| bool | boolean, `true` or `false` (`yes` or `no`, `on` or `off`, `0` or `1`) - any numerical value that is not `0` or `1` will cause undefined behavior. |
| MOD | a string modmask (e.g. `SUPER` or `SUPERSHIFT` or `SUPER + SHIFT` or `SUPER and SHIFT` or `CTRL_SHIFT` or empty for none. You are allowed to put any separators you please except for a `,`) |
| gradient | a gradient, in the form of `color color ... [angle]` where `color` is a color (see above) and angle is an angle in degrees, in the format of `123deg` e.g. `45deg` (e.g. `rgba(11ee11ff) rgba(1111eeff) 45deg`) Angle is optional and will default to `0deg` |
| col.nogroup_border | inactive border color for window that cannot be added to a group (see `denywindowfromgroup` dispatcher) | gradient | 0xffffaaff |
| col.nogroup_border_active | active border color for window that cannot be added to a group | gradient | 0xffff00ff |
| no_focus_fallback | if true, will not fall back to the next available window when moving focus in a direction where no window was found | bool | false |
| apply_sens_to_raw | if on, will also apply the sensitivity to raw mouse output (e.g. sensitivity in games) **NOTICE:*****really*** not recommended. | bool | false |
| resize_on_border | enables resizing windows by clicking and dragging on borders and gaps | bool | false |
| extend_border_grab_area | extends the area around the border where you can click and drag on, only used when `general:resize_on_border` is on. | int | 15 |
| hover_icon_on_border | show a cursor icon when hovering over borders, only used when `general:resize_on_border` is on. | bool | true |
| screen_shader | a path to a custom shader to be applied at the end of rendering. See `examples/screenShader.frag` for an example. | str | \[\[Empty\]\] |
| passes | the amount of passes to perform | int | 1 |
| ignore_opacity | make the blur layer ignore the opacity of the window | bool | false |
| new_optimizations | whether to enable further optimizations to the blur. Recommended to leave on, as it will massively improve performance. | bool | true |
| xray | if enabled, floating windows will ignore tiled windows in their blur. Only available if blur_new_optimizations is true. Will reduce overhead on floating blur significantly. | bool | false |
| resolve_binds_by_sym | Determines how keybinds act when multiple layouts are used. If false, keybinds will always act as if the first specified layout were active. If true, keybinds specified by symbols activate if you type the respective symbol with the current layout. | bool | false |
| repeat_rate | The repeat rate for held-down keys, in repeats per second. | int | 25 |
| repeat_delay | Delay before a held-down key is repeated, in milliseconds. | int | 600 |
| sensitivity | Sets the mouse input sensitivity. Value will be clamped to the range -1.0 to 1.0. [libinput#pointer-acceleration](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/pointer-acceleration.html#pointer-acceleration) | float | 0.0 |
| accel_profile | Sets the cursor acceleration profile. Can be one of `adaptive`, `flat`. Can also be `custom`, see [below](#custom-accel-profiles). Leave empty to use `libinput`'s default mode for your input device. [libinput#pointer-acceleration](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/pointer-acceleration.html#pointer-acceleration) [adaptive/flat/custom]| str | \[\[Empty\]\]
| force_no_accel | Force no cursor acceleration. This bypasses most of your pointer settings to get as raw of a signal as possible. **Enabling this is not recommended due to potential cursor desynchronization.** | bool | false |
| scroll_points | Sets the scroll acceleration profile, when `accel_profile` is set to `custom`. Has to be in the form `<step> <points>`. Leave empty to have a flat scroll curve. | str | \[\[Empty\]\]
| scroll_method | Sets the scroll method. Can be one of `2fg` (2 fingers), `edge`, `on_button_down`, `no_scroll`. [libinput#scrolling](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/scrolling.html) [2fg/edge/on_button_down/no_scroll] | str | \[\[Empty\]\]
| scroll_button | Sets the scroll button. Has to be an int, cannot be a string. Check `wev` if you have any doubts regarding the ID. 0 means default. | int | 0 |
| scroll_button_lock | If the scroll button lock is enabled, the button does not need to be held down. Pressing and releasing the button once enables the button lock, the button is now considered logically held down. Pressing and releasing the button a second time logically releases the button. While the button is logically held down, motion events are converted to scroll events. | bool | 0 |
| scroll_factor | Multiplier added to scroll movement for external mice. Note that there is a separate setting for [touchpad scroll_factor](#touchpad). | float | 1.0 |
| mouse_refocus | If disabled and `follow_mouse=1` then mouse focus will not switch to the hovered window unless the mouse crosses a window boundary. | bool | true |
| float_switch_override_focus | If enabled (1 or 2), focus will change to the window under the cursor when changing from tiled-to-floating and vice versa. If 2, focus will also follow mouse on float-to-float switches. | int | 1 |
| special_fallthrough | if enabled, having only floating windows in the special workspace will not block focusing windows in the regular workspace. | bool | false |
| off_window_axis_events | Handles axis events around (gaps/border for tiled, dragarea/border for floated) a focused window. `0` ignores axis events `1` sends out-of-bound coordinates `2` fakes pointer coordinates to the closest point inside the window `3` warps the cursor to the closest point inside the window | int | 1 |
| middle_button_emulation | Sending LMB and RMB simultaneously will be interpreted as a middle click. This disables any touchpad area that would normally send a middle click based on location. [libinput#middle-button-emulation](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/middle-button-emulation.html) | bool | false |
| tap_button_map | Sets the tap button mapping for touchpad button emulation. Can be one of `lrm` (default) or `lmr` (Left, Middle, Right Buttons). [lrm/lmr] | str | \[\[Empty\]\] |
