#include #include #include #include "types/wlr_xdg_shell.h" static const struct xdg_positioner_interface xdg_positioner_implementation; struct wlr_xdg_positioner *wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource( struct wl_resource *resource) { assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &xdg_positioner_interface, &xdg_positioner_implementation)); return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource); } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_size(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); if (width < 1 || height < 1) { wl_resource_post_error(resource, XDG_POSITIONER_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, "width and height must be positive and non-zero"); return; } positioner->rules.size.width = width; positioner->rules.size.height = height; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_anchor_rect(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); if (width < 0 || height < 0) { wl_resource_post_error(resource, XDG_POSITIONER_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, "width and height must be positive"); return; } positioner->rules.anchor_rect.x = x; positioner->rules.anchor_rect.y = y; positioner->rules.anchor_rect.width = width; positioner->rules.anchor_rect.height = height; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_anchor(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t anchor) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); if (anchor > XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT) { wl_resource_post_error(resource, XDG_POSITIONER_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, "invalid anchor value"); return; } positioner->rules.anchor = anchor; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_gravity(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t gravity) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); if (gravity > XDG_POSITIONER_GRAVITY_BOTTOM_RIGHT) { wl_resource_post_error(resource, XDG_POSITIONER_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT, "invalid gravity value"); return; } positioner->rules.gravity = gravity; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_constraint_adjustment( struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t constraint_adjustment) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); positioner->rules.constraint_adjustment = constraint_adjustment; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_set_offset(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); positioner->rules.offset.x = x; positioner->rules.offset.y = y; } static void xdg_positioner_handle_destroy(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource) { wl_resource_destroy(resource); } static const struct xdg_positioner_interface xdg_positioner_implementation = { .destroy = xdg_positioner_handle_destroy, .set_size = xdg_positioner_handle_set_size, .set_anchor_rect = xdg_positioner_handle_set_anchor_rect, .set_anchor = xdg_positioner_handle_set_anchor, .set_gravity = xdg_positioner_handle_set_gravity, .set_constraint_adjustment = xdg_positioner_handle_set_constraint_adjustment, .set_offset = xdg_positioner_handle_set_offset, }; static void xdg_positioner_handle_resource_destroy( struct wl_resource *resource) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = wlr_xdg_positioner_from_resource(resource); free(positioner); } void create_xdg_positioner(struct wlr_xdg_client *client, uint32_t id) { struct wlr_xdg_positioner *positioner = calloc(1, sizeof(*positioner)); if (positioner == NULL) { wl_client_post_no_memory(client->client); return; } positioner->resource = wl_resource_create(client->client, &xdg_positioner_interface, wl_resource_get_version(client->resource), id); if (positioner->resource == NULL) { free(positioner); wl_client_post_no_memory(client->client); return; } wl_resource_set_implementation(positioner->resource, &xdg_positioner_implementation, positioner, xdg_positioner_handle_resource_destroy); } static uint32_t xdg_positioner_anchor_to_wlr_edges( enum xdg_positioner_anchor anchor) { switch (anchor) { case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_NONE: return WLR_EDGE_NONE; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP: return WLR_EDGE_TOP; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT: return WLR_EDGE_TOP | WLR_EDGE_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT: return WLR_EDGE_TOP | WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM: return WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT: return WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM | WLR_EDGE_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT: return WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM | WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_LEFT: