  check ? true,
}: let
  inherit (lib.modules) mkDefault;
  inherit (lib.lists) concatLists;

  # The core neovim modules.
  # Contains configuration for core neovim features
  # such as spellchecking, mappings, and the init script (init.vim).
  neovim = map (p: ./neovim + "/${p}") [

  # Individual plugin modules, separated by the type of plugin.
  # While adding a new type, you must make sure your type is
  # included in the list below.
  plugins = map (p: ./plugins + "/${p}") [
    # "spellcheck" # FIXME: see neovim/init/spellcheck.nix

  # The neovim wrapper, used to build a wrapped neovim package
  # using the configuration passed in `neovim` and `plugins` modules.
  wrapper = map (p: ./wrapper + "/${p}") [

  # Extra modules, such as deprecation warnings
  # or renames in one place.
  extra = map (p: ./extra + "/${p}") [

  allModules = concatLists [neovim plugins wrapper extra];

  pkgsModule = {config, ...}: {
    config = {
      _module = {
        inherit check;
        args = {
          baseModules = allModules;
          pkgsPath = mkDefault pkgs.path;
          pkgs = mkDefault pkgs;
  allModules ++ [pkgsModule]