mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 18:29:48 +01:00
internal: more profiling less calls and local copies (#8300)
* compositor: reduce amount of window box copies mousemoveunified can call this very frequently, the cbox copying actually shows up as an impact in such cases, move it down in the scope and only do it when necessery. * core: constify and reference frequent calls profiling shows these as frequent called functions try to reduce the amount of copies with references and const the variables. * pointermgr: remove not used local copy, const ref remove unneded local copies and const ref cursorsize. * inputmgr: reduce amount of calls to vectortowindow the amount of calls to g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified fast ramps up in cpu usage with enough windows existing and moving the mouse, move the PWINDOWIDEAL up and reuse it if its already the same. * protocol: compositor remove unused local copy remove unused local copy of accumulateCurrentBufferDamage and const previousBuffer. * renderer: reduce scope of variables and refactor move a few variables down in their scopes to reduce the amount of calls and copies when not needed, also add one more for loop in renderWorkspaceWindows and store the windows in a vector with weakpointers that should be rendered, this adds a loop but reduces the amount of repeated calls to shouldRenderWindow and also makes the rest of the loops go over way smaller vector when many windows exist.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 71 additions and 68 deletions
@ -811,10 +811,10 @@ PHLWINDOW CCompositor::vectorToWindowUnified(const Vector2D& pos, uint8_t proper
// pinned windows on top of floating regardless
if (properties & ALLOW_FLOATING) {
for (auto const& w : m_vWindows | std::views::reverse) {
const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties);
CBox box = BB.copy().expand(!w->isX11OverrideRedirect() ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0);
if (w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && w->m_bPinned && !w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() &&
w != pIgnoreWindow) {
const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties);
CBox box = BB.copy().expand(!w->isX11OverrideRedirect() ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0);
if (box.containsPoint(g_pPointerManager->position()))
return w;
@ -833,22 +833,25 @@ PHLWINDOW CCompositor::vectorToWindowUnified(const Vector2D& pos, uint8_t proper
if (special && !w->onSpecialWorkspace()) // because special floating may creep up into regular
const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties);
const auto PWINDOWMONITOR = w->m_pMonitor.lock();
// to avoid focusing windows behind special workspaces from other monitors
if (!*PSPECIALFALLTHRU && PWINDOWMONITOR && PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && w->m_pWorkspace != PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace &&
BB.x >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x && BB.y >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y &&
BB.x + BB.width <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.x && BB.y + BB.height <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.y)
if (!*PSPECIALFALLTHRU && PWINDOWMONITOR && PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && w->m_pWorkspace != PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace) {
const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties);
if (BB.x >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x && BB.y >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y &&
BB.x + BB.width <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.x &&
BB.y + BB.height <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.y)
CBox box = BB.copy().expand(!w->isX11OverrideRedirect() ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0);
if (w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace) && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bPinned && !w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() &&
w != pIgnoreWindow && (!aboveFullscreen || w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen)) {
// OR windows should add focus to parent
if (w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->isX11OverrideRedirect())
const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties);
CBox box = BB.copy().expand(!w->isX11OverrideRedirect() ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0);
if (box.containsPoint(g_pPointerManager->position())) {
if (w->m_bIsX11 && w->isX11OverrideRedirect() && !w->m_pXWaylandSurface->wantsFocus()) {
@ -906,10 +909,12 @@ PHLWINDOW CCompositor::vectorToWindowUnified(const Vector2D& pos, uint8_t proper
if (special != w->onSpecialWorkspace())
CBox box = (properties & USE_PROP_TILED) ? w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties) : CBox{w->m_vPosition, w->m_vSize};
if (!w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && box.containsPoint(pos) && w->workspaceID() == WSPID && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus &&
!w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() && w != pIgnoreWindow)
return w;
if (!w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && w->workspaceID() == WSPID && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() &&
w != pIgnoreWindow) {
CBox box = (properties & USE_PROP_TILED) ? w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties) : CBox{w->m_vPosition, w->m_vSize};
if (box.containsPoint(pos))
return w;
return nullptr;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ void CPointerManager::unlockSoftwareAll() {
void CPointerManager::lockSoftwareForMonitor(PHLMONITOR mon) {
