
19 KiB

For basic syntax info, see Configuring Hyprland.

This page documents all the "options" of Hyprland. For binds, monitors, animations, etc. see the sidebar. For anything else, see Keywords.

Please keep in mind some options that are layout-specific will be documented in the layout pages and not here. (See the Sidebar for Dwindle and Master layouts)

Variable types

type description
int integer
bool boolean, true or false (yes or no, on or off, 0 or 1) - any numerical value that is not 0 or 1 will cause undefined behavior.
float floating point number
color color (see hint below for color info)
vec2 vector with 2 values (float), separated by a space (e.g. 0 0 or -10.9 99.1)
MOD a string modmask (e.g. SUPER or SUPERSHIFT or SUPER + SHIFT or SUPER and SHIFT or CTRL_SHIFT or empty for none. You are allowed to put any separators you please except for a ,)
str a string
gradient a gradient, in the form of color color ... [angle] where color is a color (see above) and angle is an angle in degrees, in the format of 123deg e.g. 45deg (e.g. rgba(11ee11ff) rgba(1111eeff) 45deg) Angle is optional and will default to 0deg

{{< hint type=info >}}


You have 3 options:

rgba(), e.g. rgba(b3ff1aee)

rgb(), e.g. rgb(b3ff1a)

legacy, e.g. 0xeeb3ff1a -> ARGB order

Mod list:


{{< /hint >}}



name description type default
sensitivity mouse sensitivity (legacy, may cause bugs if not 1, prefer input:sensitivity) float 1.0
border_size size of the border around windows int 1
no_border_on_floating disable borders for floating windows bool false
gaps_in gaps between windows int 5
gaps_out gaps between windows and monitor edges int 20
col.inactive_border border color for inactive windows gradient 0xffffffff
col.active_border border color for the active window gradient 0xff444444
col.group_border inactive (out of focus) group border color gradient 0x66777700
col.group_border_active active group border color gradient 0x66ffff00
cursor_inactive_timeout in seconds, after how many seconds of cursor's inactivity to hide it. Set to 0 for never. int 0
layout which layout to use. (Available: dwindle, master) str dwindle
no_cursor_warps if true, will not warp the cursor in many cases (focusing, keybinds, etc) bool false
no_focus_fallback if true, will not fall back to the next available window when moving focus in a direction where no window was found bool false
apply_sens_to_raw if on, will also apply the sensitivity to raw mouse output (e.g. sensitivity in games) NOTICE: really not recommended. bool false
resize_on_border enables resizing windows by clicking and dragging on borders and gaps bool false
extend_border_grab_area extends the area around the border where you can click and drag on, only used when general:resize_on_border is on. int 15
hover_icon_on_border show a cursor icon when hovering over borders, only used when general:resize_on_border is on. bool true

{{< hint type=warning >}} Prefer using input:sensitivity over general:sensitivity to avoid bugs, especially with Wine/Proton apps. {{< /hint >}}


name description type default
rounding rounded corners' radius (in layout px) int 0
multisample_edges enable antialiasing (no-jaggies) for rounded corners bool true
active_opacity opacity of active windows. (0.0 - 1.0) float 1.0
inactive_opacity opacity of inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0) float 1.0
fullscreen_opacity opacity of fullscreen windows. (0.0 - 1.0) float 1.0
blur enable kawase window background blur bool true
blur_size blur size (distance) int 8
blur_passes the amount of passes to perform int 1
blur_ignore_opacity make the blur layer ignore the opacity of the window bool false
blur_new_optimizations whether to enable further optimizations to the blur. Recommended to leave on, as it will massively improve performance. bool true
blur_xray if enabled, floating windows will ignore tiled windows in their blur. Only available if blur_new_optimizations is true. Will reduce overhead on floating blur significantly. bool false
drop_shadow enable drop shadows on windows bool true
shadow_range Shadow range ("size") in layout px int 4
shadow_render_power (1 - 4), in what power to render the falloff (more power, the faster the falloff) int 3
shadow_ignore_window if true, the shadow will not be rendered behind the window itself, only around it. bool true
col.shadow shadow's color. Alpha dictates shadow's opacity. color 0xee1a1a1a
col.shadow_inactive inactive shadow color. (if not set, will fall back to col.shadow) color unset
shadow_offset shadow's rendering offset. vec2 [0, 0]
shadow_scale shadow's scale. 0.0 - 1.0 float 1.0
dim_inactive enables dimming of inactive windows bool false
dim_strength how much inactive windows should be dimmed, 0.0 - 1.0 float 0.5
dim_special how much to dim the rest of the screen by when a special workspace is open. 0.0 - 1.0 float 0.2
dim_around how much the dimaround window rule should dim by. 0.0 - 1.0 float 0.4
screen_shader a path to a custom shader to be applied at the end of rendering. See examples/screenShader.frag for an example. str Empty

{{< hint type=info >}}

blur_size and blur_passes have to be at least 1.

