#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cat.h" struct sample_state { struct wl_display *display; struct wl_listener new_output; struct wl_listener new_input; struct wlr_renderer *renderer; struct wlr_texture *cat_texture; struct wlr_output_layout *layout; float x_offs, y_offs; float x_vel, y_vel; struct timespec ts_last; }; struct sample_output { struct sample_state *sample; struct wlr_output *output; struct wl_listener frame; struct wl_listener destroy; }; struct sample_keyboard { struct sample_state *sample; struct wlr_input_device *device; struct wl_listener key; struct wl_listener destroy; }; static void animate_cat(struct sample_state *sample, struct wlr_output *output) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); long ms = (ts.tv_sec - sample->ts_last.tv_sec) * 1000 + (ts.tv_nsec - sample->ts_last.tv_nsec) / 1000000; // how many seconds have passed since the last time we animated float seconds = ms / 1000.0f; if (seconds > 0.1f) { // XXX when we switch vt, the rendering loop stops so try to detect // that and pause when it happens. seconds = 0.0f; } // check for collisions and bounce bool ur_collision = !wlr_output_layout_output_at(sample->layout, sample->x_offs + 128, sample->y_offs); bool ul_collision = !wlr_output_layout_output_at(sample->layout, sample->x_offs, sample->y_offs); bool ll_collision = !wlr_output_layout_output_at(sample->layout, sample->x_offs, sample->y_offs + 128); bool lr_collision = !wlr_output_layout_output_at(sample->layout, sample->x_offs + 128, sample->y_offs + 128); if (ur_collision && ul_collision && ll_collision && lr_collision) { // oops we went off the screen somehow struct wlr_output_layout_output *l_output = wlr_output_layout_get(sample->layout, output); sample->x_offs = l_output->x + 20; sample->y_offs = l_output->y + 20; } else if (ur_collision && ul_collision) { sample->y_vel = fabs(sample->y_vel); } else if (lr_collision && ll_collision) { sample->y_vel = -fabs(sample->y_vel); } else if (ll_collision && ul_collision) { sample->x_vel = fabs(sample->x_vel); } else if (ur_collision && lr_collision) { sample->x_vel = -fabs(sample->x_vel); } else { if (ur_collision || lr_collision) { sample->x_vel = -fabs(sample->x_vel); } if (ul_collision || ll_collision) { sample->x_vel = fabs(sample->x_vel); } if (ul_collision || ur_collision) { sample->y_vel = fabs(sample->y_vel); } if (ll_collision || lr_collision) { sample->y_vel = -fabs(sample->y_vel); } } sample->x_offs += sample->x_vel * seconds; sample->y_offs += sample->y_vel * seconds; sample->ts_last = ts; } static void output_frame_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sample_output *output = wl_container_of(listener, output, frame); struct sample_state *sample = output->sample; struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); struct wlr_output *wlr_output = output->output; wlr_output_attach_render(wlr_output, NULL); wlr_renderer_begin(sample->renderer, wlr_output->width, wlr_output->height); wlr_renderer_clear(sample->renderer, (float[]){0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1}); animate_cat(sample, output->output); struct wlr_box box = { .x = sample->x_offs, .y = sample->y_offs, .width = 128, .height = 128, }; if (wlr_output_layout_intersects(sample->layout, output->output, &box)) { // transform global coordinates to local coordinates double local_x = sample->x_offs; double local_y = sample->y_offs; wlr_output_layout_output_coords(sample->layout, output->output, &local_x, &local_y); wlr_render_texture(sample->renderer, sample->cat_texture, wlr_output->transform_matrix, local_x, local_y, 1.0f); } wlr_renderer_end(sample->renderer); wlr_output_commit(wlr_output); } static void update_velocities(struct sample_state *sample, float x_diff, float y_diff) { sample->x_vel += x_diff; sample->y_vel += y_diff; } static void output_remove_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sample_output *sample_output = wl_container_of(listener, sample_output, destroy); struct sample_state *sample = sample_output->sample; wlr_output_layout_remove(sample->layout, sample_output->output); wl_list_remove(&sample_output->frame.link); wl_list_remove(&sample_output->destroy.link); free(sample_output); } static void new_output_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_output *output = data; struct sample_state *sample = wl_container_of(listener, sample, new_output); struct sample_output *sample_output = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sample_output)); wlr_output_layout_add_auto(sample->layout, output); sample_output->output = output; sample_output->sample = sample; wl_signal_add(&output->events.frame, &sample_output->frame); sample_output->frame.notify = output_frame_notify; wl_signal_add(&output->events.destroy, &sample_output->destroy); sample_output->destroy.notify = output_remove_notify; struct wlr_output_mode *mode = wlr_output_preferred_mode(output); if (mode != NULL) { wlr_output_set_mode(output, mode); } wlr_output_commit(output); } static void keyboard_key_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sample_keyboard *keyboard = wl_container_of(listener, keyboard, key); struct sample_state *sample = keyboard->sample; struct wlr_event_keyboard_key *event = data; uint32_t keycode = event->keycode + 8; const xkb_keysym_t *syms; int nsyms = xkb_state_key_get_syms(keyboard->device->keyboard->xkb_state, keycode, &syms); for (int i = 0; i < nsyms; i++) { xkb_keysym_t sym = syms[i]; if (sym == XKB_KEY_Escape) { wl_display_terminate(sample->display); } // NOTE: It may be better to simply refer to our key state during each frame // and make this change in pixels/sec^2 // Also, key repeat int delta = 75; if (event->state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { switch (sym) { case XKB_KEY_Left: update_velocities(sample, -delta, 0); break; case XKB_KEY_Right: update_velocities(sample, delta, 0); break; case XKB_KEY_Up: update_velocities(sample, 0, -delta); break; case XKB_KEY_Down: update_velocities(sample, 0, delta); break; } } } } static void keyboard_destroy_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sample_keyboard *keyboard = wl_container_of(listener, keyboard, destroy); wl_list_remove(&keyboard->destroy.link); wl_list_remove(&keyboard->key.link); free(keyboard); } static void new_input_notify(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_input_device *device = data; struct sample_state *sample = wl_container_of(listener, sample, new_input); switch (device->type) { case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_KEYBOARD:; struct sample_keyboard *keyboard = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sample_keyboard)); keyboard->device = device; keyboard->sample = sample; wl_signal_add(&device->events.destroy, &keyboard->destroy); keyboard->destroy.notify = keyboard_destroy_notify; wl_signal_add(&device->keyboard->events.key, &keyboard->key); keyboard->key.notify = keyboard_key_notify; struct xkb_rule_names rules = { 0 }; rules.rules = getenv("XKB_DEFAULT_RULES"); rules.model = getenv("XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL"); rules.layout = getenv("XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT"); rules.variant = getenv("XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT"); rules.options = getenv("XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS"); struct xkb_context *context = xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS); if (!context) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to create XKB context"); exit(1); } struct xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_map_new_from_names(context, &rules, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS); if (!keymap) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to create XKB keymap"); exit(1); } wlr_keyboard_set_keymap(device->keyboard, keymap); xkb_keymap_unref(keymap); xkb_context_unref(context); break; default: break; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { wlr_log_init(WLR_DEBUG, NULL); struct wl_display *display = wl_display_create(); struct sample_state state = { .x_vel = 500, .y_vel = 500, .display = display, }; state.layout = wlr_output_layout_create(); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &state.ts_last); struct wlr_backend *wlr = wlr_backend_autocreate(display); if (!wlr) { exit(1); } wl_signal_add(&wlr->events.new_output, &state.new_output); state.new_output.notify = new_output_notify; wl_signal_add(&wlr->events.new_input, &state.new_input); state.new_input.notify = new_input_notify; state.renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer(wlr); state.cat_texture = wlr_texture_from_pixels(state.renderer, DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888, cat_tex.width * 4, cat_tex.width, cat_tex.height, cat_tex.pixel_data); if (!wlr_backend_start(wlr)) { wlr_log(WLR_ERROR, "Failed to start backend"); wlr_backend_destroy(wlr); exit(1); } wl_display_run(display); wlr_texture_destroy(state.cat_texture); wl_display_destroy(state.display); wlr_output_layout_destroy(state.layout); }