
640 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
description = "A neovim flake with a modular configuration";
outputs = {
} @ inputs: let
modulesWithInputs = import ./modules {inherit inputs;};
neovimConfiguration = {
modules ? [],
lib ? pkgs.lib,
check ? true,
extraSpecialArgs ? {},
modulesWithInputs {
inherit pkgs lib check extraSpecialArgs;
configuration = {...}: {
imports = modules;
nvimBin = pkg: "${pkg}/bin/nvim";
buildPkg = pkgs: modules:
(neovimConfiguration {
inherit pkgs modules;
tidalConfig = {
config = {
vim.tidal.enable = true;
mainConfig = isMaximal: {
config = {
2023-02-04 00:46:19 +03:00
vim = {
2023-02-05 16:58:42 +03:00
viAlias = true;
2023-02-04 00:46:19 +03:00
vimAlias = true;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.lsp = {
enable = true;
formatOnSave = true;
lightbulb.enable = true;
lspsaga.enable = false;
nvimCodeActionMenu.enable = true;
trouble.enable = true;
lspSignature.enable = true;
rust.enable = isMaximal;
python = isMaximal;
clang.enable = isMaximal;
sql = isMaximal;
ts = isMaximal;
go = isMaximal;
zig.enable = isMaximal;
nix = {
enable = true;
formatter = "alejandra";
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.visuals = {
enable = true;
nvimWebDevicons.enable = true;
2023-02-03 22:53:48 +03:00
scrollBar.enable = true;
smoothScroll.enable = true;
cellularAutomaton.enable = true;
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
lspkind.enable = true;
indentBlankline = {
enable = true;
fillChar = "";
eolChar = "";
showCurrContext = true;
cursorWordline = {
enable = true;
lineTimeout = 0;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.statusline.lualine = {
enable = true;
theme = "catppuccin";
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.theme = {
enable = true;
name = "catppuccin";
style = "mocha";
vim.autopairs.enable = true;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.autocomplete = {
enable = true;
type = "nvim-cmp";
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
vim.filetree = {
nvimTreeLua = {
enable = true;
view = {
width = 25;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
vim.tabline = {
nvimBufferline.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.treesitter = {
enable = true;
context.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
vim.binds = {
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
whichKey.enable = true;
cheatsheet.enable = true;
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.telescope = {
enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.markdown = {
enable = true;
glow.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.git = {
enable = true;
gitsigns.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
vim.minimap = {
2023-02-06 01:09:12 +03:00
minimap-vim.enable = false;
codewindow.enable = true; # lighter, faster, and uses lua for configuration
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
2023-02-03 10:36:08 +03:00
vim.dashboard = {
dashboard-nvim.enable = false;
2023-02-03 16:03:41 +03:00
alpha.enable = true;
2023-02-03 10:36:08 +03:00
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
vim.notify = {
nvim-notify.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
vim.utility = {
colorizer.enable = true;
icon-picker.enable = true;
2023-02-06 01:09:12 +03:00
venn-nvim.enable = false; # FIXME throws an error when its commands are ran manually
vim.notes = {
obsidian.enable = false; # FIXME neovim fails to build if obsidian is enabled
orgmode.enable = true;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
vim.terminal = {
toggleterm.enable = true;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
vim.ui = {
noice.enable = true;
2023-02-06 04:14:01 +03:00
vim.assistant = {
copilot.enable = false;
tabnine.enable = false; # FIXME: this is not working because the plugin depends on an internal script to be ran by the package manager
vim.session = {
nvim-session-manager.enable = false;
vim.gestures = {
gesture-nvim.enable = false;
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
nixConfig = mainConfig false;
maximalConfig = mainConfig true;
lib = {
