# NodeJS {#ch-plugins-nodejs} ## eslint-plugin-prettier {#sec-eslint-plugin-prettier} When working with NodeJS, everything works as expected, but some projects have settings that can fool nvf. If [this plugin](https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier) or similar is included, you might get a situation where your eslint configuration diagnoses your formatting according to its own config (usually `.eslintrc.js`). The issue there is your formatting is made via prettierd. This results in auto-formating relying on your prettier config, while your eslint config diagnoses formatting [which it's not supposed to](https://prettier.io/docs/en/comparison.html)) In the end, you get discrepancies between what your editor does and what it wants. Solutions are: 1. Don't add a formatting config to eslint, and separate prettier and eslint. 2. PR this repo to add an ESLint formatter and configure nvf to use it.