xwayland_libs = [] xwayland_required = [ 'xcb', 'xcb-composite', 'xcb-icccm', 'xcb-render', 'xcb-res', 'xcb-xfixes', ] xwayland_optional = { 'xcb-errors': 'Required for printing X11 errors.', } msg = [] if get_option('xwayland').enabled() msg += 'Install "@0@" or pass "-Dxwayland=disabled".' endif if not get_option('xwayland').disabled() msg += 'Required for Xwayland support.' endif xwayland = dependency('xwayland', required: false) if not xwayland.found() # There's no Xwayland release with the pkg-config file shipped yet. xwayland_prog = find_program('Xwayland', required: false) if not xwayland_prog.found() if get_option('xwayland').enabled() error('\n'.join(msg).format('xwayland')) else subdir_done() endif endif endif foreach lib : xwayland_required dep = dependency(lib, required: get_option('xwayland'), not_found_message: '\n'.join(msg).format(lib), ) if not dep.found() subdir_done() endif xwayland_libs += dep endforeach foreach lib, desc : xwayland_optional msg = [] if get_option(lib).enabled() msg += 'Install "@0@" or pass "-D@0@=disabled".' endif if not get_option(lib).disabled() msg += desc endif dep = dependency(lib, required: get_option(lib), not_found_message: '\n'.join(msg).format(lib), ) internal_features += { lib: dep.found() } xwayland_libs += dep endforeach wlr_files += files( 'selection/dnd.c', 'selection/incoming.c', 'selection/outgoing.c', 'selection/selection.c', 'server.c', 'sockets.c', 'xwayland.c', 'xwm.c', ) wlr_deps += xwayland_libs features += { 'xwayland': true }