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2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
# Keybinds {#sec-keybinds}
As of 0.4, there exists an API for writing your own keybinds and a couple of
useful utility functions are available in the
[extended standard library]( The
following section contains a general overview to how you may utilize said
2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
## Custom Key Mappings Support for a Plugin {#sec-custom-key-mappings}
To set a mapping, you should define it in `vim.keymaps`.
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An example, simple keybinding, can look like this:
vim.keymaps = [
key = "<leader>wq";
mode = ["n"];
2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
action = ":wq<CR>";
silent = true;
desc = "Save file and quit";
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There are many settings available in the options. Please refer to the
[documentation]( to
see a list of them.
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2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
**nvf** provides a helper function, so that you don't have to write the
mapping attribute sets every time:
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- `mkKeymap`, which mimics neovim's `vim.keymap.set` function
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2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
You can read the source code of some modules to see them in action, but the
usage should look something like this:
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# plugindefinition.nix
{lib, ...}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.nvim.binds) mkMappingOption;
in {
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options.vim.plugin = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Enable plugin";
# Mappings should always be inside an attrset called mappings
mappings = {
2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
workspaceDiagnostics = mkMappingOption "Workspace diagnostics [trouble]" "<leader>lwd";
documentDiagnostics = mkMappingOption "Document diagnostics [trouble]" "<leader>ld";
lspReferences = mkMappingOption "LSP References [trouble]" "<leader>lr";
quickfix = mkMappingOption "QuickFix [trouble]" "<leader>xq";
locList = mkMappingOption "LOCList [trouble]" "<leader>xl";
symbols = mkMappingOption "Symbols [trouble]" "<leader>xs";
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# config.nix
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2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
}: let
2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
inherit (lib.nvim.binds) mkKeymap;
2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
cfg = config.vim.plugin;
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2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
keys = cfg.mappings;
inherit (options.vim.lsp.trouble) mappings;
2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
in {
2024-11-17 19:49:27 +01:00
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
vim.keymaps = [
(mkKeymap "n" keys.workspaceDiagnostics "<cmd>Trouble toggle diagnostics<CR>" {desc = mappings.workspaceDiagnostics.description;})
(mkKeymap "n" keys.documentDiagnostics "<cmd>Trouble toggle diagnostics filter.buf=0<CR>" {desc = mappings.documentDiagnostics.description;})
(mkKeymap "n" keys.lspReferences "<cmd>Trouble toggle lsp_references<CR>" {desc = mappings.lspReferences.description;})
(mkKeymap "n" keys.quickfix "<cmd>Trouble toggle quickfix<CR>" {desc = mappings.quickfix.description;})
(mkKeymap "n" keys.locList "<cmd>Trouble toggle loclist<CR>" {desc = mappings.locList.description;})
(mkKeymap "n" keys.symbols "<cmd>Trouble toggle symbols<CR>" {desc = mappings.symbols.description;})
2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00
::: {.note}
If you have come across a plugin that has an API that doesn't seem to easily
allow custom keybindings, don't be scared to implement a draft PR. We'll help
you get it done.
2023-12-09 22:03:58 +03:00