docs: crude migration guide

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Ching Pei Yang 2024-04-20 02:53:59 +02:00
parent 21aa2096e6
commit 685176e94a
1 changed files with 35 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,41 @@
Release notes for release 0.6
## Breaking Changes and Migration Guide
In v0.6 we are introducing `setupOpts`: many plugin related options are moved into their respective `setupOpts`
submodule, e.g. `nvimTree.disableNetrw` is renamed to `nvimTree.setupOpts.disable_netrw`.
_Why?_ in short, you can now pass in anything to setupOpts and it will be passed to your `require'plugin'.setup{...}`.
No need to wait for us to support every single plugin option.
The warnings when you rebuild your config should be enough to guide you through what you need to do, if there's an
option that was renamed but wasn't listed in the warning, please file a bug report!
To make your migration process less annoying, here's a keybind that will help you with renaming stuff from camelCase to
snake_case (you'll be doing that a lot):
-- paste this in a temp.lua file and load it in vim with :source /path/to/temp.lua
function camelToSnake()
-- Get the current word under the cursor
local word = vim.fn.expand("<cword>")
-- Replace each capital letter with an underscore followed by its lowercase equivalent
local snakeCase = string.gsub(word, "%u", function(match)
return "_" .. string.lower(match)
-- Remove the leading underscore if present
if string.sub(snakeCase, 1, 1) == "_" then
snakeCase = string.sub(snakeCase, 2)
vim.fn.setreg(vim.v.register, snakeCase)
-- Select the word under the cursor and paste
vim.cmd("normal! viwP")
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>a', ':lua camelToSnake()<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
## Changelog {#sec-release-0.6-changelog}