#include "wlr_screencast.h" #include "wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" #include "xdg-output-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "screencast.h" #include "pipewire_screencast.h" #include "xdpw.h" #include "logger.h" #include "fps_limit.h" static void wlr_frame_buffer_destroy(struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast) { // Even though this check may be deemed unnecessary, // this has been found to cause SEGFAULTs, like this one: // https://github.com/emersion/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr/issues/50 if (cast->simple_frame.data != NULL) { munmap(cast->simple_frame.data, cast->simple_frame.size); cast->simple_frame.data = NULL; } if (cast->simple_frame.buffer != NULL) { wl_buffer_destroy(cast->simple_frame.buffer); cast->simple_frame.buffer = NULL; } } void xdpw_wlr_frame_free(struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast) { zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_destroy(cast->wlr_frame); cast->wlr_frame = NULL; if (cast->quit || cast->err) { wlr_frame_buffer_destroy(cast); logprint(TRACE, "xdpw: simple_frame buffer destroyed"); } logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: frame destroyed"); if (cast->quit || cast->err) { // TODO: revisit the exit condition (remove quit?) // and clean up sessions that still exist if err // is the cause of the instance_destroy call xdpw_screencast_instance_destroy(cast); return ; } uint64_t delay_ns = fps_limit_measure_end(&cast->fps_limit, cast->ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.max_fps); if (delay_ns > 0) { xdpw_add_timer(cast->ctx->state, delay_ns, (xdpw_event_loop_timer_func_t) xdpw_wlr_register_cb, cast); } else { xdpw_wlr_register_cb(cast); } } static int anonymous_shm_open(void) { char name[] = "/xdpw-shm-XXXXXX"; int retries = 100; do { randname(name + strlen(name) - 6); --retries; // shm_open guarantees that O_CLOEXEC is set int fd = shm_open(name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd >= 0) { shm_unlink(name); return fd; } } while (retries > 0 && errno == EEXIST); return -1; } static struct wl_buffer *create_shm_buffer(struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast, enum wl_shm_format fmt, int width, int height, int stride, void **data_out) { struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx = cast->ctx; int size = stride * height; int fd = anonymous_shm_open(); if (fd < 0) { logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: shm_open failed"); return NULL; } int ret; while ((ret = ftruncate(fd, size)) == EINTR); if (ret < 0) { close(fd); logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: ftruncate failed"); return NULL; } void *data = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == MAP_FAILED) { logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: mmap failed: %m"); close(fd); return NULL; } struct wl_shm_pool *pool = wl_shm_create_pool(ctx->shm, fd, size); close(fd); struct wl_buffer *buffer = wl_shm_pool_create_buffer(pool, 0, width, height, stride, fmt); wl_shm_pool_destroy(pool); *data_out = data; return buffer; } static void wlr_frame_buffer_chparam(struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast, uint32_t format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t stride) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: reset buffer"); cast->simple_frame.width = width; cast->simple_frame.height = height; cast->simple_frame.stride = stride; cast->simple_frame.size = stride * height; cast->simple_frame.format = format; wlr_frame_buffer_destroy(cast); } static void wlr_frame_linux_dmabuf(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame, uint32_t format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: linux_dmabuf event handler"); } static void wlr_frame_buffer_done(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: buffer_done event handler"); zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_copy_with_damage(frame, cast->simple_frame.buffer); logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: frame copied"); fps_limit_measure_start(&cast->fps_limit, cast->ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.max_fps); } static void wlr_frame_buffer(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame, uint32_t format, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t stride) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: buffer event handler"); cast->wlr_frame = frame; if (cast->simple_frame.width != width || cast->simple_frame.height != height || cast->simple_frame.stride != stride || cast->simple_frame.format != format) { logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: buffer properties changed"); wlr_frame_buffer_chparam(cast, format, width, height, stride); } if (cast->simple_frame.buffer == NULL) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: create shm buffer"); cast->simple_frame.buffer = create_shm_buffer(cast, format, width, height, stride, &cast->simple_frame.data); } else { logprint(TRACE,"wlroots: shm buffer exists"); } if (cast->simple_frame.buffer == NULL) { logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: failed to create buffer"); abort(); } if (zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_get_version(cast->ctx->screencopy_manager) < 3) { wlr_frame_buffer_done(cast,frame); } } static void wlr_frame_flags(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame, uint32_t flags) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: flags event handler"); cast->simple_frame.y_invert = flags & ZWLR_SCREENCOPY_FRAME_V1_FLAGS_Y_INVERT; } static void wlr_frame_ready(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame, uint32_t tv_sec_hi, uint32_t tv_sec_lo, uint32_t tv_nsec) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: ready event handler"); cast->simple_frame.tv_sec = ((((uint64_t)tv_sec_hi) << 32) | tv_sec_lo); cast->simple_frame.tv_nsec = tv_nsec; if (!cast->quit && !cast->err && cast->pwr_stream_state) { pw_loop_signal_event(cast->ctx->state->pw_loop, cast->event); return; } xdpw_wlr_frame_free(cast); } static void wlr_frame_failed(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: failed event handler"); cast->err = true; xdpw_wlr_frame_free(cast); } static void wlr_frame_damage(void *data, struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1 *frame, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast = data; logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: damage event handler"); cast->simple_frame.damage.x = x; cast->simple_frame.damage.y = y; cast->simple_frame.damage.width = width; cast->simple_frame.damage.height = height; } static const struct zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_listener wlr_frame_listener = { .buffer = wlr_frame_buffer, .buffer_done = wlr_frame_buffer_done, .linux_dmabuf = wlr_frame_linux_dmabuf, .flags = wlr_frame_flags, .ready = wlr_frame_ready, .failed = wlr_frame_failed, .damage = wlr_frame_damage, }; void xdpw_wlr_register_cb(struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast) { cast->frame_callback = zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_capture_output( cast->ctx->screencopy_manager, cast->with_cursor, cast->target_output->output); zwlr_screencopy_frame_v1_add_listener(cast->frame_callback, &wlr_frame_listener, cast); logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: callbacks registered"); } static void wlr_output_handle_geometry(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t phys_width, int32_t phys_height, int32_t subpixel, const char *make, const char *model, int32_t transform) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = data; output->make = strdup(make); output->model = strdup(model); } static void wlr_output_handle_mode(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, uint32_t flags, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh) { if (flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = data; output->framerate = (float)refresh/1000; } } static void wlr_output_handle_done(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output) { /* Nothing to do */ } static void wlr_output_handle_scale(void *data, struct wl_output *wl_output, int32_t factor) { /* Nothing to do */ } static const struct wl_output_listener wlr_output_listener = { .geometry = wlr_output_handle_geometry, .mode = wlr_output_handle_mode, .done = wlr_output_handle_done, .scale = wlr_output_handle_scale, }; static void wlr_xdg_output_name(void *data, struct zxdg_output_v1 *xdg_output, const char *name) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = data; output->name = strdup(name); }; static void noop() { // This space intentionally left blank } static const struct zxdg_output_v1_listener wlr_xdg_output_listener = { .logical_position = noop, .logical_size = noop, .done = NULL, /* Deprecated */ .description = noop, .name = wlr_xdg_output_name, }; static void wlr_add_xdg_output_listener(struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, struct zxdg_output_v1 *xdg_output) { output->xdg_output = xdg_output; zxdg_output_v1_add_listener(output->xdg_output, &wlr_xdg_output_listener, output); } static void wlr_init_xdg_output(struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx, struct xdpw_wlr_output *output) { struct zxdg_output_v1 *xdg_output = zxdg_output_manager_v1_get_xdg_output(ctx->xdg_output_manager, output->output); wlr_add_xdg_output_listener(output, xdg_output); } static void wlr_init_xdg_outputs(struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp, &ctx->output_list, link) { if (output->xdg_output) { continue; } wlr_init_xdg_output(ctx, output); } } static pid_t spawn_chooser(char *cmd, int chooser_in[2], int chooser_out[2]) { logprint(TRACE, "exec chooser called: cmd %s, pipe chooser_in (%d,%d), pipe chooser_out (%d,%d)", cmd, chooser_in[0], chooser_in[1], chooser_out[0], chooser_out[1]); pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); return