| clickfinger_behavior | Button presses with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will be mapped to LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively. This disables interpretation of clicks based on location on the touchpad. [libinput#clickfinger-behavior](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/clickpad-softbuttons.html#clickfinger-behavior) | bool | false |
| tap-to-click | Tapping on the touchpad with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will send LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively. | bool | true |
| drag_lock | When enabled, lifting the finger off for a short time while dragging will not drop the dragged item. [libinput#tap-and-drag](https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/tapping.html#tap-and-drag) | bool | false |
| transform | transform the input from touchdevices. The possible transformations are the same as [those of the monitors](../Monitors/#rotating) | int | 0 |
| output | the monitor to bind touch devices. The default is autodetection. To stop autotection use an empty string or the "\[\[Empty\]\]" value. | string | \[\[Auto\]\] |
| transform | transform the input from tablets. The possible transformations are the same as [those of the monitors](../Monitors/#rotating) | int | 0 |
| region_size | size of the mapped region. When this variable is set, tablet input will be mapped to the region. [0, 0] or invalid size means unset. | vec2 | [0, 0] |
| workspace_swipe_invert | invert the direction | bool | true |
| workspace_swipe_min_speed_to_force | minimum speed in px per timepoint to force the change ignoring `cancel_ratio`. Setting to `0` will disable this mechanic. | int | 30 |
| workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio | how much the swipe has to proceed in order to commence it. (0.7 -> if > 0.7 * distance, switch, if less, revert) [0.0 - 1.0] | float | 0.5 |
| workspace_swipe_direction_lock | if enabled, switching direction will be locked when you swipe past the `direction_lock_threshold` (touchpad only). | bool | true |
| workspace_swipe_direction_lock_threshold | in px, the distance to swipe before direction lock activates (touchpad only). | int | 10 |
| workspace_swipe_use_r | if enabled, swiping will use the `r` prefix instead of the `m` prefix for finding workspaces. (requires disabled `workspace_swipe_numbered`) | bool | false |
| col.splash | Changes the color of the splash text (requires a monitor reload to take effect). | color | 0xffffffff |
| splash_font_family | Changes the font used to render the splash text, selected from system fonts (requires a monitor reload to take effect). | string | Sans |
| force_default_wallpaper | Enforce any of the 3 default wallpapers. Setting this to `0` disables the anime background. `-1` means "random" [-1 - 3] | int | -1 |
| always_follow_on_dnd | Will make mouse focus follow the mouse when drag and dropping. Recommended to leave it enabled, especially for people using focus follows mouse at 0. | bool | true |
| layers_hog_keyboard_focus | If true, will make keyboard-interactive layers keep their focus on mouse move (e.g. wofi, bemenu) | bool | true |
| animate_manual_resizes | If true, will animate manual window resizes/moves | bool | false |
| animate_mouse_windowdragging | If true, will animate windows being dragged by mouse, note that this can cause weird behavior on some curves | bool | false |
| disable_autoreload | If true, the config will not reload automatically on save, and instead needs to be reloaded with `hyprctl reload`. Might save on battery. | bool | false |
| swallow_regex | The *class* regex to be used for windows that should be swallowed (usually, a terminal). To know more about the list of regex which can be used [use this cheatsheet](https://github.com/ziishaned/learn-regex/blob/master/README.md). | str | \[\[Empty\]\] |
| swallow_exception_regex | The *title* regex to be used for windows that should *not* be swallowed by the windows specified in swallow_regex (e.g. wev). The regex is matched against the parent (e.g. Kitty) window's title on the assumption that it changes to whatever process it's running. | str | \[\[Empty\]\] |
| no_direct_scanout | Disables direct scanout. Direct scanout attempts to reduce lag when there is only one fullscreen application on a screen (e.g. game). It is also recommended to set this to true if the fullscreen application shows graphical glitches. | bool | true |
| new_window_takes_over_fullscreen | if there is a fullscreen window, whether a new tiled window opened should replace the fullscreen one or stay behind. 0 - behind, 1 - takes over, 2 - unfullscreen the current fullscreen window [0/1/2] | int | 0 |
| pass_mouse_when_bound | if disabled, will not pass the mouse events to apps / dragging windows around if a keybind has been triggered. | bool | false |
| workspace_back_and_forth | If enabled, an attempt to switch to the currently focused workspace will instead switch to the previous workspace. Akin to i3's _auto_back_and_forth_. | bool | false |
| allow_workspace_cycles | If enabled, workspaces don't forget their previous workspace, so cycles can be created by switching to the first workspace in a sequence, then endlessly going to the previous workspace. | bool | false |
| workspace_center_on | Whether switching workspaces should center the cursor on the workspace (0) or on the last active window for that workspace (1) | int | 0 |
| focus_preferred_method | sets the preferred focus finding method when using `focuswindow`/`movewindow`/etc with a direction. 0 - history (recent have priority), 1 - length (longer shared edges have priority) | int | 0 |
| ignore_group_lock | If enabled, dispatchers like `moveintogroup`, `moveoutofgroup` and `movewindoworgroup` will ignore lock per group. | bool | false |
| movefocus_cycles_fullscreen | If enabled, when on a fullscreen window, `movefocus` will cycle fullscreen, if not, it will move the focus in a direction. | bool | true |
| nvidia_anti_flicker | reduces flickering on nvidia at the cost of possible frame drops on lower-end GPUs. On non-nvidia, this is ignored. | bool | true |
| force_introspection | forces introspection at all times. Introspection is aimed at reducing GPU usage in certain cases, but might cause graphical glitches on nvidia. 0 - nothing, 1 - force always on, 2 - force always on if nvidia | int | 2 |