Visual-Dawg d982e5761d
Add Plugins page and more (#48)
* some progress, updating packages

* migrate to SvelteKit 2

* progress

* more stuff

* hy3 banner

* add links to features

* fix distro option extra image

* update community section

* add plugins page link  to plugins slice

* community more profiles

* add more community profiles

* fix RSS not showing in prod (#45)

* plugin page: better banner hover playback

* improve community slice intro timing

* remove fillter texts

* improve command button

* plugin install command wording improvment

* footer adjustments

* add dwindle-autogroup

* stuff

* community profile pictures hosted by Discord :P

* fix autoplay previewRice Chrome

* navbar: no entry delay

* small community profile changes

* optimize plugins layout

* fix sorting

* improve card performance

* clean up test content from .md files

* did more stuff

* change desc of some plugins

* work on design and layout

* make main bg darker
Creates less banding and looks a bit better, while also providing better contrast

* nicer trim text

* more stuff

* fix messup

* update plugins readme

* add a profile picture

* plugins: add gradient bg

* remove placeholder plugins

* plugins: improve mobile layout

* community: small stuff

* remove csgo vulkan fix logo

* plugins: fix bg jumping on Firefox

* plugin slug: improve animation staggering

* small css fixes

* pluginsSlice: animate only with slide
Opacity change looks a bit off here

* community: hide errored images


Co-authored-by: Vaxry <vaxry@vaxry.net>
2024-03-06 21:04:26 +00:00

48 lines
3.1 KiB

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