# Release 0.7 {#sec-release-0.7} Release notes for release 0.7 ## Changelog {#sec-release-0.7-changelog} [ItsSorae](https://github.com/ItsSorae): - Add support for [typst](https://typst.app/) under `vim.languages.typst` This will enable the `typst-lsp` language server, and the `typstfmt` formatter [frothymarrow](https://github.com/frothymarrow): - Modified type for [vim.visuals.fidget-nvim.setupOpts.progress.display.overrides](#opt-vim.visuals.fidget-nvim.setupOpts.progress.display.overrides) from `anything` to a `submodule` for better type checking. - Fix null `vim.lsp.mappings` generating an error and not being filtered out. - Add basic transparency support for `oxocarbon` theme by setting the highlight group for `Normal`, `NormalFloat`, `LineNr`, `SignColumn` and optionally `NvimTreeNormal` to `none`. - Fix [vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn](#opt-vim.ui.smartcolumn.setupOpts.custom_colorcolumn) using the wrong type `int` instead of the expected type `string`. [horriblename](https://github.com/horriblename): - Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode - Deprecate use of `__empty` to define empty tables in lua. Empty attrset are no longer filtered and thus should be used instead. - Add dap-go for better dap configurations [jacekpoz](https://github.com/jacekpoz): - Add [ocaml-lsp](https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp) support. - Fix Emac typo [diniamo](https://github.com/diniamo): - Move the `theme` dag entry to before `luaScript`. - Add rustfmt as the default formatter for Rust. - Enabled the terminal integration of catppuccin for theming Neovim's built-in terminal (this also affects toggleterm). - Migrate bufferline to setupOpts for more customizability - Use `clangd` as the default language server for C languages - Expose `lib.nvim.types.pluginType`, which for example allows the user to create abstractions for adding plugins [NotAShelf](https://github.com/notashelf): - Add `deno fmt` as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually if you choose to. - Add `vim.extraLuaFiles` for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your configuration. - Refactor `programs.languages.elixir` to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be added once the [credo](https://github.com/rrrene/credo) linter has been added to nixpkgs. A pull request is currently open. - Remove vim-tidal and friends. - Clean up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed blending issues in component separators. - Add [ts-error-translator.nvim](https://github.com/dmmulroy/ts-error-translator.nvim) extension of the TS language module, under `vim.languages.ts.extensions.ts-error-translator`