| pin | pins the active window (shown on all workspaces) *note: floating only* | none |
| movefocus | moves the focus in a direction | direction |
| movewindow | moves the active window in a direction or to a monitor | direction or `mon:` and a monitor |
| resizeactive | resizes the active window | resizeparams |
| moveactive | moves the active window | resizeparams |
| resizewindowpixel | resizes a selected window | `resizeparams,window`, e.g. `100 100,^(kitty)$` |
| movewindowpixel | moves a selected window | `resizeparams,window` |
| cyclenext | focuses the next window on a workspace | none (for next) or `prev` (for previous) |
| swapnext | swaps the focused window with the next window on a workspace | none (for next) or `prev` (for previous) |
| focuswindow | focuses the first window matching | window |
| focusmonitor | focuses a monitor | monitor |
| splitratio | changes the split ratio | floatdelta |
| toggleopaque | toggles the current window to always be opaque | none |
| movecursortocorner | moves the cursor to the corner of the active window | direction, 0 - 3, bottom left - 0, bottom right - 1, top right - 2, top left - 3 |
| workspaceopt | toggles a workspace option for the active workspace. | workspaceopt |
| exit | exits the compositor with no questions asked. | none |
| forcerendererreload | forces the renderer to reload all resources and outputs | none |
| movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | Moves the active workspace to a monitor | monitor |
| moveworkspacetomonitor | Moves a workspace to a monitor | workspace and a monitor separated by a space |
| swapactiveworkspaces | Swaps the active workspaces between two monitors | two monitors separated by a space |