Increasing blur_passes is necessary to prevent blur looking wrong on higher blur_size values, but remember that higher blur_passes will require more strain on the GPU.

It will, however, cause zero overhead on tiled windows if using blur_new_optimizations.

{{< /hint >}}


name description type default
enabled enable animations bool true

{{< hint type=info >}}

More about Animations.

{{< /hint >}}



name description type default
kb_model Appropriate XKB keymap parameter. See the note below. str Empty
kb_layout Appropriate XKB keymap parameter str us
kb_variant Appropriate XKB keymap parameter str Empty
kb_options Appropriate XKB keymap parameter str Empty
kb_rules Appropriate XKB keymap parameter str Empty
kb_file If you prefer, you can use a path to your custom .xkb file. str Empty
numlock_by_default Engage numlock by default. bool false
repeat_rate The repeat rate for held-down keys, in repeats per second. int 25
repeat_delay Delay before a held-down key is repeated, in milliseconds. int 600
sensitivity Sets the mouse input sensitivity. Value will be clamped to the range -1.0 to 1.0. libinput#pointer-acceleration float 0.0
accel_profile Sets the cursor acceleration profile. Can be one of adaptive, flat. Can also be custom, see below. Leave empty to use libinput's default mode for your input device. libinput#pointer-acceleration str Empty
force_no_accel Force no cursor acceleration. This bypasses most of your pointer settings to get as raw of a signal as possible. Enabling this is not recommended due to potential cursor desynchronization. bool false
left_handed Switches RMB and LMB bool false
scroll_method Sets the scroll method. Can be one of 2fg (2 fingers), edge, on_button_down, no_scroll. libinput#scrolling str Empty
scroll_button Sets the scroll button. Has to be an int, cannot be a string. Check wev if you have any doubts regarding the ID. 0 means default. int 0
natural_scroll Inverts scrolling direction. When enabled, scrolling moves content directly instead of manipulating a scrollbar. bool false
follow_mouse (0/1/2/3) Specify if and how cursor movement should affect window focus. See the note below. int 1
mouse_refocus If disabled and follow_mouse=1 then mouse focus will not switch to the hovered window unless the mouse crosses a window boundary. bool true
float_switch_override_focus If enabled (1 or 2), focus will change to the window under the cursor when changing from tiled-to-floating and vice versa. If 2, focus will also follow mouse on float-to-float switches. int 1

{{< hint type=info >}}

XKB Settings

You can find a list of models, layouts, variants and options in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst. Alternatively, you can use the localectl command to discover what is available on your system.

For switchable keyboard configurations, take a look at the uncommon tips & tricks page entry.

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{{< hint type=info >}}

Follow Mouse Cursor

  • 0 - Cursor movement will not change focus.
  • 1 - Cursor movement will always change focus to the window under the cursor.
  • 2 - Cursor focus will be detached from keyboard focus. Clicking on a window will move keyboard focus to that window.
  • 3 - Cursor focus will be completely separate from keyboard focus. Clicking on a window will not change keyboard focus.

Custom accel profiles

custom [step] [points...]

for example custom 200 0.0 0.5

See the libinput doc for more insights on how it works.

{{< /hint >}}


Subcategory input:touchpad:

name description type default
disable_while_typing Disable the touchpad while typing. bool true
natural_scroll Inverts scrolling direction. When enabled, scrolling moves content directly instead of manipulating a scrollbar. bool false
scroll_factor Multiplier applied to the amount of scroll movement. float 1.0
middle_button_emulation Sending LMB and RMB simultaneously will be interpreted as a middle click. This disables any touchpad area that would normally send a middle click based on location. libinput#middle-button-emulation bool false
tap_button_map Sets the tap button mapping for touchpad button emulation. Can be one of lrm (default) or lmr (Left, Middle, Right Buttons). str Empty
clickfinger_behavior Button presses with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will be mapped to LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively. This disables interpretation of clicks based on location on the touchpad. libinput#clickfinger-behavior bool false
tap-to-click Tapping on the touchpad with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will send LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively. bool true
drag_lock When enabled, lifting the finger off for a short time while dragging will not drop the dragged item. libinput#tap-and-drag bool false
tap-and-drag Sets the tap and drag mode for the touchpad bool false

{{< hint type=important >}} A subcategory is a nested category:

input {
    # ...
    # ...

    touchpad {
        # ...
        # ...

