{ config, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib.modules) mkIf mkMerge; inherit (lib.nvim.binds) addDescriptionsToMappings mkSetLuaBinding; inherit (lib.nvim.dag) entryAnywhere; cfg = config.vim.gestures.gesture-nvim; self = import ./gesture-nvim.nix {inherit lib;}; mappingDefinitions = self.options.vim.gestures.gesture-nvim.mappings; mappings = addDescriptionsToMappings cfg.mappings mappingDefinitions; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable { vim = { startPlugins = ["gesture-nvim"]; maps.normal = mkMerge [ (mkSetLuaBinding mappings.draw "require('gesture').draw") (mkSetLuaBinding mappings.finish "require('gesture').finish") (mkIf (mappings.draw.value == "<RightDrag>") { "<RightMouse>" = {action = "<Nop>";}; }) ]; options.mouse = "a"; pluginRC.gesture-nvim = entryAnywhere '' local gesture = require("gesture") gesture.register({ name = "scroll to bottom", inputs = { gesture.up(), gesture.down() }, action = "normal! G", }) gesture.register({ name = "next tab", inputs = { gesture.right() }, action = "tabnext", }) gesture.register({ name = "previous tab", inputs = { gesture.left() }, action = function(ctx) -- also can use callable vim.cmd.tabprevious() end, }) gesture.register({ name = "go back", inputs = { gesture.right(), gesture.left() }, -- map to `<C-o>` keycode action = [[lua vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-o>", true, false, true), "n", true)]], }) ''; }; }; }