return WLR_EDGE_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_RIGHT: return WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } abort(); // Unreachable } static uint32_t xdg_positioner_gravity_to_wlr_edges( enum xdg_positioner_gravity gravity) { // Gravity and edge enums are the same return xdg_positioner_anchor_to_wlr_edges((enum xdg_positioner_anchor)gravity); } void wlr_xdg_positioner_rules_get_geometry( const struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules *rules, struct wlr_box *box) { box->x = rules->offset.x; box->y = rules->offset.y; box->width = rules->size.width; box->height = rules->size.height; uint32_t edges = xdg_positioner_anchor_to_wlr_edges(rules->anchor); if (edges & WLR_EDGE_TOP) { box->y += rules->anchor_rect.y; } else if (edges & WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM) { box->y += rules->anchor_rect.y + rules->anchor_rect.height; } else { box->y += rules->anchor_rect.y + rules->anchor_rect.height / 2; } if (edges & WLR_EDGE_LEFT) { box->x += rules->anchor_rect.x; } else if (edges & WLR_EDGE_RIGHT) { box->x += rules->anchor_rect.x + rules->anchor_rect.width; } else { box->x += rules->anchor_rect.x + rules->anchor_rect.width / 2; } edges = xdg_positioner_gravity_to_wlr_edges(rules->gravity); if (edges & WLR_EDGE_TOP) { box->y -= box->height; } else if (~edges & WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM) { box->y -= box->height / 2; } if (edges & WLR_EDGE_LEFT) { box->x -= box->width; } else if (~edges & WLR_EDGE_RIGHT) { box->x -= box->width / 2; } } static enum xdg_positioner_anchor xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_x( enum xdg_positioner_anchor anchor) { switch (anchor) { case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_LEFT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_RIGHT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; default: return anchor; } } static enum xdg_positioner_gravity xdg_positioner_gravity_invert_x( enum xdg_positioner_gravity gravity) { // gravity and edge enums are the same return (enum xdg_positioner_gravity)xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_x( (enum xdg_positioner_anchor)gravity); } static enum xdg_positioner_anchor xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_y( enum xdg_positioner_anchor anchor) { switch (anchor) { case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT; case XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT: return XDG_POSITIONER_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT; default: return anchor; } } static enum xdg_positioner_gravity xdg_positioner_gravity_invert_y( enum xdg_positioner_gravity gravity) { // gravity and edge enums are the same return (enum xdg_positioner_gravity)xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_y( (enum xdg_positioner_anchor)gravity); } /** * Distances from each edge of the box to the corresponding edge of * the anchor rect. Each distance is positive if the edge is outside * the anchor rect, and negative if the edge is inside it. */ struct constraint_offsets { int top; int bottom; int left; int right; }; static bool is_unconstrained(const struct constraint_offsets *offsets) { return offsets->top <= 0 && offsets->bottom <= 0 && offsets->left <= 0 && offsets->right <= 0; } static void get_constrained_box_offsets(const struct wlr_box *constraint, const struct wlr_box *box, struct constraint_offsets *offsets) { offsets->left = constraint->x - box->x; offsets->right = box->x + box->width - constraint->x - constraint->width; offsets->top = constraint->y - box->y; offsets->bottom = box->y + box->height - constraint->y - constraint->height; } static bool xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_flip( const struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules *rules, const struct wlr_box *constraint, struct wlr_box *box, struct constraint_offsets *offsets) { // If none of the edges are constrained, no need to flip. // If both edges are constrained, the box is bigger than // the anchor rect and flipping won't help anyway. bool flip_x = ((offsets->left > 0) ^ (offsets->right > 0)) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_FLIP_X); bool flip_y = ((offsets->top > 0) ^ (offsets->bottom > 0)) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_FLIP_Y); if (!flip_x && !flip_y) { return false; } struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules flipped = *rules; if (flip_x) { flipped.anchor = xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_x(flipped.anchor); flipped.gravity = xdg_positioner_gravity_invert_x(flipped.gravity); } if (flip_y) { flipped.anchor = xdg_positioner_anchor_invert_y(flipped.anchor); flipped.gravity = xdg_positioner_gravity_invert_y(flipped.gravity); } struct wlr_box