{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrNames; inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkMappingOption mkOption types nvim isList; cfg = config.vim.languages.markdown; defaultServer = "marksman"; servers = { marksman = { package = pkgs.marksman; lspConfig = '' lspconfig.marksman.setup{ capabilities = capabilities; on_attach = default_on_attach; cmd = ${ if isList cfg.lsp.package then nvim.lua.expToLua cfg.lsp.package else ''{"${cfg.lsp.package}/bin/marksman", "server"}'' }, } ''; }; }; in { options.vim.languages.markdown = { enable = mkEnableOption "Markdown markup language support"; glow = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Enable markdown preview in neovim with glow"; }; mappings = { openPreview = mkMappingOption "Open preview" "p"; }; }; treesitter = { enable = mkOption { description = "Enable Markdown treesitter"; type = types.bool; default = config.vim.languages.enableTreesitter; }; mdPackage = nvim.types.mkGrammarOption pkgs "markdown"; mdInlinePackage = nvim.types.mkGrammarOption pkgs "markdown-inline"; }; lsp = { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Markdown LSP support" // {default = config.vim.languages.enableLSP;}; server = mkOption { description = "Markdown LSP server to use"; type = with types; enum (attrNames servers); default = defaultServer; }; package = mkOption { description = "Markdown LSP server package, or the command to run as a list of strings"; example = ''[lib.getExe pkgs.jdt-language-server " - data " " ~/.cache/jdtls/workspace "]''; type = with types; either package (listOf str); default = servers.${cfg.lsp.server}.package; }; }; }; }