moves std::shared_ptrs to a new implementation
- you can dereference a weak_ptr directly. This will obviously segfault on a nullptr deref if it's expired.
- this is useful to avoid the .lock() hell where we are 100% sure the pointer _should_ be valid. (and if it isn't, it should throw.)
- weak_ptrs are still valid while the SP is being destroyed.
- reasoning: while an object (e.g. CWindow) is being destroyed, its `weak_ptr self` should be accessible (the sp is still alive, and so is CWindow), but it's not because by stl it's already expired (to prevent resurrection)
- this impl solves it differently. w_p is expired, but can still be dereferenced and used. Creating `s_p`s is not possible anymore, though.
- this is useful in destructors and callbacks.
Fixes no useful feedback about failing subcommand.
Fixes function hooks breaking when running under a path containing
Replaced old usages with this function where possible.
Complex shell usages now use `execAndGetShell` which is equal to the
old function.
* helpers: drop incomplete GNU/kFreeBSD bits
Debian with FreeBSD kernel lacks Wayland-related packages and is not
officially supported since Jessie.
* KeybindManager: check VT ioctl availability instead of hardcoding
* plugins: add missing header for libc++ after 430778293e
src/plugins/PluginAPI.cpp:299:33: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::basic_istringstream<char>'
std::istringstream inStream(SYMBOLS);
/usr/include/c++/v1/iosfwd:140:32: note: template is declared here
class _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS basic_istringstream;
* plugins: prefer llvm-nm with Clang after 430778293e
nm: invalid option -- j