fix: add rename warnings for nvimtree.setupOpts

This commit is contained in:
Ching Pei Yang 2024-04-19 21:14:41 +02:00
parent bea3b43733
commit e710afd1ac
1 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -3,11 +3,87 @@
}: let
inherit (lib.modules) mkRenamedOptionModule;
inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption mkOption literalExpression;
inherit (lib.generators) mkLuaInline;
inherit (lib.types) nullOr str bool int submodule listOf enum oneOf attrs addCheck;
inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption;
inherit (lib.lists) flatten;
inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrsToList;
migrationTable = {
disableNetrw = "disable_netrw";
hijackNetrw = "hijack_netrw";
autoreloadOnWrite = "autoreload_on_write";
updateFocusedFile = "update_focused_file";
sort = {
sorter = "sorter";
foldersFirst = "folders_first";
hijackCursor = "hijack_cursor";
hijackUnnamedBufferWhenOpening = "hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening";
rootDirs = "root_dirs";
preferStartupRoot = "prefer_startup_root";
syncRootWithCwd = "sync_root_with_cwd";
reloadOnBufEnter = "reload_on_buf_enter";
respectBufCwd = "respect_buf_cwd";
hijackDirectories = "hijack_directories";
systemOpen = {
args = "args";
cmd = "cmd";
diagnostics = "diagnostics";
git = {
enable = "enable";
showOnDirs = "show_on_dirs";
showOnOpenDirs = "show_on_open_dirs";
disableForDirs = "disable_for_dirs";
timeout = "timeout";
modified = "modified";
filesystemWatchers = "filesystem_watchers";
selectPrompts = "select_prompts";
view = "view";
renderer = {
addTrailing = "add_trailing";
groupEmpty = "group_empty";
fullName = "full_name";
highlightGit = "highlight_git";
highlightOpenedFiles = "highlight_opened_files";
highlightModified = "highlight_modified";
rootFolderLabel = "root_folder_label";
indentWidth = "indent_width";
indentMarkers = "indent_markers";
specialFiles = "special_files";
symlinkDestination = "symlink_destination";
icons = "icons";
filters = "filters";
trash = "trash";
actions = "actions";
liveFilter = "live_filter";
tab = "tab";
notify = "notify";
ui = "ui";
renamedSetupOpts = flatten (genSetupOptRenames [] migrationTable);
# Note: I cut a few corners so it only works in this specific case
# if the parent of a nested option needs to be renamed, this would not work
genSetupOptRenames = path: table:
mapAttrsToList (
oldName: newNameOrAttr:
if builtins.isAttrs newNameOrAttr
then genSetupOptRenames (path ++ [oldName]) newNameOrAttr
(["vim" "filetree" "nvimTree"] ++ path ++ [oldName])
(["vim" "filetree" "nvimTree" "setupOpts"] ++ path ++ [newNameOrAttr])
in {
imports = renamedSetupOpts;
options.vim.filetree.nvimTree = {
enable = mkEnableOption "filetree via nvim-tree.lua";