{ inputs, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib.options) mkOption; inherit (lib.attrsets) attrNames mapAttrs' filterAttrs nameValuePair; inherit (lib.strings) hasPrefix removePrefix; inherit (lib.types) submodule either package enum str lines attrsOf anything listOf nullOr; # Get the names of all flake inputs that start with the given prefix. fromInputs = { inputs, prefix, }: mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair (removePrefix prefix n) {src = v;}) (filterAttrs (n: _: hasPrefix prefix n) inputs); # Get the names of all flake inputs that start with the given prefix. pluginInputNames = attrNames (fromInputs { inherit inputs; prefix = "plugin-"; }); # You can either use the name of the plugin or a package. pluginType = nullOr ( either package (enum (pluginInputNames ++ ["nvim-treesitter" "flutter-tools-patched" "vim-repeat"])) ); pluginsType = listOf pluginType; extraPluginType = submodule { options = { package = mkOption { type = pluginType; description = "Plugin Package."; }; after = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = []; description = "Setup this plugin after the following ones."; }; setup = mkOption { type = lines; default = ""; description = "Lua code to run during setup."; example = "require('aerial').setup {}"; }; }; }; borderPresets = ["none" "single" "double" "rounded" "solid" "shadow"]; in { inherit extraPluginType fromInputs pluginType; borderType = either (enum borderPresets) (listOf (either str (listOf str))); pluginsOpt = { description, example, default ? [], }: mkOption { inherit example description default; type = pluginsType; }; luaInline = lib.mkOptionType { name = "luaInline"; check = x: lib.nvim.lua.isLuaInline x; }; /* opts is a attrset of options, example: ``` mkPluginSetupOption "telescope" { file_ignore_patterns = mkOption { description = "..."; type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; }; layout_config.horizontal = mkOption {...}; } ``` */ mkPluginSetupOption = pluginName: opts: mkOption { description = '' Option table to pass into the setup function of ${pluginName} You can pass in any additional options even if they're not listed in the docs ''; default = {}; type = submodule { freeformType = attrsOf anything; options = opts; }; }; }