| window | a window. Any of the following: class regex (by default, optionally `class:`), `initialclass:` initial class regex, `title:` title regex, `initialtitle` initial title regex, `pid:` the pid, `address:` the address, `activewindow` an active window, `floating` the first floating window on the current workspace, `tiled` the first tiled window on the current workspace |
| resizeparams | relative pixel delta vec2 (e.g. `10 -10`), optionally a percentage of the window size (e.g. `20 25%`) or `exact` followed by an exact vec2 (e.g. `exact 1280 720`), optionally a percentage of the screen size (e.g. `exact 50% 50%`) |
| fullscreenstate | sets the focused window's fullscreen mode and the one sent to the client | `internal client`, where internal (the hyprland window) and client (the application) can be `-1` - current, `0` - none, `1` - maximize, `2` - fullscreen, `3` - maximize and fullscreen. |
| dpms | sets all monitors' DPMS status. Do not use with a keybind directly. | `on`, `off`, or `toggle`. For specific monitor add monitor name after a space |
| movewindow | moves the active window in a direction or to a monitor. For floating windows, moves the window to the screen edge in that direction | direction or `mon:` and a monitor, optionally followed by a space and `silent` to prevent the focus from moving with the window|
| cyclenext | focuses the next window on a workspace | none (for next) or `prev` (for previous) additionally `tiled` for only tiled, `floating` for only floating. `prev tiled` is ok. |
| movecursortocorner | moves the cursor to the corner of the active window | direction, 0 - 3, bottom left - 0, bottom right - 1, top right - 2, top left - 3 |
| focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor | Focuses the requested workspace on the current monitor, swapping the current workspace to a different monitor if necessary. If you want XMonad/Qtile-style workspace switching, replace `workspace` in your config with this. | workspace |
| alterzorder | Modify the window stack order of the active or specified window. Note: this cannot be used to move a floating window behind a tiled one. | zheight[,window] |
| lockgroups | Locks the groups (all groups will not accept new windows) | `lock` for locking, `unlock` for unlocking, `toggle` for toggle |
| lockactivegroup | Lock the focused group (the current group will not accept new windows or be moved to other groups) | `lock` for locking, `unlock` for unlocking, `toggle` for toggle |
| moveoutofgroup | Moves the active window out of a group. No-op if not in a group | left empty / `active` for current, or `window` for a specific window |
| movewindoworgroup | Behaves as `moveintogroup` if there is a group in the given direction. Behaves as `moveoutofgroup` if there is no group in the given direction relative to the active group. Otherwise behaves like `movewindow`. | direction |
[uwsm](../../Useful-Utilities/Systemd-start) users should avoid using `exit` dispatcher, or terminating Hyprland process directly, as exiting Hyprland this way removes it from under its clients and interferes with ordered shutdown sequence. Use `exec, uwsm stop` (or [other variants](https://github.com/Vladimir-csp/uwsm#how-to-stop)) which will gracefully bring down graphical session (and login session bound to it, if any). If you experience problems with units entering inconsistent states, affecting subsequent sessions, use `exec, loginctl terminate-user ""` instead (terminates all units of the user).
The `fullscreenstate` dispatcher decouples the state that Hyprland maintains for a window from the fullscreen state that is communicated to the client.
`internal` is a reference to the state maintained by Hyprland.
`client` is a reference to the state that the application receives.
| Value | State | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| -1 | Current | Maintains the current fullscreen state. |
| 0 | None | Window allocates the space defined by the current layout. |
| 1 | Maximize | Window takes up the entire working space, keeping the margins. |
| 2 | Fullscreen | Window takes up the entire screen. |
| 3 | Maximize and Fullscreen | ??? |
For example:
`fullscreenstate 2 0` Fullscreens the application and keeps the client in non-fullscreen mode.
This can be used to prevent Chromium-based browsers from going into presentation mode when they detect they have been fullscreened.
`fullscreenstate 0 2` Keeps the window non-fullscreen, but the client goes into fullscreen mode within the window.
The `fullscreenstate` dispatcher is designed to replace the legacy `fullscreen`. The `fullscreen` dispatcher is planned for deprecation and will be removed in the future.