nvim = (import ./modules/lib/stdlib-extended.nix nixpkgs.lib).nvim;
inherit neovimConfiguration;
overlays.default = final: prev: {
inherit neovimConfiguration;
neovim-nix = buildPkg prev [nixConfig];
neovim-maximal = buildPkg prev [maximalConfig];
neovim-tidal = buildPkg prev [tidalConfig];
// (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [
(final: prev: {
rnix-lsp = inputs.rnix-lsp.defaultPackage.${system};
nil = inputs.nil.packages.${system}.default;
docs = import ./docs {
inherit pkgs;
nmdSrc = inputs.nmd;
tidalPkg = buildPkg pkgs [tidalConfig];
nixPkg = buildPkg pkgs [nixConfig];
maximalPkg = buildPkg pkgs [maximalConfig];
in {
apps =
rec {
nix = {
type = "app";
program = nvimBin nixPkg;
maximal = {
type = "app";
program = nvimBin maximalPkg;
default = nix;
// (
if !(builtins.elem system ["aarch64-darwin" "x86_64-darwin"])
then {
tidal = {
type = "app";
program = nvimBin tidalPkg;
else {}
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {nativeBuildInputs = [nixPkg];};
packages =
docs-html = docs.manual.html;
docs-manpages = docs.manPages;
docs-json = docs.options.json;
default = nixPkg;
nix = nixPkg;
maximal = maximalPkg;
// (
if !(builtins.elem system ["aarch64-darwin" "x86_64-darwin"])
then {
tidal = tidalPkg;
else {}
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
# For generating documentation website
nmd = {
url = "gitlab:rycee/nmd";
flake = false;
# LSP plugins
nvim-lspconfig = {
# url = "github:neovim/nvim-lspconfig?ref=v0.1.3";
# Use master for nil_ls
url = "github:neovim/nvim-lspconfig";
flake = false;
lspsaga = {
url = "github:tami5/lspsaga.nvim";
flake = false;
lspkind = {
url = "github:onsails/lspkind-nvim";
flake = false;
trouble = {
url = "github:folke/trouble.nvim";
flake = false;
nvim-treesitter-context = {
url = "github:lewis6991/nvim-treesitter-context";
flake = false;
nvim-lightbulb = {
url = "github:kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb";
flake = false;
nvim-code-action-menu = {
url = "github:weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu";
flake = false;
lsp-signature = {
url = "github:ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim";
flake = false;
null-ls = {
url = "github:jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim";
flake = false;
sqls-nvim = {
url = "github:nanotee/sqls.nvim";
flake = false;
rust-tools = {
url = "github:simrat39/rust-tools.nvim";
flake = false;
# Copying/Registers
registers = {
url = "github:tversteeg/registers.nvim";
flake = false;
nvim-neoclip = {
url = "github:AckslD/nvim-neoclip.lua";
flake = false;
# Telescope
telescope = {
url = "github:nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim";
flake = false;
# Langauge server (use master instead of nixpkgs)
rnix-lsp.url = "github:nix-community/rnix-lsp";
nil = {
url = "github:oxalica/nil";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.flake-utils.follows = "flake-utils";
# Filetrees
nvim-tree-lua = {
2023-02-03 10:36:08 +03:00
url = "github:nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua";
flake = false;
# Tablines
nvim-bufferline-lua = {
url = "github:akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua?ref=v3.0.1";
flake = false;
# Statuslines
lualine = {
url = "github:hoob3rt/lualine.nvim";
flake = false;
# Autocompletes
nvim-compe = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/nvim-compe";
flake = false;
nvim-cmp = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/nvim-cmp";
flake = false;
cmp-buffer = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/cmp-buffer";
flake = false;
cmp-nvim-lsp = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp";
flake = false;
cmp-vsnip = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/cmp-vsnip";
flake = false;
cmp-path = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/cmp-path";
flake = false;
cmp-treesitter = {
url = "github:ray-x/cmp-treesitter";
flake = false;
# snippets
vim-vsnip = {
url = "github:hrsh7th/vim-vsnip";
flake = false;
# Presence
discord-nvim = {
url = "github:andweeb/presence.nvim";
flake = false;
# Autopairs
nvim-autopairs = {
url = "github:windwp/nvim-autopairs";
