diff --git a/options.html b/options.html index dabc2d5b..5ed2e853 100644 --- a/options.html +++ b/options.html @@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@ attribute set of (submodule)

Plugin Package.

Type: -null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”

+null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”

Declared by:

@@ -3315,6 +3315,477 @@ strings concatenated with “\n”

+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.enable + + +

Whether to enable filetree via neo-tree.nvim.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts + + +

Option table to pass into the setup function of neo-tree

You can pass in any additional options even if they’re +not listed in the docs

+ +

Type: +attribute set of anything

+ +

Default: +{ }

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_cursor_hijack + + +

Whether to enable cursor hijacking.

If enabled neotree will keep the cursor on the first letter of the filename when moving in the tree +.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_diagnostics + + +

Whether to enable diagnostics.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_git_status + + +

Whether to enable git status.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_modified_markers + + +

Whether to enable markers for files with unsaved changes…

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_opened_markers + + +

Whether to enable tracking of opened files.

Required for components.name.highlight_opened_files +.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.enable_refresh_on_write + + +

Whether to enable Refresh the tree when a file is written.

Only used if use_libuv_file_watcher is false. +.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.add_blank_line_at_top + + +

Whether to add a blank line at the top of the tree

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.auto_clean_after_session_restore + + +

Whether to automatically clean up broken neo-tree buffers +saved in sessions

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.default_source + + +

You can choose a specific source.

last here which indicates the last used source

+ +

Type: +string

+ +

Default: +"filesystem"

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.git_status_async + + +

Whether to enable async git status.

This will make the git status check async and will not block the UI. +.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.hide_root_node + + +

Whether to hide the root node of the tree

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.log_level + + +

Log level for the plugin.

+ +

Type: +one of “trace”, “debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”, “fatal”

+ +

Default: +"info"

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.log_to_file + + +

Must be either a boolean or a path to your log file.

Use :NeoTreeLogs to show the file

+ +

Type: +boolean or string

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +/tmp/neo-tree.log

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.open_files_do_not_replace_types + + +

A list of filetypes that should not be replaced when opening a file

+ +

Type: +list of string

+ +


+  "terminal"
+  "Trouble"
+  "qf"
+  "edgy"
+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.open_files_in_last_window + + +

Whether to open files in the last window

If disabled, neo-tree will open files in top left window

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
+ + vim.filetree.neo-tree.setupOpts.retain_hidden_root_indent + + +

Whether to retain the indent of the hidden root node

IF the root node is hidden, keep the indentation anyhow. +This is needed if you use expanders because they render in the indent.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<nvf/modules/plugins/filetree/neo-tree/neo-tree.nix> + +
vim.filetree.nvimTree.enable @@ -18557,7 +19028,7 @@ the wrapper during the build process.

To avoid overriding packages and dep are recommended to use this option or vim.extraPlugins option.

Type: -list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)

+list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)

Default: [ ]

@@ -20009,7 +20480,7 @@ using the

Type: -list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)

+list of (null or package or one of “alpha-nvim”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “catppuccin”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “chatgpt”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “cmp-vsnip”, “codewindow-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “copilot-cmp”, “copilot-lua”, “crates-nvim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “dracula”, “dressing-nvim”, “elixir-tools”, “fidget-nvim”, “flutter-tools”, “gesture-nvim”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “gruvbox”, “highlight-undo”, “hop-nvim”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “image-nvim”, “indent-blankline”, “leap-nvim”, “lsp-lines”, “lsp-signature”, “lspkind”, “lspsaga”, “lualine”, “mind-nvim”, “minimap-vim”, “modes-nvim”, “neo-tree-nvim”, “neocord”, “neodev-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “none-ls”, “nui-nvim”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “nvim-cmp”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “nvim-cursorline”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-go”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-docs-view”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-neoclip”, “nvim-nio”, “nvim-notify”, “nvim-session-manager”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-treesitter-context”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “obsidian-nvim”, “onedark”, “orgmode-nvim”, “oxocarbon”, “plenary-nvim”, “project-nvim”, “registers”, “rose-pine”, “rust-tools”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “smartcolumn”, “sqls-nvim”, “tabular”, “telescope”, “todo-comments”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “tokyonight”, “trouble”, “ts-error-translator”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “vim-fugitive”, “vim-illuminate”, “vim-markdown”, “vim-repeat”, “vim-startify”, “vim-vsnip”, “which-key”, “nvim-treesitter”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “vim-repeat”)


diff --git a/release-notes.html b/release-notes.html
index d621d442..9d7e8d4d 100644
--- a/release-notes.html
+++ b/release-notes.html
@@ -146,19 +146,29 @@ will enable the typst-lsp language server, and the
 from anything to a submodule for better type checking.

  • Fix null vim.lsp.mappings generating an error and not being filtered out.

  • Add basic transparency support for oxocarbon theme by setting the highlight group for Normal, NormalFloat, LineNr, SignColumn and optionally -NvimTreeNormal to none.

  • Fix vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn +NvimTreeNormal to none.

  • Fix +vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn using the wrong type int instead of the expected type string.

  • horriblename:

    • Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode

    • Deprecate use of __empty to define empty tables in lua. Empty attrset are no -longer filtered and thus should be used instead.

    • Add dap-go for better dap configurations

    • Make noice.nvim customizable



    • Move the theme dag entry to before luaScript.

    • Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.

    • Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim’s built-in terminal (this also affects toggleterm).

    • Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability

    • Use clangd as the default language server for C languages

    • Expose lib.nvim.types.pluginType, which for example allows the user to create abstractions for adding plugins

    • Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the plugin’s options can now be found under indentBlankline.setupOpts, the previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options, which have been removed for the time being. These are:

      • listChar - this was already unused

      • fillChar - this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' }) to your lua configuration

      • eolChar - this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' }) to your lua configuration


    • Add deno fmt as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled +longer filtered and thus should be used instead.

    • Add dap-go for better dap configurations

    • Make noice.nvim customizable



    • Move the theme dag entry to before luaScript.

    • Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust.

    • Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim’s built-in +terminal (this also affects toggleterm).

    • Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability

    • Use clangd as the default language server for C languages

    • Expose lib.nvim.types.pluginType, which for example allows the user to +create abstractions for adding plugins

    • Migrate indent-blankline to setupOpts for more customizability. While the +plugin’s options can now be found under indentBlankline.setupOpts, the +previous iteration of the module also included out of place/broken options, +which have been removed for the time being. These are:

      • listChar - this was already unused

      • fillChar - this had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it +yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = '<char>' }) to your +lua configuration

      • eolChar - this also had nothing to do with the plugin, please configure it +yourself by adding vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = '<char>' }) to your +lua configuration


    • Add deno fmt as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually if you choose to.

    • Add vim.extraLuaFiles for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your configuration.

    • Refactor programs.languages.elixir to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be added once the credo linter has been added to nixpkgs. A pull request is currently open.

    • Remove vim-tidal and friends.

    • Clean up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed -blending issues in component separators.

    • Add -ts-error-translator.nvim -extension of the TS language module, under -vim.languages.ts.extensions.ts-error-translator

    +blending issues in component separators.

  • Add [ts-ereror-translator.nvim] extension of the TS language module, under +vim.languages.ts.extensions.ts-error-translator to aid with Typescript +development.

  • Add [neo-tree.nvim] as an alternative file-tree plugin. It will be available +under vim.filetree.neo-tree, similar to nvimtree.