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Release 0.7

Release notes for release 0.7



  • Added support for typst under vim.languages.typst This will enable the typst-lsp language server, and the typstfmt formatter


  • Modified type for from anything to a submodule for better type checking.
  • Fix null vim.lsp.mappings generating an error and not being filtered out.


  • Fix broken treesitter-context keybinds in visual mode


  • Add deno fmt as the default Markdown formatter. This will be enabled automatically if you have autoformatting enabled, but can be disabled manually if you choose to.

  • Add vim.extraLuaFiles for optionally sourcing additional lua files in your configuration.

  • Refactor programs.languages.elixir to use lspconfig and none-ls for LSP and formatter setups respectively. Diagnostics support is considered, and may be added once the credo linter has been added to nixpkgs. A pull request is currently open.

  • Remove vim-tidal and friends

  • Cleaned up Lualine module to reduce theme dependency on Catppuccin, and fixed blending issues in component separators.
