# Helpers for converting values to lua {lib}: let inherit (lib) mapAttrsToList filterAttrs concatStringsSep concatMapStringsSep stringToCharacters boolToString; inherit (builtins) hasAttr head; in rec { # Convert a null value to lua's nil nullString = value: if value == null then "nil" else "'${value}'"; # convert an expression to lua expToLua = exp: if builtins.isList exp then listToLuaTable exp # if list, convert to lua table else if builtins.isAttrs exp then attrsetToLuaTable exp # if attrs, convert to table else if builtins.isBool exp then lib.boolToString exp # if bool, convert to string else if builtins.isInt exp then builtins.toString exp # if int, convert to string else (builtins.toJSON exp); # otherwise jsonify the value and print as is # convert list to a lua table listToLuaTable = list: "{ " + (builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (map expToLua list)) + " }"; # convert attrset to a lua table attrsetToLuaTable = attrset: "{ " + ( builtins.concatStringsSep ", " ( lib.mapAttrsToList ( name: value: name + " = " + (expToLua value) ) attrset ) ) + " }"; # Convert a list of lua expressions to a lua table. The difference to listToLuaTable is that the elements here are expected to be lua expressions already, whereas listToLuaTable converts from nix types to lua first luaTable = items: ''{${builtins.concatStringsSep "," items}}''; toLuaObject = args: if builtins.isAttrs args then if hasAttr "__raw" args then args.__raw else if hasAttr "__empty" args then "{ }" else "{" + (concatStringsSep "," (mapAttrsToList (n: v: if head (stringToCharacters n) == "@" then toLuaObject v else "[${toLuaObject n}] = " + (toLuaObject v)) (filterAttrs ( _: v: (v != null) && (toLuaObject v != "{}") ) args))) + "}" else if builtins.isList args then "{" + concatMapStringsSep "," toLuaObject args + "}" else if builtins.isString args then # This should be enough! builtins.toJSON args else if builtins.isPath args then builtins.toJSON (toString args) else if builtins.isBool args then "${boolToString args}" else if builtins.isFloat args then "${toString args}" else if builtins.isInt args then "${toString args}" else if (args != null) then "nil" else ""; }