pid; } else if (pid == 0) { close(chooser_in[1]); close(chooser_out[0]); dup2(chooser_in[0], STDIN_FILENO); dup2(chooser_out[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(chooser_in[0]); close(chooser_out[1]); execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL); perror("execl"); _exit(127); } close(chooser_in[0]); close(chooser_out[1]); return pid; } static bool wait_chooser(pid_t pid) { int status; if (waitpid(pid ,&status, 0) != -1 && WIFEXITED(status)) { return WEXITSTATUS(status) != 127; } return false; } static bool wlr_output_chooser(struct xdpw_output_chooser *chooser, struct wl_list *output_list, struct xdpw_wlr_output **output) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser called"); struct xdpw_wlr_output *out; size_t name_size = 0; char *name = NULL; *output = NULL; int chooser_in[2]; //p -> c int chooser_out[2]; //c -> p if (pipe(chooser_in) == -1) { perror("pipe chooser_in"); logprint(ERROR, "Failed to open pipe chooser_in"); goto error_chooser_in; } if (pipe(chooser_out) == -1) { perror("pipe chooser_out"); logprint(ERROR, "Failed to open pipe chooser_out"); goto error_chooser_out; } pid_t pid = spawn_chooser(chooser->cmd, chooser_in, chooser_out); if (pid < 0) { logprint(ERROR, "Failed to fork chooser"); goto error_fork; } switch (chooser->type) { case XDPW_CHOOSER_DMENU:; FILE *f = fdopen(chooser_in[1], "w"); if (f == NULL) { perror("fdopen pipe chooser_in"); logprint(ERROR, "Failed to create stream writing to pipe chooser_in"); goto error_fork; } wl_list_for_each(out, output_list, link) { fprintf(f, "%s\n", out->name); } fclose(f); break; default: close(chooser_in[1]); } if (!wait_chooser(pid)) { close(chooser_out[0]); return false; } FILE *f = fdopen(chooser_out[0], "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror("fdopen pipe chooser_out"); logprint(ERROR, "Failed to create stream reading from pipe chooser_out"); close(chooser_out[0]); goto end; } ssize_t nread = getline(&name, &name_size, f); fclose(f); if (nread < 0) { perror("getline failed"); goto end; } //Strip newline char *p = strchr(name, '\n'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } logprint(TRACE, "wlroots: output chooser %s selects output %s", chooser->cmd, name); wl_list_for_each(out, output_list, link) { // TODO: Replugging of outputs can result in a corrupted output_list if (out->name && strcmp(out->name, name) == 0) { *output = out; break; } } free(name); end: return true; error_fork: close(chooser_out[0]); close(chooser_out[1]); error_chooser_out: close(chooser_in[0]); close(chooser_in[1]); error_chooser_in: *output = NULL; return false; } static struct xdpw_wlr_output *wlr_output_chooser_default(struct wl_list *output_list) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser called"); struct xdpw_output_chooser default_chooser[] = { {XDPW_CHOOSER_SIMPLE, "slurp -f %o -o"}, {XDPW_CHOOSER_DMENU, "wofi -d -n"}, {XDPW_CHOOSER_DMENU, "bemenu"}, }; size_t N = sizeof(default_chooser)/sizeof(default_chooser[0]); struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = NULL; bool ret; for (size_t i = 0; iname); } else { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser canceled"); } return output; } return xdpw_wlr_output_first(output_list); } struct xdpw_wlr_output *xdpw_wlr_output_chooser(struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx) { switch (ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.chooser_type) { case XDPW_CHOOSER_DEFAULT: return wlr_output_chooser_default(&ctx->output_list); case XDPW_CHOOSER_NONE: if (ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.output_name) { return xdpw_wlr_output_find_by_name(&ctx->output_list, ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.output_name); } else { return xdpw_wlr_output_first(&ctx->output_list); } case XDPW_CHOOSER_DMENU: case XDPW_CHOOSER_SIMPLE:; struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = NULL; if (!ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.chooser_cmd) { logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: no output chooser given"); goto end; } struct xdpw_output_chooser chooser = { ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.chooser_type, ctx->state->config->screencast_conf.chooser_cmd }; logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser %s (%d)", chooser.cmd, chooser.type); bool ret = wlr_output_chooser(&chooser, &ctx->output_list, &output); if (!ret) { logprint(ERROR, "wlroots: output chooser %s failed", chooser.cmd); goto end; } if (output) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser selects %s", output->name); } else { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: output chooser canceled"); } return output; } end: return NULL; } struct xdpw_wlr_output *xdpw_wlr_output_first(struct wl_list *output_list) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp, output_list, link) { return output; } return NULL; } struct xdpw_wlr_output *xdpw_wlr_output_find_by_name(struct