== Try it out

$ cachix use neovim-flake # Optional: it'll save you CPU resources and time
$ nix run github:notashelf/neovim-flake

=== Nix

By default LSP support for Nix is enabled alongside all complementary Neovim plugins. By running `nix run .`, which is the default package,
you will build Neovim with this config.

=== Tidal

Tidal is an alternative config that adds vim-tidal on top of the plugins from the Nix configuration.

=== Maximal

Maximal is the ultimate configuration that will enable basically everything. Keep in mind, however, that this will pull a lot of dependencies.

=== Using Prebuilt Configs

$ nix run github:notashelf/neovim-flake#nix 
$ nix run github:notashelf/neovim-flake#tidal
$ nix run github:notashelf/neovim-flake#maximal