From e4a0b686e56a6117fcf91ae9737a2ded9d344719 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: NotAShelf Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 22:16:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: c0841e01068c21ed1ea6aacb1ff0c6904462e271 --- options.html | 241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- release-notes.html | 2 +- 2 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/options.html b/options.html index 7ca27c0..19f87f2 100644 --- a/options.html +++ b/options.html @@ -2683,7 +2683,7 @@ attribute set of (submodule)

Plugin Package.

Type: -null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”

+null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “rose-pine”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”

Declared by:

@@ -8948,6 +8948,234 @@ package

+ + vim.languages.nim.enable + + +

Whether to enable Nim language support.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.format.enable + + +

Whether to enable Nim formatting.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.format.package + + +

Nim formatter package

+ +

Type: +package

+ +

Default: +<derivation x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-nim-wrapper-2.0.2>

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.format.type + + +

Nim formatter to use

+ +

Type: +value “nimpretty” (singular enum)

+ +

Default: +"nimpretty"

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.lsp.enable + + +

Whether to enable Nim LSP support.

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Example: +true

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.lsp.package + + +

Nim LSP server package, or the command to run as a list of strings

+ +

Type: +package or list of string

+ +

Default: +<derivation nimlsp-0.4.4>

+ +

Example: +"[lib.getExe pkgs.nimlsp]"

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.lsp.server + + +

Nim LSP server to use

+ +

Type: +string

+ +

Default: +"nimlsp"

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.treesitter.enable + + +

Enable Nim treesitter

+ +

Type: +boolean

+ +

Default: +false

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
+ + vim.languages.nim.treesitter.package + + +

The nim treesitter package to use.

+ +

Type: +package

+ +

Default: +pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.builtGrammars.nim

+ +

Declared by:

+ + +
+ +<neovim-flake/modules/languages/nim.nix> + +
vim.languages.nix.enable @@ -11266,7 +11494,8 @@ null or string


How line numbers are displayed. none, relative, number, relNumber


How line numbers are displayed. Available options are +none, relative, number, relNumber

Type: one of “relative”, “number”, “relNumber”, “none”

@@ -15721,7 +15950,7 @@ boolean


Set modes for mouse support. a - all, n - normal, v - visual, i - insert, c - command


Set modes for mouse support.

  • a - all

  • n - normal

  • v - visual

  • i - insert

  • c - command

Type: one of “a”, “n”, “v”, “i”, “c”

@@ -16321,7 +16550,7 @@ signed integer

List of plugins to optionally load

Type: -list of (null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”)

+list of (null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “rose-pine”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”)

Default: [ ]

@@ -17685,7 +17914,7 @@ boolean

List of plugins to startup.

Type: -list of (null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”)

+list of (null or package or one of “nvim-treesitter-context”, “gitsigns-nvim”, “plenary-nvim”, “nvim-lspconfig”, “nvim-treesitter”, “lspsaga”, “lspkind”, “nvim-lightbulb”, “lsp-signature”, “nvim-tree-lua”, “nvim-bufferline-lua”, “lualine”, “nvim-compe”, “nvim-autopairs”, “nvim-ts-autotag”, “nvim-web-devicons”, “tokyonight”, “bufdelete-nvim”, “nvim-cmp”, “cmp-nvim-lsp”, “cmp-buffer”, “cmp-vsnip”, “cmp-path”, “cmp-treesitter”, “crates-nvim”, “vim-vsnip”, “nvim-code-action-menu”, “trouble”, “none-ls”, “which-key”, “indent-blankline”, “nvim-cursorline”, “sqls-nvim”, “glow-nvim”, “telescope”, “rust-tools”, “onedark”, “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “oxocarbon”, “gruvbox”, “rose-pine”, “minimap-vim”, “dashboard-nvim”, “alpha-nvim”, “scrollbar-nvim”, “codewindow-nvim”, “nvim-notify”, “cinnamon-nvim”, “cheatsheet-nvim”, “ccc”, “cellular-automaton”, “neocord”, “icon-picker-nvim”, “dressing-nvim”, “orgmode-nvim”, “obsidian-nvim”, “vim-markdown”, “tabular”, “toggleterm-nvim”, “noice-nvim”, “nui-nvim”, “copilot-lua”, “tabnine-nvim”, “nvim-session-manager”, “gesture-nvim”, “comment-nvim”, “kommentary”, “mind-nvim”, “fidget-nvim”, “diffview-nvim”, “todo-comments”, “flutter-tools”, “flutter-tools-patched”, “hop-nvim”, “leap-nvim”, “modes-nvim”, “vim-repeat”, “smartcolumn”, “project-nvim”, “neodev-nvim”, “elixir-ls”, “elixir-tools”, “nvim-colorizer-lua”, “vim-illuminate”, “nvim-surround”, “nvim-dap”, “nvim-dap-ui”, “nvim-navic”, “nvim-navbuddy”, “copilot-cmp”, “lsp-lines”, “vim-dirtytalk”, “highlight-undo”, “nvim-docs-view”)

Default: [ ]

@@ -19795,7 +20024,7 @@ strings concatenated with “\n”

Supported themes can be found in supported_themes.nix

Type: -one of “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “gruvbox”, “onedark”, “oxocarbon”, “tokyonight”

+one of “catppuccin”, “dracula”, “gruvbox”, “onedark”, “oxocarbon”, “rose-pine”, “tokyonight”

Declared by:

diff --git a/release-notes.html b/release-notes.html index 92e1462..df6a2ff 100644 --- a/release-notes.html +++ b/release-notes.html @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Those can be enabled through vim.languages.css and options: vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle, vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus and vim.statusline.lualine.disabledFiletypes

  • Updated all plugin inputs to their latest versions (26.01.2024) - this brought minor color changess to the Catppuccin -theme

  • +theme


    • Added rose-pine theme