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The master layout makes one (or more) window(s) be the "master", taking (by default) the left part of the screen, and tiles the rest on the right. You can change the orientation on per-workspace basis if you want to use anything other than the default left/right split.



category name master

name description type default
allow_small_split enable adding additional master windows in a horizontal split style bool false
special_scale_factor (0.0 - 1.0) the scale of the special workspace windows float 0.8
mfact (0.0 - 1.0) master split factor, the ratio of master split float 0.55
new_is_master whether a newly open window should replace the master or join the slaves. bool true
new_on_top whether a newly open window should be on the top of the stack bool false
no_gaps_when_only whether to apply gaps when there is only one window on a workspace, aka. smart gaps. bool false
orientation default placement of the master area, can be left, right, top, bottom or center string left
inherit_fullscreen inherit fullscreen status when cycling/swapping to another window (e.g. monocle layout) bool true
always_center_master when using orientation=center, keep the master window centered, even when it is the only window in the workspace. bool false


layoutmsg commands:

command description params
swapwithmaster swaps the current window with master. If the current window is the master, swaps it with the first child. either master (new focus is the new master window), child (new focus is the new child) or auto (which is the default, keeps the focus of the previously focused window)
focusmaster focuses the master window. either master (focus stays at master, even if it was selected before) or auto (which is the default, if the current window is the master, focuses the first child.)
cyclenext focuses the next window respecting the layout none
cycleprev focuses the previous window respecting the layout none
swapnext swaps the focused window with the next window respecting the layout none
swapprev swaps the focused window with the previous window respecting the layout none
addmaster adds a master to the master side. That will be the active window, if it's not a master, or the first non-master window. none
removemaster removes a master from the master side. That will be the active window, if it's a master, or the last master window. none
orientationleft sets the orientation for the current workspace to left (master area left, slave windows to the right, vertically stacked) none
orientationright sets the orientation for the current workspace to right (master area right, slave windows to the left, vertically stacked) none
orientationtop sets the orientation for the current workspace to top (master area top, slave windows to the bottom, horizontally stacked) none
orientationbottom sets the orientation for the current workspace to bottom (master area bottom, slave windows to the top, horizontally stacked) none
orientationcenter sets the orientation for the current workspace to center (master area center, slave windows alternate to the left and right, vertically stacked) none
orientationnext cycle to the next orientation for the current workspace (clockwise) none
orientationprev cycle to the previous orientation for the current workspace (counter-clockwise) none

params for the commands are separated by a single space

{{< hint type=info >}} example usage:

# behaves like xmonads promote feature (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.17.1/docs/XMonad-Actions-Promote.html)
bind=MOD,KEY,layoutmsg,swapwithmaster master

{{< /hint >}}