Copyright © 2018 Ilia Bozhinov Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. The copyright holders make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The purpose of this protocol is to enable the creation of taskbars and docks by providing them with a list of opened applications and letting them request certain actions on them, like maximizing, etc. After a client binds the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1, each opened toplevel window will be sent via the toplevel event This event is emitted whenever a new toplevel window is created. It is emitted for all toplevels, regardless of the app that has created them. All initial details of the toplevel(title, app_id, states, etc.) will be sent immediately after this event via the corresponding events in zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1. Indicates the client no longer wishes to receive events for new toplevels. However the compositor may emit further toplevel_created events, until the finished event is emitted. The client must not send any more requests after this one. This event indicates that the compositor is done sending events to the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1. The server will destroy the object immediately after sending this request, so it will become invalid and the client should free any resources associated with it. A zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 object represents an opened toplevel window. Each app may have multiple opened toplevels. Each toplevel has a list of outputs it is visible on, conveyed to the client with the output_enter and output_leave events. This event is emitted whenever the title of the toplevel changes. This event is emitted whenever the app-id of the toplevel changes. This event is emitted whenever the toplevel becomes visible on the given output. A toplevel may be visible on multiple outputs. This event is emitted whenever the toplevel stops being visible on the given output. It is guaranteed that an entered-output event with the same output has been emitted before this event. Requests that the toplevel be maximized. If the maximized state actually changes, this will be indicated by the state event. Requests that the toplevel be unmaximized. If the maximized state actually changes, this will be indicated by the state event. Requests that the toplevel be minimized. If the minimized state actually changes, this will be indicated by the state event. Requests that the toplevel be unminimized. If the minimized state actually changes, this will be indicated by the state event. Request that this toplevel be activated on the given seat. There is no guarantee the toplevel will be actually activated. The different states that a toplevel can have. These have the same meaning as the states with the same names defined in xdg-toplevel This event is emitted immediately after the zlw_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 is created and each time the toplevel state changes, either because of a compositor action or because of a request in this protocol. This event is sent after all changes in the toplevel state have been sent. This allows changes to the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 properties to be seen as atomic, even if they happen via multiple events. Send a request to the toplevel to close itself. The compositor would typically use a shell-specific method to carry out this request, for example by sending the xdg_toplevel.close event. However, this gives no guarantees the toplevel will actually be destroyed. If and when this happens, the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1.closed event will be emitted. The rectangle of the surface specified in this request corresponds to the place where the app using this protocol represents the given toplevel. It can be used by the compositor as a hint for some operations, e.g minimizing. The client is however not required to set this, in which case the compositor is free to decide some default value. If the client specifies more than one rectangle, only the last one is considered. The dimensions are given in surface-local coordinates. Setting width=height=0 removes the already-set rectangle. This event means the toplevel has been destroyed. It is guaranteed there won't be any more events for this zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1. The toplevel itself becomes inert so any requests will be ignored except the destroy request. Destroys the zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 object. This request should be called either when the client does not want to use the toplevel anymore or after the closed event to finalize the destruction of the object.