
3.7 KiB

Release 0.5

Release notes for release 0.5



  • Added phan language server for PHP

  • Added phpactor language server for PHP


  • Added transparency support for tokyonight theme

  • Fixed a bug where cmp's close and scrollDocs mappings wasn't working

  • Streamlined and simplified extra plugin API with the addition of vim.extraPlugins

  • Allow using command names in place of LSP packages to avoid automatic installation

  • Add lua LSP and treesitter support, and neodev.nvim plugin support

  • Add vim.lsp.mappings.toggleFormatOnSave keybind


  • Added daily notes options for obsidian plugin

  • Added jdt-language-server for Java




  • Added GitHub Copilot to nvim-cmp completion sources.

  • Added vim.ui.borders.enable for global and individual plugin border configuration.

  • LSP integrated breadcrumbs with vim.ui.breadcrumbs.enable through nvim-navic

  • LSP navigation helper with nvim-navbuddy, depends on nvim-navic (automatically enabled if navic is enabled)

  • Addeed nvim-navic integration for catppuccin theme

  • Fixed mismatching zig language description

  • Added support for statix and deadnix through vim.languages.nix.extraDiagnostics.types

  • Added lsp_lines plugin for showing diagnostic messages

  • Added a configuration option for choosing the leader key

  • The package used for neovim is now customizable by the user, using vim.package. For best results, always use an unwrapped package

  • Added highlight-undo plugin for highlighting undo/redo targets

  • Added bash LSP and formatter support

  • Disabled Lualine LSP status indicator for toggleterm buffer

  • Added nvim-docs-view, a plugin to display lsp hover documentation in a side panel

  • Switched to nixosOptionsDoc in option documentation. To quote home-manager commit: "Output is mostly unchanged aside from some minor typographical and formatting changes, along with better source links."

  • Updated indent-blankine.nvim to v3 - this comes with a few option changes, which will be migrated with renamedOptionModule


  • Fixed scrollOffset not being used

  • Updated clangd to 16

  • Disabled useSystemClipboard by default


  • Add support to change mappings to utility/surround

  • Add black-and-isort python formatter

  • Removed redundant "Enable ..." in mkEnableOption descriptions

  • Add options to modify LSP key bindings and add proper whichkey descriptions

  • Changed type of statusline.lualine.activeSection and statusline.lualine.inactiveSection from attrsOf str to attrsOf (listOf str)

  • Added statusline.lualine.extraActiveSection and statusline.lualine.extraInactiveSection