Doing input:touchpad { is invalid! {{< /hint >}}


Subcategory input:touchdevice:

name description type default
transform transform the input from touchdevices. The possible transformations are the same as those of the monitors int 0
output the output to bind touch devices. Empty means unset and will use the current / autodetected. string Empty

Per-device input config

Described here.


name description type default
workspace_swipe enable workspace swipe gesture bool false
workspace_swipe_fingers how many fingers for the gesture int 3
workspace_swipe_distance in px, the distance of the gesture int 300
workspace_swipe_invert invert the direction bool true
workspace_swipe_min_speed_to_force minimum speed in px per timepoint to force the change ignoring cancel_ratio. Setting to 0 will disable this mechanic. int 30
workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio (0.0 - 1.0) how much the swipe has to proceed in order to commence it. (0.7 -> if > 0.7 * distance, switch, if less, revert) float 0.5
workspace_swipe_create_new whether a swipe right on the last workspace should create a new one. bool true
workspace_swipe_forever if enabled, swiping will not clamp at the neighboring workspaces but continue to the further ones. bool false
workspace_swipe_numbered if enabled, swiping will swipe on consecutive numbered workspaces. bool false


name description type default
disable_hyprland_logo disables the hyprland logo background. :( bool false
disable_splash_rendering disables the hyprland splash rendering. (requires a monitor reload to take effect) bool false
vfr controls the VFR status of hyprland. Heavily recommended to leave on true to conserve resources. bool true
vrr controls the VRR (Adaptive Sync) of your monitors. 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - fullscreen only int 0
mouse_move_enables_dpms If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if the mouse moves. bool false
key_press_enables_dpms If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if a key is pressed. bool false
always_follow_on_dnd Will make mouse focus follow the mouse when drag and dropping. Recommended to leave it enabled, especially for people using focus follows mouse at 0. bool true
layers_hog_keyboard_focus If true, will make keyboard-interactive layers keep their focus on mouse move (e.g. wofi, bemenu) bool true
animate_manual_resizes If true, will animate manual window resizes/moves bool false
animate_mouse_windowdragging If true, will animate windows being dragged by mouse, note that this can cause weird behavior on some curves bool false
disable_autoreload If true, the config will not reload automatically on save, and instead needs to be reloaded with hyprctl reload. Might save on battery. bool false
enable_swallow Enable window swallowing bool false
swallow_regex The class regex to be used for windows that should be swallowed (usually, a terminal). To know more about the list of regex which can be used use this cheatsheet. str Empty
swallow_exception_regex The title regex to be used for windows that should not be swallowed by the windows specified in swallow_regex (e.g. wev). The regex is matched against the parent (e.g. Kitty) window's title on the assumption that it changes to whatever process it's running. str Empty
focus_on_activate Whether Hyprland should focus an app that requests to be focused (an activate request) bool false
no_direct_scanout Disables direct scanout. Direct scanout attempts to reduce lag when there is only one fullscreen application on a screen (e.g. game). It is also recommended to set this to true if the fullscreen application shows graphical glitches. bool true
hide_cursor_on_touch Hides the cursor when the last input was a touch input until a mouse input is done. bool true
mouse_move_focuses_monitor Whether mouse moving into a different monitor should focus it bool true
suppress_portal_warnings disables warnings about incompatible portal implementations. bool false
render_ahead_of_time [Warning: buggy] starts rendering before your monitor displays a frame in order to lower latency bool false
render_ahead_safezone how many ms of safezone to add to rendering ahead of time. Recommended 1-2. int 1
cursor_zoom_factor the factor to zoom by around the cursor. AKA. Magnifying glass. Minimum 1.0 (meaning no zoom) float 1.0
cursor_zoom_rigid whether the zoom should follow the cursor rigidly (cursor is always centered if it can be) or loosely bool false
allow_session_lock_restore if true, will allow you to restart a lockscreen app in case it crashes (red screen of death) bool false
render_titles_in_groupbar whether to render titles in the group bar decoration bool true
groupbar_titles_font_size font size for the above int 8
groupbar_gradients whether to draw gradients under the titles of the above bool true
groupbar_text_color controls the group bar text color bool true


name description type default
pass_mouse_when_bound if disabled, will not pass the mouse events to apps / dragging windows around if a keybind has been triggered. bool false
scroll_event_delay in ms, how many ms to wait after a scroll event to allow to pass another one for the binds. int 300
workspace_back_and_forth If enabled, an attempt to switch to the currently focused workspace will instead switch to the previous workspace. Akin to i3's auto_back_and_forth. bool false
allow_workspace_cycles If enabled, workspaces don't forget their previous workspace, so cycles can be created by switching to the first workspace in a sequence, then endlessly going to the previous workspace. bool false
focus_preferred_method sets the preferred focus finding method when using focuswindow/movewindow/etc with a direction. 0 - history (recent have priority), 1 - length (longer shared edges have priority) int 0


{{< hint type=warning >}}

Only for developers.

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name description type default
overlay print the debug performance overlay. Disable VFR for accurate results. bool false
damage_blink (epilepsy warning!) flash areas updated with damage tracking bool false
disable_logs disable logging bool false
disable_time disables time logging bool true
damage_tracking redraw only the needed bits of the display. Do not change. (default: full - 2) monitor - 1, none - 0 int 2
enable_stdout_logs enables logging to stdout bool false
manual_crash set to 1 and then back to 0 to crash Hyprland. int 0


There are more config options described in other pages, which are layout- or circumstance-specific. See the sidebar for more pages.