{ config, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.vim.visuals; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable { vim.startPlugins = [ ( if cfg.nvimWebDevicons.enable then "nvim-web-devicons" else null ) ( if cfg.lspkind.enable then "lspkind" else null ) ( if cfg.cursorWordline.enable then "nvim-cursorline" else null ) ( if cfg.indentBlankline.enable then "indent-blankline" else null ) ( if cfg.scrollBar.enable then "scrollbar-nvim" else null ) ( if cfg.smoothScroll.enable then "cinnamon-nvim" else null ) ( if cfg.cellularAutomaton.enable then "cellular-automaton" else null ) ( if cfg.fidget-nvim.enable then "fidget-nvim" else null ) ]; vim.luaConfigRC.visuals = nvim.dag.entryAnywhere '' ${ if cfg.lspkind.enable then "require'lspkind'.init()" else "" } ${ if cfg.indentBlankline.enable then '' -- highlight error: https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim/issues/59 vim.wo.colorcolumn = "99999" vim.opt.list = true ${ if cfg.indentBlankline.eolChar == "" then "" else ''vim.opt.listchars:append({ eol = "${cfg.indentBlankline.eolChar}" })'' } ${ if cfg.indentBlankline.fillChar == "" then "" else ''vim.opt.listchars:append({ space = "${cfg.indentBlankline.fillChar}"})'' } require("indent_blankline").setup { char = "${cfg.indentBlankline.listChar}", show_current_context = ${boolToString cfg.indentBlankline.showCurrContext}, show_end_of_line = true, } '' else "" } ${ if cfg.cursorWordline.enable then "vim.g.cursorline_timeout = ${toString cfg.cursorWordline.lineTimeout}" else "" } ${ if cfg.scrollBar.enable then "require('scrollbar').setup{ excluded_filetypes = { 'prompt', 'TelescopePrompt', 'noice', 'NvimTree', 'alpha' }, }" else "" } ${ if cfg.smoothScroll.enable then "require('cinnamon').setup()" else "" } ${ if cfg.cellularAutomaton.enable then '' local config = { fps = 50, name = 'slide', } -- init function is invoked only once at the start -- config.init = function (grid) -- -- end -- update function config.update = function (grid) for i = 1, #grid do local prev = grid[i][#(grid[i])] for j = 1, #(grid[i]) do grid[i][j], prev = prev, grid[i][j] end end return true end require("cellular-automaton").register_animation(config) vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fml", "<cmd>CellularAutomaton make_it_rain<CR>") '' else "" } ${ if cfg.fidget-nvim.enable then '' require"fidget".setup{ align = { bottom = ${boolToString cfg.fidget-nvim.align.bottom}, right = ${boolToString cfg.fidget-nvim.align.right}, } } '' else "" } ''; }; }