
2 KiB

Hyprland exposes 2 UNIX Sockets, for controlling / getting info about Hyprland via code / bash utilities.

Hyprland Instance Signature (HIS)



Used for hyprctl-like requests. See the Hyprctl page for commands.

basically, write command args.


Used for events. Hyprland will write to each connected client live events like this:

EVENT>>DATA\n (\n is a linebreak)

e.g.: workspace>>2

Events list:

name description data
workspace emitted on workspace change. Is emitted ONLY when a user requests a workspace change, and is not emitted on mouse movements (see activemon) WORKSPACENAME
focusedmon emitted on the active monitor being changed. MONNAME,WORKSPACENAME
activewindow emitted on the active window being changed. WINDOWCLASS,WINDOWTITLE
fullscreen emitted when a fullscreen status of a window changes. 0/1 (exit fullscreen / enter fullscreen)
monitorremoved emitted when a monitor is removed (disconnected) MONITORNAME
monitoradded emitted when a monitor is added (connected) MONITORNAME
createworkspace emitted when a workspace is created WORKSPACENAME
destroyworkspace emitted when a workspace is destroyed WORKSPACENAME
activelayout emitted on a layout change of the active keyboard KEYBOARDNAME,LAYOUTNAME

{{< hint type=warning >}} A fullscreen event is not guaranteed to fire on/off once in succession. A window might do for example 3 requests to be fullscreen'd, which would result in 3 fullscreen events. {{< /hint >}}

How to use socket2 with bash

example script using socket2 events with bash and socat:


function handle {
  if [[ ${1:0:12} == "monitoradded" ]]; then
    # do_something

socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/hypr/$(echo $HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE)/.socket2.sock | while read line; do handle $line; done