flake = false;
nvim-ts-autotag = {
url = "github:windwp/nvim-ts-autotag";
flake = false;
# Commenting
kommentary = {
url = "github:b3nj5m1n/kommentary";
flake = false;
todo-comments = {
url = "github:folke/todo-comments.nvim";
flake = false;
# Buffer tools
bufdelete-nvim = {
url = "github:famiu/bufdelete.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-03 10:36:08 +03:00
# Dashboard Utilities
dashboard-nvim = {
url = "github:glepnir/dashboard-nvim";
flake = false;
alpha-nvim = {
url = "github:goolord/alpha-nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 08:14:13 +03:00
vim-startify = {
url = "github:mhinz/vim-startify";
flake = false;
# Themes
tokyonight = {
url = "github:folke/tokyonight.nvim";
flake = false;
onedark = {
url = "github:navarasu/onedark.nvim";
flake = false;
catppuccin = {
url = "github:catppuccin/nvim";
flake = false;
# Rust crates
crates-nvim = {
url = "github:Saecki/crates.nvim";
flake = false;
# Visuals
nvim-cursorline = {
url = "github:yamatsum/nvim-cursorline";
flake = false;
2023-02-03 22:53:48 +03:00
scrollbar-nvim = {
url = "github:petertriho/nvim-scrollbar";
flake = false;
cinnamon-nvim = {
url = "github:declancm/cinnamon.nvim";
flake = false;
cellular-automaton = {
url = "github:Eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim";
flake = false;
indent-blankline = {
url = "github:lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim";
flake = false;
nvim-web-devicons = {
url = "github:kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons";
flake = false;
gitsigns-nvim = {
url = "github:lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim";
flake = false;
# Markdown
glow-nvim = {
url = "github:ellisonleao/glow.nvim";
flake = false;
# Tidal cycles
tidalcycles = {
url = "github:mitchmindtree/tidalcycles.nix";
inputs.vim-tidal-src.url = "github:tidalcycles/vim-tidal";
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00
# Minimap
minimap-vim = {
url = "github:wfxr/minimap.vim";
flake = false;
codewindow-nvim = {
url = "github:gorbit99/codewindow.nvim";
flake = false;
# Notifications
nvim-notify = {
url = "github:rcarriga/nvim-notify";
flake = false;
# Utilities
colorizer = {
url = "github:uga-rosa/ccc.nvim";
flake = false;
venn-nvim = {
url = "github:jbyuki/venn.nvim";
flake = false;
icon-picker-nvim = {
url = "github:ziontee113/icon-picker.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 08:14:13 +03:00
which-key = {
url = "github:folke/which-key.nvim";
flake = false;
cheatsheet-nvim = {
url = "github:sudormrfbin/cheatsheet.nvim";
flake = false;
gesture-nvim = {
url = "github:notomo/gesture.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 01:09:12 +03:00
# Note-taking
obsidian-nvim = {
url = "github:epwalsh/obsidian.nvim";
flake = false;
orgmode-nvim = {
url = "github:nvim-orgmode/orgmode";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 02:44:38 +03:00
# Terminal
toggleterm-nvim = {
url = "github:akinsho/toggleterm.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 04:14:01 +03:00
# UI
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
noice-nvim = {
url = "github:folke/noice.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 04:14:01 +03:00
# Assistant
copilot-lua = {
url = "github:zbirenbaum/copilot.lua";
flake = false;
tabnine-nvim = {
url = "github:codota/tabnine-nvim";
flake = false;
# Session management
nvim-session-manager = {
url = "github:Shatur/neovim-session-manager";
flake = false;
# Dependencies
plenary-nvim = {
# (required by crates-nvim)
url = "github:nvim-lua/plenary.nvim";
flake = false;
dressing-nvim = {
# (required by icon-picker-nvim)
url = "github:stevearc/dressing.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 01:09:12 +03:00
vim-markdown = {
# (required by obsidian-nvim)
url = "github:preservim/vim-markdown";
flake = false;
tabular = {
# (required by vim-markdown)
url = "github:godlygeek/tabular";
flake = false;
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
nui-nvim = {
2023-02-06 08:14:13 +03:00
# (required by noice.nvim)
2023-02-06 03:55:19 +03:00
url = "github:MunifTanjim/nui.nvim";
flake = false;
2023-02-01 23:59:35 +03:00