flipped_box; wlr_xdg_positioner_rules_get_geometry(&flipped, &flipped_box); struct constraint_offsets flipped_offsets; get_constrained_box_offsets(constraint, &flipped_box, &flipped_offsets); // Only apply flipping if it helps if (flipped_offsets.left <= 0 && flipped_offsets.right <= 0) { box->x = flipped_box.x; offsets->left = flipped_offsets.left; offsets->right = flipped_offsets.right; } if (flipped_offsets.top <= 0 && flipped_offsets.bottom <= 0) { box->y = flipped_box.y; offsets->top = flipped_offsets.top; offsets->bottom = flipped_offsets.bottom; } return is_unconstrained(offsets); } static bool xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_slide( const struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules *rules, const struct wlr_box *constraint, struct wlr_box *box, struct constraint_offsets *offsets) { uint32_t gravity = xdg_positioner_gravity_to_wlr_edges(rules->gravity); bool slide_x = (offsets->left > 0 || offsets->right > 0) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_SLIDE_X); bool slide_y = (offsets->top > 0 || offsets->bottom > 0) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_SLIDE_Y); if (!slide_x && !slide_y) { return false; } if (slide_x) { if (offsets->left > 0 && offsets->right > 0) { // The protocol states: "First try to slide towards the direction of // the gravity [...] Then try to slide towards the opposite direction // of the gravity". The only situation where this order matters is when // the box is bigger than the anchor rect and completely includes it. // In this case, the second slide will fail immediately, so simply // slide towards the direction of the gravity. // Note that the protocol doesn't specify the behavior when there is no // gravity on the axis (which is what e.g. GTK tooltips use). In this // case, fall back to sliding the box to the right/bottom, which is what // GTK X11 popup adjustment code does. if (gravity & WLR_EDGE_LEFT) { box->x -= offsets->right; } else { box->x += offsets->left; } } else { // If at least one edge is already unconstrained, the order of slide // attempts doesn't matter. Slide for the minimal distance needed to // satisfy the requirement of constraining one edge or unconstraining // another. int abs_left = offsets->left > 0 ? offsets->left : -offsets->left; int abs_right = offsets->right > 0 ? offsets->right : -offsets->right; if (abs_left < abs_right) { box->x += offsets->left; } else { box->x -= offsets->right; } } } if (slide_y) { if (offsets->top > 0 && offsets->bottom > 0) { if (gravity & WLR_EDGE_TOP) { box->y -= offsets->bottom; } else { box->y += offsets->top; } } else { int abs_top = offsets->top > 0 ? offsets->top : -offsets->top; int abs_bottom = offsets->bottom > 0 ? offsets->bottom : -offsets->bottom; if (abs_top < abs_bottom) { box->y += offsets->top; } else { box->y -= offsets->bottom; } } } get_constrained_box_offsets(constraint, box, offsets); return is_unconstrained(offsets); } static bool xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_resize( const struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules *rules, const struct wlr_box *constraint, struct wlr_box *box, struct constraint_offsets *offsets) { bool resize_x = (offsets->left > 0 || offsets->right > 0) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_RESIZE_X); bool resize_y = (offsets->top > 0 || offsets->bottom > 0) && (rules->constraint_adjustment & XDG_POSITIONER_CONSTRAINT_ADJUSTMENT_RESIZE_Y); if (!resize_x && !resize_y) { return false; } if (offsets->left < 0) { offsets->left = 0; } if (offsets->right < 0) { offsets->right = 0; } if (offsets->top < 0) { offsets->top = 0; } if (offsets->bottom < 0) { offsets->bottom = 0; } // Try to satisfy the constraints by clipping the box. struct wlr_box resized_box = *box; if (resize_x) { resized_box.x += offsets->left; resized_box.width -= offsets->left + offsets->right; } if (resize_y) { resized_box.y += offsets->top; resized_box.height -= offsets->top + offsets->bottom; } if (wlr_box_empty(&resized_box)) { return false; } *box = resized_box; get_constrained_box_offsets(constraint, box, offsets); return is_unconstrained(offsets); } void wlr_xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_box( const struct wlr_xdg_positioner_rules *rules, const struct wlr_box *constraint, struct wlr_box *box) { struct constraint_offsets offsets; get_constrained_box_offsets(constraint, box, &offsets); if (is_unconstrained(&offsets)) { // Already unconstrained return; } if (xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_flip(rules, constraint, box, &offsets)) { return; } if (xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_slide(rules, constraint, box, &offsets)) { return; } if (xdg_positioner_rules_unconstrain_by_resize(rules, constraint, box, &offsets)) { return; } }