ui/illuminate: covert to setupOpts

This commit is contained in:
NotAShelf 2024-05-08 09:00:54 +03:00
parent d25492788c
commit e31f7eb82f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 02D1DD3FA08B6B29
3 changed files with 171 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
imports = [

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkIf;
inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere;
inherit (lib.nvim.lua) toLuaObject;
cfg = config.vim.ui.illuminate;
in {
@ -12,14 +13,7 @@ in {
vim.startPlugins = ["vim-illuminate"];
vim.luaConfigRC.vim-illuminate = entryAnywhere ''
filetypes_denylist = {
require('illuminate').configure({${toLuaObject cfg.setupOpts}})

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@ -1,7 +1,168 @@
{lib, ...}: let
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption;
inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption literalExpression;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
inherit (lib.types) int listOf str bool;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption luaInline;
in {
options.vim.ui.illuminate = {
enable = mkEnableOption "automatically highlight other uses of the word under the cursor [vim-illuminate]";
enable = mkEnableOption ''
automatic highlighting ofother uses of the word under the cursor [vim-illuminate]
setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "illuminate" {
providers = mkOption {
type = luaInline;
default = mkLuaInline ''{"lsp", "treesitter", "regex"}'';
example = ''lib.generators.mkLuaInline "providers = {\"lsp\"}"'';
description = ''
Provider used to get references in the buffer, ordered by priority
::: {.warning}
This option takes verbatim Lua code, which **must** be a table of
providers in the order of desired priority. If using a function, you
must make sure that the function returns a table of strings.
delay = mkOption {
type = int;
default = 120;
example = 100;
description = "Delay, in milliseconds";
filetype_overrides = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
description = ''
Filetype specific overrides.
The keys are strings to represent the filetype while the values are
tables that supports the same keys passed to .configure except for
`filetypes_denylist` and `filetypes`.
filetype_denylist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = ["dirbuf" "dirvish" "fugitive" "NvimTree" "TelescopePrompt"];
example = literalExpression ''mkForce [ ]'';
description = ''
Filetypes to not illuminate, this overrides filetypes_allowlist
files_allowlist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
description = ''
Filetypes to illuminate, this is overridden by filetypes_denylist
::: {.note}
You must set `filetype_denylist` to an empty list with `mkForce [ ]`
to override the defaults to allow filetypes_allowlist to take effect
modes_denylist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
example = "no -- operator pending";
description = ''
Modes to not illuminate, this overrides modes_allowlist
See `:help mode()` for possible values.
modes_allowlist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
example = "no -- operator pending";
description = ''
Modes to illuminate, this is overridden by modes_denylist
See `:help mode()` for possible values.
providers_regex_syntax_denylist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
description = ''
Syntax to illuminate, this overrides providers_regex_syntax_allowlist
::: {.note}
Only applies to the 'regex' provider Use
`:echom synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name')`
providers_regex_syntax_allowlist = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
default = [];
description = ''
Syntax to not illuminate, this overrides providers_regex_syntax_denylist
::: {.note}
Only applies to the 'regex' provider Use
`:echom synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)), 'name')`
under_cursor = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true;
description = "Whether or not to illuminate under the cursor";
large_file_cutoff = mkOption {
type = luaInline;
default = mkLuaInline "nil";
description = ''
Number of lines at which to use large_file_config
The `under_cursor` option is disabled when this cutoff is hit
large_file_overrides = mkOption {
type = luaInline;
default = mkLuaInline "nil";
example = literalExpression ''lib.generators.mkLuaInline "{providers = {\"lsp\"}, delay = 130 }"'';
description = ''
Config to use for large files (based on large_file_cutoff).
Supports the same keys passed to .configure
If nil, vim-illuminate will be disabled for large files.
min_count_to_highlight = mkOption {
type = int;
default = 1;
description = ''
Minimum number of matches required to perform highlighting
should_enable = mkOption {
type = luaInline;
default = mkLuaInline "function(bufnr) return true end";
description = ''
Acallback that overrides all other settings to
enable/disable illumination.
This will be called a lot so avoid doing anything expensive in it.
case_insensitive_regex = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether to enable regex case sensitivity";