[[ch-hm-module]] == Home Manager The Home Manager module allows us to customize the different `vim` options. To use it, we first add the input flake. [source,nix] ---- { neovim-flake = { url = github:notashelf/neovim-flake; # you can override input nixpkgs inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; } ---- Followed by importing the HM module. [source,nix] ---- { imports = [ neovim-flake.nixosModules.default ]; } ---- Then we should be able to use the given module. E.g. [source,nix] ---- { programs.neovim-flake = { enable = true; settings = { vim.viAlias = false; vim.vimAlias = true; vim.lsp = { enable = true; }; }; }; } ----