#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "types/wlr_data_device.h" #include "util/signal.h" static const struct wl_data_offer_interface data_offer_impl; static struct wlr_data_offer *data_offer_from_resource( struct wl_resource *resource) { assert(wl_resource_instance_of(resource, &wl_data_offer_interface, &data_offer_impl)); return wl_resource_get_user_data(resource); } static uint32_t data_offer_choose_action(struct wlr_data_offer *offer) { uint32_t offer_actions, preferred_action = 0; if (wl_resource_get_version(offer->resource) >= WL_DATA_OFFER_ACTION_SINCE_VERSION) { offer_actions = offer->actions; preferred_action = offer->preferred_action; } else { offer_actions = WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_COPY; } uint32_t source_actions; if (offer->source->actions >= 0) { source_actions = offer->source->actions; } else { source_actions = WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_COPY; } uint32_t available_actions = offer_actions & source_actions; if (!available_actions) { return WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_NONE; } if (offer->source->compositor_action & available_actions) { return offer->source->compositor_action; } // If the dest side has a preferred DnD action, use it if ((preferred_action & available_actions) != 0) { return preferred_action; } // Use the first found action, in bit order return 1 << (ffs(available_actions) - 1); } void data_offer_update_action(struct wlr_data_offer *offer) { assert(offer->type == WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG); uint32_t action = data_offer_choose_action(offer); if (offer->source->current_dnd_action == action) { return; } offer->source->current_dnd_action = action; if (offer->in_ask) { return; } wlr_data_source_dnd_action(offer->source, action); if (wl_resource_get_version(offer->resource) >= WL_DATA_OFFER_ACTION_SINCE_VERSION) { wl_data_offer_send_action(offer->resource, action); } } static void data_offer_handle_accept(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t serial, const char *mime_type) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_from_resource(resource); if (offer == NULL) { return; } if (offer->type != WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG) { wlr_log(WLR_DEBUG, "Ignoring wl_data_offer.accept request on a " "non-drag-and-drop offer"); return; } wlr_data_source_accept(offer->source, serial, mime_type); } static void data_offer_handle_receive(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, const char *mime_type, int32_t fd) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_from_resource(resource); if (offer == NULL) { close(fd); return; } wlr_data_source_send(offer->source, mime_type, fd); } static void data_offer_source_dnd_finish(struct wlr_data_offer *offer) { struct wlr_data_source *source = offer->source; if (source->actions < 0) { return; } if (offer->in_ask) { wlr_data_source_dnd_action(source, source->current_dnd_action); } wlr_data_source_dnd_finish(source); } static void data_offer_handle_destroy(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource) { wl_resource_destroy(resource); } static void data_offer_handle_finish(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_from_resource(resource); if (offer == NULL) { return; } // TODO: also fail while we have a drag-and-drop grab if (offer->type != WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_FINISH, "Offer is not drag-and-drop"); return; } if (!offer->source->accepted) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_FINISH, "Premature finish request"); return; } enum wl_data_device_manager_dnd_action action = offer->source->current_dnd_action; if (action == WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_NONE || action == WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_ASK) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_FINISH, "Offer finished with an invalid action"); return; } data_offer_source_dnd_finish(offer); data_offer_destroy(offer); } static void data_offer_handle_set_actions(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource, uint32_t actions, uint32_t preferred_action) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_from_resource(resource); if (offer == NULL) { return; } if (actions & ~DATA_DEVICE_ALL_ACTIONS) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_MASK, "invalid action mask %x", actions); return; } if (preferred_action && (!(preferred_action & actions) || __builtin_popcount(preferred_action) > 1)) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_ACTION, "invalid action %x", preferred_action); return; } if (offer->type != WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG) { wl_resource_post_error(offer->resource, WL_DATA_OFFER_ERROR_INVALID_OFFER, "set_action can only be sent to drag-and-drop offers"); return; } offer->actions = actions; offer->preferred_action = preferred_action; data_offer_update_action(offer); } void data_offer_destroy(struct wlr_data_offer *offer) { if (offer == NULL) { return; } wl_list_remove(&offer->source_destroy.link); wl_list_remove(&offer->link); if (offer->type == WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG && offer->source) { // If the drag destination has version < 3, wl_data_offer.finish // won't be called, so do this here as a safety net, because // we still want the version >= 3 drag source to be happy. if (wl_resource_get_version(offer->resource) < WL_DATA_OFFER_ACTION_SINCE_VERSION) { data_offer_source_dnd_finish(offer); } else if (offer->source->impl->dnd_finish) { wlr_data_source_destroy(offer->source); } } // Make the resource inert wl_resource_set_user_data(offer->resource, NULL); free(offer); } static const struct wl_data_offer_interface data_offer_impl = { .accept = data_offer_handle_accept, .receive = data_offer_handle_receive, .destroy = data_offer_handle_destroy, .finish = data_offer_handle_finish, .set_actions = data_offer_handle_set_actions, }; static void data_offer_handle_resource_destroy(struct wl_resource *resource) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = data_offer_from_resource(resource); data_offer_destroy(offer); } static void data_offer_handle_source_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_data_offer *offer = wl_container_of(listener, offer, source_destroy); // Prevent data_offer_destroy from destroying the source again offer->source = NULL; data_offer_destroy(offer); } struct wlr_data_offer *data_offer_create(struct wl_resource *device_resource, struct wlr_data_source *source, enum wlr_data_offer_type type) { struct wlr_seat_client *seat_client = seat_client_from_data_device_resource(device_resource); assert(seat_client != NULL); assert(source != NULL); // a NULL source means no selection struct wlr_data_offer *offer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_data_offer)); if (offer == NULL) { return NULL; } offer->source = source; offer->type = type; struct wl_client *client = wl_resource_get_client(device_resource); uint32_t version = wl_resource_get_version(device_resource); offer->resource = wl_resource_create(client, &wl_data_offer_interface, version, 0); if (offer->resource == NULL) { free(offer); return NULL; } wl_resource_set_implementation(offer->resource, &data_offer_impl, offer, data_offer_handle_resource_destroy); switch (type) { case WLR_DATA_OFFER_SELECTION: wl_list_insert(&seat_client->seat->selection_offers, &offer->link); break; case WLR_DATA_OFFER_DRAG: wl_list_insert(&seat_client->seat->drag_offers, &offer->link); break; } offer->source_destroy.notify = data_offer_handle_source_destroy; wl_signal_add(&source->events.destroy, &offer->source_destroy); wl_data_device_send_data_offer(device_resource, offer->resource); char **p; wl_array_for_each(p, &source->mime_types) { wl_data_offer_send_offer(offer->resource, *p); } return offer; }