = { .enter = drag_handle_keyboard_enter, .clear_focus = drag_handle_keyboard_clear_focus, .key = drag_handle_keyboard_key, .modifiers = drag_handle_keyboard_modifiers, .cancel = drag_handle_keyboard_cancel, }; static void drag_handle_icon_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_drag *drag = wl_container_of(listener, drag, icon_destroy); drag->icon = NULL; } static void drag_handle_drag_source_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_drag *drag = wl_container_of(listener, drag, source_destroy); drag_destroy(drag); } static void drag_icon_surface_role_commit(struct wlr_surface *surface) { assert(surface->role == &drag_icon_surface_role); struct wlr_drag_icon *icon = surface->role_data; if (icon == NULL) { return; } drag_icon_set_mapped(icon, wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface)); } static void drag_icon_surface_role_destroy(struct wlr_surface *surface) { assert(surface->role == &drag_icon_surface_role); struct wlr_drag_icon *icon = surface->role_data; if (icon == NULL) { return; } drag_icon_set_mapped(icon, false); wl_signal_emit_mutable(&icon->events.destroy, icon); free(icon); } const struct wlr_surface_role drag_icon_surface_role = { .name = "wl_data_device-icon", .commit = drag_icon_surface_role_commit, .destroy = drag_icon_surface_role_destroy, }; static struct wlr_drag_icon *drag_icon_create(struct wlr_drag *drag, struct wlr_surface *surface) { struct wlr_drag_icon *icon = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_drag_icon)); if (!icon) { return NULL; } icon->drag = drag; icon->surface = surface; wl_signal_init(&icon->events.map); wl_signal_init(&icon->events.unmap); wl_signal_init(&icon->events.destroy); icon->surface->role_data = icon; if (wlr_surface_has_buffer(surface)) { drag_icon_set_mapped(icon, true); } return icon; } struct wlr_drag *wlr_drag_create(struct wlr_seat_client *seat_client, struct wlr_data_source *source, struct wlr_surface *icon_surface) { struct wlr_drag *drag = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_drag)); if (drag == NULL) { return NULL; } wl_signal_init(&drag->events.focus); wl_signal_init(&drag->events.motion); wl_signal_init(&drag->events.drop); wl_signal_init(&drag->events.destroy); drag->seat = seat_client->seat; drag->seat_client = seat_client; if (icon_surface) { struct wlr_drag_icon *icon = drag_icon_create(drag, icon_surface); if (icon == NULL) { free(drag); return NULL; } drag->icon = icon; drag->icon_destroy.notify = drag_handle_icon_destroy; wl_signal_add(&icon->events.destroy, &drag->icon_destroy); } drag->source = source; if (source != NULL) { drag->source_destroy.notify = drag_handle_drag_source_destroy; wl_signal_add(&source->events.destroy, &drag->source_destroy); } drag->pointer_grab.data = drag; drag->pointer_grab.interface = &data_device_pointer_drag_interface; drag->touch_grab.data = drag; drag->touch_grab.interface = &data_device_touch_drag_interface; drag->keyboard_grab.data = drag; drag->keyboard_grab.interface = &data_device_keyboard_drag_interface; return drag; } void wlr_seat_request_start_drag(struct wlr_seat *seat, struct wlr_drag *drag, struct wlr_surface *origin, uint32_t serial) { assert(drag->seat == seat); if (seat->drag != NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "Rejecting start_drag request, " "another drag-and-drop operation is already in progress"); return; } struct wlr_seat_request_start_drag_event event = { .drag = drag, .origin = origin, .serial = serial, }; wl_signal_emit_mutable(&seat->events.request_start_drag, &event); } static void seat_handle_drag_source_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_seat *seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, drag_source_destroy); wl_list_remove(&seat->drag_source_destroy.link); seat->drag_source = NULL; } void wlr_seat_start_drag(struct wlr_seat *seat, struct wlr_drag *drag, uint32_t serial) { assert(drag->seat == seat); assert(!drag->started); drag->started = true; wlr_seat_keyboard_start_grab(seat, &drag->keyboard_grab); seat->drag = drag; seat->drag_serial = serial; // We need to destroy the previous source, because listeners only expect one // active drag source at a time. wlr_data_source_destroy(seat->drag_source); seat->drag_source = drag->source; if (drag->source != NULL) { seat->drag_source_destroy.notify = seat_handle_drag_source_destroy; wl_signal_add(&drag->source->events.destroy, &seat->drag_source_destroy); } wl_signal_emit_mutable(&seat->events.start_drag, drag); } void wlr_seat_start_pointer_drag(struct wlr_seat *seat, struct wlr_drag *drag, uint32_t serial) { drag->grab_type = WLR_DRAG_GRAB_KEYBOARD_POINTER; wlr_seat_pointer_clear_focus(seat); wlr_seat_pointer_start_grab(seat, &drag->pointer_grab); wlr_seat_start_drag(seat, drag, serial); } void wlr_seat_start_touch_drag(struct wlr_seat *seat, struct wlr_drag *drag, uint32_t serial, struct wlr_touch_point *point) { drag->grab_type = WLR_DRAG_GRAB_KEYBOARD_TOUCH; drag->grab_touch_id = seat->touch_state.grab_id; drag->touch_id = point->touch_id; wlr_seat_touch_start_grab(seat, &drag->touch_grab); drag_set_focus(drag, point->surface, point->sx, point->sy); wlr_seat_start_drag(seat, drag, serial); }