{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib.options) mkEnableOption mkOption; inherit (lib.types) int str listOf float bool either enum submodule attrsOf; inherit (lib.nvim.binds) mkMappingOption; inherit (lib.nvim.types) mkPluginSetupOption luaInline; setupOptions = { defaults = { vimgrep_arguments = mkOption { description = '' Defines the command that will be used for `live_grep` and `grep_string` pickers. Make sure that color is set to `never` because telescope does not yet interpret color codes. ''; type = listOf str; default = [ "${pkgs.ripgrep}/bin/rg" "--color=never" "--no-heading" "--with-filename" "--line-number" "--column" "--smart-case" "--hidden" "--no-ignore" ]; }; pickers.find_command = mkOption { description = "cmd to use for finding files"; type = either (listOf str) luaInline; default = ["${pkgs.fd}/bin/fd"]; }; prompt_prefix = mkOption { description = "Shown in front of Telescope's prompt"; type = str; default = "  "; }; selection_caret = mkOption { description = "Character(s) to show in front of the current selection"; type = str; default = " "; }; entry_prefix = mkOption { description = "Prefix in front of each result entry. Current selection not included."; type = str; default = " "; }; initial_mode = mkOption { description = "Determines in which mode telescope starts."; type = enum ["insert" "normal"]; default = "insert"; }; selection_strategy = mkOption { description = "Determines how the cursor acts after each sort iteration."; type = enum ["reset" "follow" "row" "closest" "none"]; default = "reset"; }; sorting_strategy = mkOption { description = ''Determines the direction "better" results are sorted towards.''; type = enum ["descending" "ascending"]; default = "ascending"; }; layout_strategy = mkOption { description = "Determines the default layout of Telescope pickers. See `:help telescope.layout`."; type = str; default = "horizontal"; }; layout_config = mkOption { description = '' Determines the default configuration values for layout strategies. See telescope.layout for details of the configurations options for each strategy. ''; default = {}; type = submodule { options = { horizontal = { prompt_position = mkOption { description = ""; type = str; default = "top"; }; preview_width = mkOption { description = ""; type = float; default = 0.55; }; results_width = mkOption { description = ""; type = float; default = 0.8; }; }; vertical = { mirror = mkOption { description = ""; type = bool; default = false; }; }; width = mkOption { description = ""; type = float; default = 0.8; }; height = mkOption { description = ""; type = float; default = 0.8; }; preview_cutoff = mkOption { description = ""; type = int; default = 120; }; }; }; }; file_ignore_patterns = mkOption { description = "A table of lua regex that define the files that should be ignored."; type = listOf str; default = ["node_modules" ".git/" "dist/" "build/" "target/" "result/"]; }; color_devicons = mkOption { description = "Boolean if devicons should be enabled or not."; type = bool; default = true; }; path_display = mkOption { description = "Determines how file paths are displayed."; type = listOf (enum ["hidden" "tail" "absolute" "smart" "shorten" "truncate"]); default = ["absolute"]; }; set_env = mkOption { description = "Set an envrionment for term_previewer"; type = attrsOf str; default = { COLORTERM = "truecolor"; }; }; winblend = mkOption { description = "pseudo-transparency of keymap hints floating window"; type = int; default = 0; }; }; }; in { options.vim.telescope = { mappings = { findProjects = mkMappingOption "Find projects [Telescope]" "fp"; findFiles = mkMappingOption "Find files [Telescope]" "ff"; liveGrep = mkMappingOption "Live grep [Telescope]" "fg"; buffers = mkMappingOption "Buffers [Telescope]" "fb"; helpTags = mkMappingOption "Help tags [Telescope]" "fh"; open = mkMappingOption "Open [Telescope]" "ft"; resume = mkMappingOption "Resume (previous search) [Telescope]" "fr"; gitCommits = mkMappingOption "Git commits [Telescope]" "fvcw"; gitBufferCommits = mkMappingOption "Git buffer commits [Telescope]" "fvcb"; gitBranches = mkMappingOption "Git branches [Telescope]" "fvb"; gitStatus = mkMappingOption "Git status [Telescope]" "fvs"; gitStash = mkMappingOption "Git stash [Telescope]" "fvx"; lspDocumentSymbols = mkMappingOption "LSP Document Symbols [Telescope]" "flsb"; lspWorkspaceSymbols = mkMappingOption "LSP Workspace Symbols [Telescope]" "flsw"; lspReferences = mkMappingOption "LSP References [Telescope]" "flr"; lspImplementations = mkMappingOption "LSP Implementations [Telescope]" "fli"; lspDefinitions = mkMappingOption "LSP Definitions [Telescope]" "flD"; lspTypeDefinitions = mkMappingOption "LSP Type Definitions [Telescope]" "flt"; diagnostics = mkMappingOption "Diagnostics [Telescope]" "fld"; treesitter = mkMappingOption "Treesitter [Telescope]" "fs"; }; enable = mkEnableOption "telescope.nvim: multi-purpose search and picker utility"; setupOpts = mkPluginSetupOption "Telescope" setupOptions; }; }