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# Release 0.6 {#sec-release-0.6}
Release notes for release 0.6
## Changelog {#sec-release-0.6-changelog}
- Add Terraform language support
- Fixed empty winbar when breadcrumbs are disabled
- Added custom setupOpts for various plugins
- Removed support for deprecated plugin "nvim-compe"
- Added Gruvbox theme
- Added marksman LSP for Markdown
- Fixed markdown preview with Glow not working and added an option for changing the preview keybind
- colorizer.nvim: switched to a maintained fork
- Added `markdown-preview.nvim`, moved `glow.nvim` to a brand new `vim.utility.preview` category.
- Finished moving to `nixosOptionsDoc` in the documentation and changelog. We are fully free of asciidoc now
- Bumped plugin inputs to their latest versions
- Deprecated `presence.nvim` in favor of `neocord`. This means `vim.rich-presence.presence-nvim` is removed and will throw
a warning if used. You are recommended to rewrite your neocord config from scratch based on the
[official documentation](https://github.com/IogaMaster/neocord)
- Added support for css and tailwindcss through vscode-language-servers-extracted & tailwind-language-server.
Those can be enabled through `vim.languages.css` and `vim.languages.tailwind`
- Lualine module now allows customizing `always_divide_middle`, `ignore_focus` and `disabled_filetypes` through the new
options: [vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle](vim.statusline.lualine.alwaysDivideMiddle),
[vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus](vim.statusline.lualine.ignoreFocus) and
- Updated all plugin inputs to their latest versions (26.01.2024) - this brought minor color changess to the Catppuccin
- Added rose-pine theme
- Added option `vim.luaPackages` to wrap neovim with extra Lua packages.
- Rewrote the entire `fidget.nvim` module to include extensive configuration options. Option `vim.fidget-nvim.align.bottom` has
been removed in favor of [vim.fidget-nvim.notification.window.align](vim.fidget-nvim.notification.window.align), which now supports
`top` and `bottom` values. `vim.fidget-nvim.align.right` has no longer any equivalent and also has been removed.
- `which-key.nvim` categories can now be customized through [vim.binds.whichKey.register](vim.binds.whichKey.register).