#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "backend/libinput.h" static int wlr_libinput_open_restricted(const char *path, int flags, void *_backend) { struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = _backend; return wlr_session_open_file(backend->session, path); } static void wlr_libinput_close_restricted(int fd, void *_backend) { struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = _backend; wlr_session_close_file(backend->session, fd); } static const struct libinput_interface libinput_impl = { .open_restricted = wlr_libinput_open_restricted, .close_restricted = wlr_libinput_close_restricted }; static int wlr_libinput_readable(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *_backend) { struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = _backend; if (libinput_dispatch(backend->libinput_context) != 0) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Failed to dispatch libinput"); // TODO: some kind of abort? return 0; } struct libinput_event *event; while ((event = libinput_get_event(backend->libinput_context))) { wlr_libinput_event(backend, event); libinput_event_destroy(event); } return 0; } static void wlr_libinput_log(struct libinput *libinput_context, enum libinput_log_priority priority, const char *fmt, va_list args) { _wlr_vlog(L_ERROR, fmt, args); } static bool wlr_libinput_backend_start(struct wlr_backend *_backend) { struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = (struct wlr_libinput_backend *)_backend; wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Initializing libinput"); backend->libinput_context = libinput_udev_create_context(&libinput_impl, backend, backend->session->udev); if (!backend->libinput_context) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Failed to create libinput context"); return false; } // TODO: Let user customize seat used if (libinput_udev_assign_seat(backend->libinput_context, "seat0") != 0) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Failed to assign libinput seat"); return false; } // TODO: More sophisticated logging libinput_log_set_handler(backend->libinput_context, wlr_libinput_log); libinput_log_set_priority(backend->libinput_context, LIBINPUT_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR); int libinput_fd = libinput_get_fd(backend->libinput_context); char *no_devs = getenv("WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES"); if (no_devs) { if (strcmp(no_devs, "1") != 0) { no_devs = NULL; } } if (!no_devs && backend->wlr_device_lists->length == 0) { wlr_libinput_readable(libinput_fd, WL_EVENT_READABLE, backend); if (backend->wlr_device_lists->length == 0) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "libinput initialization failed, no input devices"); wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Set WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1 to suppress this check"); return false; } } struct wl_event_loop *event_loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(backend->display); if (backend->input_event) { wl_event_source_remove(backend->input_event); } backend->input_event = wl_event_loop_add_fd(event_loop, libinput_fd, WL_EVENT_READABLE, wlr_libinput_readable, backend); if (!backend->input_event) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Failed to create input event on event loop"); return false; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "libinput sucessfully initialized"); return true; } static void wlr_libinput_backend_destroy(struct wlr_backend *_backend) { if (!_backend) { return; } struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = (struct wlr_libinput_backend *)_backend; for (size_t i = 0; i < backend->wlr_device_lists->length; i++) { list_t *wlr_devices = backend->wlr_device_lists->items[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < wlr_devices->length; j++) { struct wlr_input_device *wlr_dev = wlr_devices->items[j]; wl_signal_emit(&backend->backend.events.input_remove, wlr_dev); wlr_input_device_destroy(wlr_dev); } list_free(wlr_devices); } list_free(backend->wlr_device_lists); wl_event_source_remove(backend->input_event); libinput_unref(backend->libinput_context); free(backend); } static struct wlr_backend_impl backend_impl = { .start = wlr_libinput_backend_start, .destroy = wlr_libinput_backend_destroy }; bool wlr_backend_is_libinput(struct wlr_backend *b) { return b->impl == &backend_impl; } static void session_signal(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = wl_container_of(listener, backend, session_signal); struct wlr_session *session = data; if (!backend->libinput_context) { return; } if (session->active) { libinput_resume(backend->libinput_context); } else { libinput_suspend(backend->libinput_context); } } struct wlr_backend *wlr_libinput_backend_create(struct wl_display *display, struct wlr_session *session) { assert(display && session); struct wlr_libinput_backend *backend = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wlr_libinput_backend)); if (!backend) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Allocation failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } wlr_backend_init(&backend->backend, &backend_impl); if (!(backend->wlr_device_lists = list_create())) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Allocation failed: %s", strerror(errno)); goto error_backend; } backend->session = session; backend->display = display; backend->session_signal.notify = session_signal; wl_signal_add(&session->session_signal, &backend->session_signal); return &backend->backend; error_backend: free(backend); return NULL; } struct libinput_device *wlr_libinput_get_device_handle(struct wlr_input_device *_dev) { struct wlr_libinput_input_device *dev = (struct wlr_libinput_input_device *)_dev; return dev->handle; }