# Release 0.6 {#sec-release-0.6} Release notes for release 0.6 ## Breaking Changes and Migration Guide {#sec-breaking-changes-and-migration-guide} In v0.6 we are introducing `setupOpts`: many plugin related options are moved into their respective `setupOpts` submodule, e.g. `nvimTree.disableNetrw` is renamed to `nvimTree.setupOpts.disable_netrw`. _Why?_ in short, you can now pass in anything to setupOpts and it will be passed to your `require'plugin'.setup{...}`. No need to wait for us to support every single plugin option. The warnings when you rebuild your config should be enough to guide you through what you need to do, if there's an option that was renamed but wasn't listed in the warning, please file a bug report! To make your migration process less annoying, here's a keybind that will help you with renaming stuff from camelCase to snake_case (you'll be doing that a lot): ```lua -- paste this in a temp.lua file and load it in vim with :source /path/to/temp.lua function camelToSnake() -- Get the current word under the cursor local word = vim.fn.expand("") -- Replace each capital letter with an underscore followed by its lowercase equivalent local snakeCase = string.gsub(word, "%u", function(match) return "_" .. string.lower(match) end) -- Remove the leading underscore if present if string.sub(snakeCase, 1, 1) == "_" then snakeCase = string.sub(snakeCase, 2) end vim.fn.setreg(vim.v.register, snakeCase) -- Select the word under the cursor and paste vim.cmd("normal! viwP") end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'a', ':lua camelToSnake()', { noremap = true, silent = true }) ``` ## Changelog {#sec-release-0.6-changelog} [ksonj](https://github.com/ksonj): - Added Terraform language support. - Added `ChatGPT.nvim`, which can be enabled with [`vim.assistant.chatgpt`](vim.assistant.chatgpt). Do keep in mind that this option requires `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable to be set. [donnerinoern](https://github.com/donnerinoern): - Added Gruvbox theme. - Added marksman LSP for Markdown. - Fixed markdown preview with Glow not working and added an option for changing the preview keybind. - colorizer.nvim: switched to a maintained fork. - Added `markdown-preview.nvim`, moved `glow.nvim` to a brand new `vim.utility.preview` category. [elijahimmer](https://github.com/elijahimmer) - Added rose-pine theme. [jacekpoz](https://jacekpoz.pl): - Added `vim.autocomplete.alwaysComplete`. Allows users to have the autocomplete window popup only when manually activated. [horriblename](https://github.com/horriblename): - Fixed empty winbar when breadcrumbs are disabled. - Added custom `setupOpts` for various plugins. - Removed support for deprecated plugin "nvim-compe". - Moved most plugins to `setupOpts` method. [frothymarrow](https://github.com/frothymarrow): - Added option `vim.luaPackages` to wrap neovim with extra Lua packages. - Rewrote the entire `fidget.nvim` module to include extensive configuration options. Option `vim.fidget-nvim.align.bottom` has been removed in favor of [vim.fidget-nvim.notification.window.align](vim.fidget-nvim.notification.window.align), which now supports `top` and `bottom` values. `vim.fidget-nvim.align.right` has no longer any equivalent and also has been removed. - `which-key.nvim` categories can now be customized through [vim.binds.whichKey.register](vim.binds.whichKey.register) - Added `magick` to `vim.luaPackages` for `image.nvim`. - Added `alejandra` to the default devShell. - Migrated neovim-flake to `makeNeovimUnstable` wrapper. [notashelf](https://github.com/notashelf): - Finished moving to `nixosOptionsDoc` in the documentation and changelog. All documentation options and files are fully free of Asciidoc, and will now use Nixpkgs flavored markdown. - Bumped plugin inputs to their latest versions. - Deprecated `presence.nvim` in favor of `neocord`. This means `vim.rich-presence.presence-nvim` is removed and will throw a warning if used. You are recommended to rewrite your neocord configuration from scratch based on the. [official documentation](https://github.com/IogaMaster/neocord) - Removed Tabnine plugin due to the usage of imperative tarball downloads. If you'd like to see it back, please create an issue. - Added support for css and tailwindcss through vscode-language-servers-extracted & tailwind-language-server. Those can be enabled through `vim.languages.css` and `vim.languages.tailwind`. - Lualine module now allows customizing `always_divide_middle`, `ignore_focus` and `disabled_filetypes` through the new options: [vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle](vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle), [vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus](vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus) and [vim.statusline.lualine.disabledFiletypes](vim.statusline.lualine.disabledFiletypes). - Updated all plugin inputs to their latest versions (**21.04.2024**) - this brought minor color changes to the Catppuccin theme. - Moved home-manager module entrypoint to `flake/modules` and added an experimental Nixos module. This requires further testing before it can be considered ready for use. - Made lib calls explicit. E.g. `lib.strings.optionalString` instead of `lib.optionalString`. This is a pattern expected to be followed by all contributors in the future. - Added `image.nvim` for image previews. - The final neovim package is now exposed. This means you can build the neovim package that will be added to your package list without rebuilding your system to test if your configuration yields a broken package. - Changed the tree structure to distinguish between core options and plugin options. - Added plugin auto-discovery from plugin inputs. This is mostly from [JordanIsaac's neovim-flake](https://github.com/jordanisaacs/neovim-flake). Allows contributors to add plugin inputs with the `plugin-` prefix to have them automatically discovered for the `plugin` type in `lib/types`. - Moved internal `wrapLuaConfig` to the extended library, structured its arguments to take `luaBefore`, `luaConfig` and `luaAfter` as strings, which are then concatted inside a lua block. - Added [`vim.luaConfigBefore`](vim.luaConfigBefore) and [`vim.luaConfigAfter`](vim.luaConfigAfter) for inserting verbatim Lua configuration before and after the resolved Lua DAG respectively. Both of those options take strings as the type, so you may read the contents of a Lua file from a given path. - Added [`vim.spellChecking.ignoredFiletypes`](vim.spellChecking.ignoredFiletypes) and [`vim.spellChecking.programmingWordlist.enable`](vim.spellChecking.programmingWordlist.enable) for ignoring certain filetypes in spellchecking and enabling `vim-dirtytalk` respectively. The previously used `vim.spellcheck.vim-dirtytalk` aliases to the latter option. - Exposed `withRuby`, `withNodeJs`, `withPython3`, and `python3Packages` from the `makeNeovimConfig` function under their respective options. - Added [`vim.extraPackages`](vim.extraPackages) for appending additional packages to the wrapper PATH, making said packages available while inside the Neovim session. - Made treesitter options configurable, and moved `treesitter-context to `setupOpts` while it is enabled. - Added `vim.notify.nvim-notify.setupOpts.render` which takes either a string of enum or a lua function. The default is "compact", but you may change it according to nvim-notify documentation.