auto state = stateFor(mon);
auto const state = stateFor(mon);
if (state->softwareLocks == 1)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void CPointerManager::lockSoftwareForMonitor(PHLMONITOR mon) {
void CPointerManager::unlockSoftwareForMonitor(PHLMONITOR mon) {
auto state = stateFor(mon);
auto const state = stateFor(mon);
if (state->softwareLocks < 0)
state->softwareLocks = 0;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void CPointerManager::unlockSoftwareForMonitor(PHLMONITOR mon) {
bool CPointerManager::softwareLockedFor(PHLMONITOR mon) {
auto state = stateFor(mon);
auto const state = stateFor(mon);
return state->softwareLocks > 0 || state->hardwareFailed;
@ -250,14 +250,13 @@ void CPointerManager::updateCursorBackend() {
const auto CURSORBOX = getCursorBoxGlobal();
for (auto const& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) {
auto state = stateFor(m);
if (!m->m_bEnabled || !m->dpmsStatus) {
Debug::log(TRACE, "Not updating hw cursors: disabled / dpms off display");
auto CROSSES = !m->logicalBox().intersection(CURSORBOX).empty();
auto state = stateFor(m);
if (!CROSSES) {
if (state->cursorFrontBuffer)
@ -373,10 +372,8 @@ bool CPointerManager::setHWCursorBuffer(SP<SMonitorPointerState> state, SP<Aquam
SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager::SMonitorPointerState> state, SP<CTexture> texture) {
auto output = state->monitor->output;
auto maxSize = output->cursorPlaneSize();
auto cursorSize = currentCursorImage.size;
auto maxSize = state->monitor->output->cursorPlaneSize();
auto const& cursorSize = currentCursorImage.size;
if (maxSize == Vector2D{})
return nullptr;
@ -423,8 +420,6 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
return nullptr;
CRegion damage = {0, 0, INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX};
g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor = state->monitor;
@ -483,7 +478,7 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
g_pHyprOpenGL->beginSimple(state->monitor.lock(), damage, RBO);
g_pHyprOpenGL->beginSimple(state->monitor.lock(), {0, 0, INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX}, RBO);
g_pHyprOpenGL->clear(CColor{0.F, 0.F, 0.F, 0.F});
CBox xbox = {{}, Vector2D{currentCursorImage.size / currentCursorImage.scale * state->monitor->scale}.round()};
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void CEventLoopManager::nudgeTimers() {
long nextTimerUs = 10 * 1000 * 1000; // 10s
for (auto const& t : m_sTimers.timers) {
if (const auto µs = t->leftUs(); µs < nextTimerUs)
if (auto const& µs = t->leftUs(); µs < nextTimerUs)
nextTimerUs = µs;
@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
foundSurface = g_pCompositor->vectorToLayerSurface(mouseCoords, &PMONITOR->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP], &surfaceCoords, &pFoundLayerSurface);
// then, we check if the workspace doesnt have a fullscreen window
const auto PWORKSPACE = PMONITOR->activeWorkspace;
const auto PWORKSPACE = PMONITOR->activeWorkspace;
const auto PWINDOWIDEAL = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && !foundSurface && PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FSMODE_FULLSCREEN) {
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID);
@ -301,8 +302,6 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
const auto PWINDOWIDEAL = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
((PWINDOWIDEAL->m_bIsFloating && PWINDOWIDEAL->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen) /* floating over fullscreen */
|| (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace == PWINDOWIDEAL->m_pWorkspace) /* on an open special workspace */))
@ -322,7 +321,8 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FSMODE_MAXIMIZED) {
if (!foundSurface) {
if (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace) {
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (pFoundWindow != PWINDOWIDEAL)
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (pFoundWindow && !pFoundWindow->onSpecialWorkspace()) {
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID);
@ -335,7 +335,8 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
if (!foundSurface) {
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (pFoundWindow != PWINDOWIDEAL)
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (!(pFoundWindow && pFoundWindow->m_bIsFloating && pFoundWindow->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen))
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID);
@ -344,7 +345,8 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
} else {
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (pFoundWindow != PWINDOWIDEAL)
pFoundWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(mouseCoords, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING);
if (pFoundWindow) {
@ -423,10 +423,8 @@ void CWLSurfaceResource::unlockPendingState() {
void CWLSurfaceResource::commitPendingState() {
auto previousBuffer = current.buffer;
CRegion previousBufferDamage = accumulateCurrentBufferDamage();
current = pending;
auto const previousBuffer = current.buffer;
current = pending;
pending.newBuffer = false;
@ -158,9 +158,7 @@ static void renderSurface(SP<CWLSurfaceResource> surface, int x, int y, void* da
if (!surface->current.texture)
const auto& TEXTURE = surface->current.texture;
const auto RDATA = (SRenderData*)data;
const auto INTERACTIVERESIZEINPROGRESS = RDATA->pWindow && g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow && g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE;
const auto& TEXTURE = surface->current.texture;
// this is bad, probably has been logged elsewhere. Means the texture failed
// uploading to the GPU.
