diff --git a/docs/custom-plugins.adoc b/docs/custom-plugins.adoc
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+== Custom Plugins
+You can use custom plugins, before they are implemented in the flake.
+To add a plugin, you need to add it to your config's `config.vim.startPlugins` array.
+This is an example of adding the FrenzyExists/aquarium-vim plugin:
+ config.vim.startPlugins = [
+ (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "FrenzyExists";
+ repo = "aquarium-vim";
+ rev = "d09b1feda1148797aa5ff0dbca8d8e3256d028d5";
+ sha256 = "CtyEhCcGxxok6xFQ09feWpdEBIYHH+GIFVOaNZx10Bs=";
+ })
+ ];
+However, just making the plugin available might not be enough. In that case, you can write custom vimscript or lua config, using `config.vim.configRC` or `config.vim.luaConfigRC` respectively.
+These options are attribute sets, and you need to give the configuration you're adding some name, like this:
+ config.vim.configRC.aquarium = "colorscheme aquiarum";
+Note: If your configuration needs to be put in a specific place in the config, you can use functions from `inputs.neovim-flake.lib.nvim.dag` to order it. Refer to https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/blob/master/modules/lib/dag.nix.
+Also, if you successfully made your plugin work, please make a PR to add it to the flake, or open an issue with your findings so that we can make it available for everyone easily.
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