2024-10-24 10:53:34 -05:00

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Adds simple title bars to windows.



All config options are in plugin:hyprbars:

plugin {
    hyprbars {
        # example config
        bar_height = 20

        # example buttons (R -> L)
        # hyprbars-button = color, size, on-click
        hyprbars-button = rgb(ff4040), 10, 󰖭, hyprctl dispatch killactive
        hyprbars-button = rgb(eeee11), 10, , hyprctl dispatch fullscreen 1

bar_color -> (col) bar's background color

bar_height -> (int) bar's height (default 15)

bar_text_color -> (col) bar's title text color

bar_title_enabled -> (bool) whether to render the title (default true)

bar_text_size -> (int) bar's title text font size (default 10)

bar_text_font -> (str) bar's title text font (default Sans)

bar_text_align -> (str) bar's title text alignment (default center, can also be left)

bar_buttons_alignment -> (str) bar's buttons alignment (default: right, can also be left)

bar_part_of_window -> (bool) whether the bar is a part of the main window (if it is, stuff like shadows render around it)

bar_precedence_over_border -> (bool) whether the bar should have a higher priority than the border (border will be around the bar)

bar_padding -> (int) left / right edge padding (default 7)

bar_button_padding -> (int) padding between the buttons (default 5)

Buttons Config

Use the hyprbars-button keyword.

hyprbars-button = color, size, icon, on-click

Window rules

Hyprbars supports the following dynamic window rules:

plugin:hyprbars:nobar -> disables the bar on matching windows. plugin:hyprbars:bar_color -> sets the bar background color on matching windows. plugin:hyprbars:title_color -> sets the bar title color on matching windows.