@ -175,6 +173,8 @@ static void renderSurface(SP<CWLSurfaceResource> surface, int x, int y, void* da
const auto RDATA = (SRenderData*)data;
const auto INTERACTIVERESIZEINPROGRESS = RDATA->pWindow && g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow && g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE;
double outputX = -RDATA->pMonitor->vecPosition.x, outputY = -RDATA->pMonitor->vecPosition.y;
@ -484,36 +484,43 @@ void CHyprRenderer::renderWorkspaceWindows(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, PHLWORKSPACE pWo
// Non-floating main
std::vector<PHLWINDOWREF> windows;
for (auto const& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) {
if (w->isHidden() || (!w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bFadingOut))
if (w->m_bIsFloating)
continue; // floating are in the second pass
if (!shouldRenderWindow(w, pMonitor))
// Non-floating main
for (auto& w : windows) {
if (w->m_bIsFloating)
continue; // floating are in the second pass
if (pWorkspace->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace != w->onSpecialWorkspace())
// render active window after all others of this pass
if (w == g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) {
lastWindow = w;
lastWindow = w.lock();
// render the bad boy
renderWindow(w, pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_MAIN);
renderWindow(w.lock(), pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_MAIN);
if (lastWindow)
renderWindow(lastWindow, pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_MAIN);
// Non-floating popup
for (auto const& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) {
if (w->isHidden() || (!w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bFadingOut))
for (auto& w : windows) {
if (!w)
if (w->m_bIsFloating)
@ -522,24 +529,19 @@ void CHyprRenderer::renderWorkspaceWindows(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, PHLWORKSPACE pWo
if (pWorkspace->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace != w->onSpecialWorkspace())
if (!shouldRenderWindow(w, pMonitor))
// render the bad boy
renderWindow(w, pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_POPUP);
renderWindow(w.lock(), pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_POPUP);
// floating on top
for (auto const& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) {
if (w->isHidden() || (!w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bFadingOut))
for (auto& w : windows) {
if (!w)
if (!w->m_bIsFloating || w->m_bPinned)
if (!shouldRenderWindow(w, pMonitor))
if (pWorkspace->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace != w->onSpecialWorkspace())
@ -547,7 +549,7 @@ void CHyprRenderer::renderWorkspaceWindows(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, PHLWORKSPACE pWo
continue; // special on another are rendered as a part of the base pass
// render the bad boy
renderWindow(w, pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_ALL);
renderWindow(w.lock(), pMonitor, time, true, RENDER_PASS_ALL);
@ -1093,8 +1095,8 @@ void CHyprRenderer::calculateUVForSurface(PHLWINDOW pWindow, SP<CWLSurfaceResour
if (pSurface->current.viewport.hasSource) {
// we stretch it to dest. if no dest, to 1,1
Vector2D bufferSize = pSurface->current.bufferSize;
auto bufferSource = pSurface->current.viewport.source;
Vector2D const& bufferSize = pSurface->current.bufferSize;
auto const& bufferSource = pSurface->current.viewport.source;
// calculate UV for the basic src_box. Assume dest == size. Scale to dest later
uvTL = Vector2D(bufferSource.x / bufferSize.x, bufferSource.y / bufferSize.y);
@ -1904,10 +1906,11 @@ void CHyprRenderer::damageBox(CBox* pBox, bool skipFrameSchedule) {
if (m->isMirror())
continue; // don't damage mirrors traditionally
CBox damageBox = {pBox->x - m->vecPosition.x, pBox->y - m->vecPosition.y, pBox->width, pBox->height};
if (!skipFrameSchedule)
if (!skipFrameSchedule) {
CBox damageBox = {pBox->x - m->vecPosition.x, pBox->y - m->vecPosition.y, pBox->width, pBox->height};
static auto PLOGDAMAGE = CConfigValue<Hyprlang::INT>("debug:log_damage");
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ CBox CHyprBorderDecoration::assignedBoxGlobal() {
return box.translate(WORKSPACEOFFSET);
void CHyprBorderDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float a) {
void CHyprBorderDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float const& a) {
if (doesntWantBorders())
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class CHyprBorderDecoration : public IHyprWindowDecoration {
virtual void onPositioningReply(const SDecorationPositioningReply& reply);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float a);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float const& a);
virtual eDecorationType getDecorationType();
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void CHyprDropShadowDecoration::updateWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) {
m_bLastWindowBoxWithDecos = g_pDecorationPositioner->getBoxWithIncludedDecos(pWindow);
void CHyprDropShadowDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float a) {
void CHyprDropShadowDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float const& a) {
const auto PWINDOW = m_pWindow.lock();
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class CHyprDropShadowDecoration : public IHyprWindowDecoration {
virtual void onPositioningReply(const SDecorationPositioningReply& reply);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float a);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float const& a);
virtual eDecorationType getDecorationType();
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void CHyprGroupBarDecoration::damageEntire() {
void CHyprGroupBarDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float a) {
void CHyprGroupBarDecoration::draw(PHLMONITOR pMonitor, float const& a) {
// get how many bars we will draw
int barsToDraw = m_dwGroupMembers.size();
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class CHyprGroupBarDecoration : public IHyprWindowDecoration {
virtual void onPositioningReply(const SDecorationPositioningReply& reply);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float a);
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float const& a);
virtual eDecorationType getDecorationType();
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class IHyprWindowDecoration {
virtual void onPositioningReply(const SDecorationPositioningReply& reply) = 0;
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float a) = 0;
virtual void draw(PHLMONITOR, float const& a) = 0;
virtual eDecorationType getDecorationType() = 0;
Reference in a new issue