| move \[x\] \[y\] | moves a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100) |
| size \[x\] \[y\] | resizes a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100) |
| minsize \[x\] \[y\] | sets the minimum size on creation (x,y -> int) |
| maxsize \[x\] \[y\] | sets the maximum size on creation (x,y -> int) |
| center | if the window is floating, will center it on the monitor |
| pseudo | pseudotiles a window |
| monitor \[id\] | sets the monitor on which a window should open |
| workspace \[w\] | sets the workspace on which a window should open (for workspace syntax, see [dispatchers->workspaces](../Dispatchers#workspaces)). You can also make \[w\] to `unset`, will unset all previous workspace rules applied to this window. You can also add `silent` after the workspace to make the window open silently. |
| opacity \[a\] | additional opacity multiplier. Options for a: `float` -> sets an opacity OR `float float` -> sets activeopacity and inactiveopacity respectively |
| opaque | forces the window to be opaque (can be toggled with the toggleopaque dispatcher) |
| animation \[style\] (\[opt\]) | forces an animation onto a window, with a selected opt. Opt is optional. |
| rounding \[x\] | forces the application to have X pixels of rounding, ignoring the set default (in `decoration:rounding`). Has to be an int. |
| noblur | disables blur for the window |
| nofocus | disables focus to the window |
| forceinput | forces an XWayland window to receive input, even if it requests not to do so. (Might fix issues like e.g. Game Launchers not receiving focus for some reason) |
| pin | pins the window _note: floating only_ |
| noanim | disables the animations for the window |