wl_list *output_list, const char *name) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp, output_list, link) { if (strcmp(output->name, name) == 0) { return output; } } return NULL; } struct xdpw_wlr_output *xdpw_wlr_output_find(struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx, struct wl_output *out, uint32_t id) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, *tmp; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp, &ctx->output_list, link) { if ((output->output == out) || (output->id == id)) { return output; } } return NULL; } static void wlr_remove_output(struct xdpw_wlr_output *out) { free(out->name); free(out->make); free(out->model); zxdg_output_v1_destroy(out->xdg_output); wl_output_destroy(out->output); wl_list_remove(&out->link); free(out); } static void wlr_registry_handle_add(void *data, struct wl_registry *reg, uint32_t id, const char *interface, uint32_t ver) { struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx = data; logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: interface to register %s (Version: %u)",interface, ver); if (!strcmp(interface, wl_output_interface.name)) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = calloc(1, sizeof(*output)); output->id = id; logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: |-- registered to interface %s (Version %u)", interface, WL_OUTPUT_VERSION); output->output = wl_registry_bind(reg, id, &wl_output_interface, WL_OUTPUT_VERSION); wl_output_add_listener(output->output, &wlr_output_listener, output); wl_list_insert(&ctx->output_list, &output->link); if (ctx->xdg_output_manager) { wlr_init_xdg_output(ctx, output); } } if (!strcmp(interface, zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_interface.name)) { uint32_t version = ver; if (SC_MANAGER_VERSION < ver) { version = SC_MANAGER_VERSION; } else if (ver < SC_MANAGER_VERSION_MIN) { version = SC_MANAGER_VERSION_MIN; } logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: |-- registered to interface %s (Version %u)", interface, version); ctx->screencopy_manager = wl_registry_bind( reg, id, &zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_interface, version); } if (strcmp(interface, wl_shm_interface.name) == 0) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: |-- registered to interface %s (Version %u)", interface, WL_SHM_VERSION); ctx->shm = wl_registry_bind(reg, id, &wl_shm_interface, WL_SHM_VERSION); } if (strcmp(interface, zxdg_output_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) { logprint(DEBUG, "wlroots: |-- registered to interface %s (Version %u)", interface, XDG_OUTPUT_MANAGER_VERSION); ctx->xdg_output_manager = wl_registry_bind(reg, id, &zxdg_output_manager_v1_interface, XDG_OUTPUT_MANAGER_VERSION); } } static void wlr_registry_handle_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *reg, uint32_t id) { struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx = data; struct xdpw_wlr_output *output = xdpw_wlr_output_find(ctx, NULL, id); if (output) { wlr_remove_output(output); } } static const struct wl_registry_listener wlr_registry_listener = { .global = wlr_registry_handle_add, .global_remove = wlr_registry_handle_remove, }; int xdpw_wlr_screencopy_init(struct xdpw_state *state) { struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx = &state->screencast; // initialize a list of outputs wl_list_init(&ctx->output_list); // initialize a list of active screencast instances wl_list_init(&ctx->screencast_instances); // retrieve registry ctx->registry = wl_display_get_registry(state->wl_display); wl_registry_add_listener(ctx->registry, &wlr_registry_listener, ctx); wl_display_roundtrip(state->wl_display); logprint(DEBUG, "wayland: registry listeners run"); wlr_init_xdg_outputs(ctx); wl_display_roundtrip(state->wl_display); logprint(DEBUG, "wayland: xdg output listeners run"); // make sure our wlroots supports shm protocol if (!ctx->shm) { logprint(ERROR, "Compositor doesn't support %s!", "wl_shm"); return -1; } // make sure our wlroots supports screencopy protocol if (!ctx->screencopy_manager) { logprint(ERROR, "Compositor doesn't support %s!", zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_interface.name); return -1; } return 0; } void xdpw_wlr_screencopy_finish(struct xdpw_screencast_context *ctx) { struct xdpw_wlr_output *output, *tmp_o; wl_list_for_each_safe(output, tmp_o, &ctx->output_list, link) { wl_list_remove(&output->link); zxdg_output_v1_destroy(output->xdg_output); wl_output_destroy(output->output); } struct xdpw_screencast_instance *cast, *tmp_c; wl_list_for_each_safe(cast, tmp_c, &ctx->screencast_instances, link) { cast->quit = true; } if (ctx->screencopy_manager) { zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1_destroy(ctx->screencopy_manager); } if (ctx->shm) { wl_shm_destroy(ctx->shm); } if (ctx->xdg_output_manager) { zxdg_output_manager_v1_destroy(ctx->xdg_output_manager); } if (ctx->registry) { wl_registry_destroy(ctx->registry); } }