{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; with builtins; let cfg = config.vim.languages.dart; ftcfg = cfg.flutter-tools; servers = { dart = { package = pkgs.dart; lspConfig = '' lspconfig.dartls.setup{ capabilities = capabilities; on_attach=default_on_attach; cmd = {"${pkgs.dart}/bin/dart", "language-server", "--protocol=lsp"}; ${optionalString (cfg.lsp.opts != null) "init_options = ${cfg.lsp.dartOpts}"} } ''; }; }; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [ (mkIf cfg.treesitter.enable { vim.treesitter.enable = true; vim.treesitter.grammars = [cfg.treesitter.package]; }) (mkIf cfg.lsp.enable { vim.lsp.lspconfig.enable = true; vim.lsp.lspconfig.sources.dart-lsp = servers.${cfg.lsp.server}.lspConfig; }) (mkIf (ftcfg.enable) { vim.startPlugins = if ftcfg.enableNoResolvePatch then ["flutter-tools-patched"] else ["flutter-tools"]; vim.luaConfigRC.flutter-tools = nvim.dag.entryAnywhere '' require('flutter-tools').setup { lsp = { color = { -- show the derived colours for dart variables enabled = ${boolToString ftcfg.color.enable}, -- whether or not to highlight color variables at all, only supported on flutter >= 2.10 background = ${boolToString ftcfg.color.highlightBackground}, -- highlight the background foreground = ${boolToString ftcfg.color.highlightForeground}, -- highlight the foreground virtual_text = ${boolToString ftcfg.color.virtualText.enable}, -- show the highlight using virtual text virtual_text_str = ${ftcfg.color.virtualText.character} -- the virtual text character to highlight }, capabilities = capabilities, on_attach = default_on_attach; flags = lsp_flags, }, ${optionalString cfg.dap.enable '' debugger = { enabled = true, }, ''} } ''; }) ]); }