{lib}: with lib; let # Plugin must be same as input name from flake.nix availablePlugins = [ # TODO: sort by category "nvim-treesitter-context" "gitsigns-nvim" "plenary-nvim" "nvim-lspconfig" "nvim-treesitter" "lspsaga" "lspkind" "nvim-lightbulb" "lsp-signature" "nvim-tree-lua" "nvim-bufferline-lua" "lualine" "nvim-compe" "nvim-autopairs" "nvim-ts-autotag" "nvim-web-devicons" "tokyonight" "bufdelete-nvim" "nvim-cmp" "cmp-nvim-lsp" "cmp-buffer" "cmp-vsnip" "cmp-path" "cmp-treesitter" "crates-nvim" "vim-vsnip" "nvim-code-action-menu" "trouble" "none-ls" "which-key" "indent-blankline" "nvim-cursorline" "sqls-nvim" "glow-nvim" "telescope" "rust-tools" "onedark" "catppuccin" "dracula" "oxocarbon" "gruvbox" "rose-pine" "minimap-vim" "dashboard-nvim" "alpha-nvim" "scrollbar-nvim" "codewindow-nvim" "nvim-notify" "cinnamon-nvim" "cheatsheet-nvim" "ccc" "cellular-automaton" "neocord" "icon-picker-nvim" "dressing-nvim" "orgmode-nvim" "obsidian-nvim" "vim-markdown" "tabular" "toggleterm-nvim" "noice-nvim" "nui-nvim" "copilot-lua" "tabnine-nvim" "nvim-session-manager" "gesture-nvim" "comment-nvim" "kommentary" "mind-nvim" "fidget-nvim" "diffview-nvim" "todo-comments" "flutter-tools" "flutter-tools-patched" "hop-nvim" "leap-nvim" "modes-nvim" "vim-repeat" "smartcolumn" "project-nvim" "neodev-nvim" "elixir-ls" "elixir-tools" "nvim-colorizer-lua" "vim-illuminate" "nvim-surround" "nvim-dap" "nvim-dap-ui" "nvim-navic" "nvim-navbuddy" "copilot-cmp" "lsp-lines" "vim-dirtytalk" "highlight-undo" "nvim-docs-view" "image-nvim" "nvim-nio" ]; # You can either use the name of the plugin or a package. pluginType = with types; nullOr ( either package (enum availablePlugins) ); pluginsType = types.listOf pluginType; extraPluginType = with types; submodule { options = { package = mkOption { type = pluginType; description = "Plugin Package."; }; after = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = []; description = "Setup this plugin after the following ones."; }; setup = mkOption { type = lines; default = ""; description = "Lua code to run during setup."; example = "require('aerial').setup {}"; }; }; }; in { inherit extraPluginType; pluginsOpt = { description, default ? [], }: mkOption { inherit description default; type = pluginsType; }; rawLua = lib.mkOptionType { name = "rawLua"; check = val: isString val || val ? __raw; merge = loc: defs: let val = if isString loc then {__raw = val;} else loc; in lib.mergeOneOption val defs; }; # opts is a attrset of options, example: # ``` # mkPluginSetupOption "telescope" { # file_ignore_patterns = mkOption { # description = "..."; # type = types.listOf types.str; # default = []; # }; # layout_config.horizontal = mkOption {...}; # } # ``` mkPluginSetupOption = pluginName: opts: mkOption { description = "Option table to pass into the setup function of " + pluginName; default = {}; type = types.submodule { freeformType = with types; attrsOf anything; options = opts; }; }; }