#include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wlr/render/gles2.h> #include <wlr/render/interface.h> #include <wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_matrix.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include "util/signal.h" #include "render/wlr_renderer.h" void wlr_renderer_init(struct wlr_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_renderer_impl *impl) { assert(impl->begin); assert(impl->clear); assert(impl->scissor); assert(impl->render_subtexture_with_matrix); assert(impl->render_quad_with_matrix); assert(impl->render_ellipse_with_matrix); assert(impl->get_shm_texture_formats); assert(impl->texture_from_pixels); renderer->impl = impl; wl_signal_init(&renderer->events.destroy); } void wlr_renderer_destroy(struct wlr_renderer *r) { if (!r) { return; } wlr_signal_emit_safe(&r->events.destroy, r); if (r->impl && r->impl->destroy) { r->impl->destroy(r); } else { free(r); } } bool wlr_renderer_bind_buffer(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_buffer *buffer) { assert(!r->rendering); if (!r->impl->bind_buffer) { return false; } return r->impl->bind_buffer(r, buffer); } void wlr_renderer_begin(struct wlr_renderer *r, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { assert(!r->rendering); r->impl->begin(r, width, height); r->rendering = true; } void wlr_renderer_end(struct wlr_renderer *r) { assert(r->rendering); if (r->impl->end) { r->impl->end(r); } r->rendering = false; } void wlr_renderer_clear(struct wlr_renderer *r, const float color[static 4]) { assert(r->rendering); r->impl->clear(r, color); } void wlr_renderer_scissor(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_box *box) { assert(r->rendering); r->impl->scissor(r, box); } bool wlr_render_texture(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_texture *texture, const float projection[static 9], int x, int y, float alpha) { struct wlr_box box = { .x = x, .y = y }; wlr_texture_get_size(texture, &box.width, &box.height); float matrix[9]; wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, &box, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, projection); return wlr_render_texture_with_matrix(r, texture, matrix, alpha); } bool wlr_render_texture_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_texture *texture, const float matrix[static 9], float alpha) { struct wlr_fbox box = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = texture->width, .height = texture->height, }; return wlr_render_subtexture_with_matrix(r, texture, &box, matrix, alpha); } bool wlr_render_subtexture_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_texture *texture, const struct wlr_fbox *box, const float matrix[static 9], float alpha) { assert(r->rendering); return r->impl->render_subtexture_with_matrix(r, texture, box, matrix, alpha); } void wlr_render_rect(struct wlr_renderer *r, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float projection[static 9]) { if (box->width == 0 || box->height == 0) { return; } assert(box->width > 0 && box->height > 0); float matrix[9]; wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, box, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, projection); wlr_render_quad_with_matrix(r, color, matrix); } void wlr_render_quad_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *r, const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9]) { assert(r->rendering); r->impl->render_quad_with_matrix(r, color, matrix); } void wlr_render_ellipse(struct wlr_renderer *r, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float projection[static 9]) { if (box->width == 0 || box->height == 0) { return; } assert(box->width > 0 && box->height > 0); float matrix[9]; wlr_matrix_project_box(matrix, box, WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, projection); wlr_render_ellipse_with_matrix(r, color, matrix); } void wlr_render_ellipse_with_matrix(struct wlr_renderer *r, const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9]) { assert(r->rendering); r->impl->render_ellipse_with_matrix(r, color, matrix); } const enum wl_shm_format *wlr_renderer_get_shm_texture_formats( struct wlr_renderer *r, size_t *len) { return r->impl->get_shm_texture_formats(r, len); } bool wlr_renderer_resource_is_wl_drm_buffer(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wl_resource *resource) { if (!r->impl->resource_is_wl_drm_buffer) { return false; } return r->impl->resource_is_wl_drm_buffer(r, resource); } void wlr_renderer_wl_drm_buffer_get_size(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wl_resource *buffer, int *width, int *height) { if (!r->impl->wl_drm_buffer_get_size) { return; } return r->impl->wl_drm_buffer_get_size(r, buffer, width, height); } const struct wlr_drm_format_set *wlr_renderer_get_dmabuf_texture_formats( struct wlr_renderer *r) { if (!r->impl->get_dmabuf_texture_formats) { return NULL; } return r->impl->get_dmabuf_texture_formats(r); } const struct wlr_drm_format_set *wlr_renderer_get_dmabuf_render_formats( struct wlr_renderer *r) { if (!r->impl->get_dmabuf_render_formats) { return NULL; } return r->impl->get_dmabuf_render_formats(r); } bool wlr_renderer_read_pixels(struct wlr_renderer *r, enum wl_shm_format fmt, uint32_t *flags, uint32_t stride, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y, uint32_t dst_x, uint32_t dst_y, void *data) { if (!r->impl->read_pixels) { return false; } return r->impl->read_pixels(r, fmt, flags, stride, width, height, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, data); } bool wlr_renderer_blit_dmabuf(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wlr_dmabuf_attributes *dst, struct wlr_dmabuf_attributes *src) { assert(!r->rendering); if (!r->impl->blit_dmabuf) { return false; } return r->impl->blit_dmabuf(r, dst, src); } bool wlr_renderer_init_wl_display(struct wlr_renderer *r, struct wl_display *wl_display) { if (wl_display_init_shm(wl_display)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to initialize shm"); return false; } size_t len; const enum wl_shm_format *formats = wlr_renderer_get_shm_texture_formats(r, &len); if (formats == NULL) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to initialize shm: cannot get formats"); return false; } bool argb8888 = false, xrgb8888 = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // ARGB8888 and XRGB8888 must be supported and are implicitly // advertised by wl_display_init_shm switch (formats[i]) { case WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: argb8888 = true; break; case WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: xrgb8888 = true; break; default: wl_display_add_shm_format(wl_display, formats[i]); } } assert(argb8888 && xrgb8888); if (r->impl->init_wl_display) { if (!r->impl->init_wl_display(r, wl_display)) { return false; } } return true; } struct wlr_renderer *wlr_renderer_autocreate(struct wlr_egl *egl, EGLenum platform, void *remote_display, EGLint *config_attribs, EGLint visual_id) { // Append GLES2-specific bits to the provided EGL config attributes EGLint gles2_config_attribs[] = { EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_NONE, }; size_t config_attribs_len = 0; // not including terminating EGL_NONE while (config_attribs != NULL && config_attribs[config_attribs_len] != EGL_NONE) { ++config_attribs_len; } size_t all_config_attribs_len = config_attribs_len + sizeof(gles2_config_attribs) / sizeof(gles2_config_attribs[0]); EGLint all_config_attribs[all_config_attribs_len]; if (config_attribs_len > 0) { memcpy(all_config_attribs, config_attribs, config_attribs_len * sizeof(EGLint)); } memcpy(&all_config_attribs[config_attribs_len], gles2_config_attribs, sizeof(gles2_config_attribs)); if (config_attribs != NULL) { config_attribs = all_config_attribs; } if (!wlr_egl_init(egl, platform, remote_display, config_attribs, visual_id)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Could not initialize EGL"); return NULL; } struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_gles2_renderer_create(egl); if (!renderer) { wlr_egl_finish(egl); } return renderer; } int wlr_renderer_get_drm_fd(struct wlr_renderer *r) { if (!r->impl->get_drm_fd) { return -1; } return r->impl->get_drm_fd(r); }